Behind the scenes of the debates in the public eye and official negotiations, a covert arrangement of diplomatic channels and secret negotiations were carried out, providing an alternative avenue for dialogue and potential breakthroughs. Backchannel diplomacy, with its discreet and unconventional nature, played a significantly outstanding role in defining the trajectory of the conflict and its ultimate result. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the political significance of backchannel diplomacy during the Vietnam War (1954-1975). The study aims to analyze how backchannel diplomacy affected the course of the conflict and and its role in shaping its political outcomes. This thesis sheds light on the various aspects and theoretical frameworks of backchannel diplomacy following a thorough assessment of historical background of the war, as well as main political actors engaged in the Vietnam War. Backchannel diplomacy during the Vietnam War is carefully examined in this thesis, with a focus on important individuals and channels involved in covert conversations. Initially, it focuses on the efforts of achieving peace through a number of initiatives prior to the Paris Peace Talks 1973 and explain why there was no agreement reached only until the signing of the Paris Accords of 1972. Subsequently, the thesis delves specifically into Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho's roles in the Paris Peace Talks. The paper emphasizes on the Paris Peace Talks as a critical favorable condition for secret negotiations to developed without the disadvantages coming from the front channel. More importantly, the impact of backchannel diplomacy on military strategies, policy decisions, peace negotiations, and agreements that eventually shape the political aftermath of the ware will be analyzed in detail.
Dietro le quinte dei dibattiti pubblici e dei negoziati ufficiali, è stata portata avanti una disposizione segreta di canali diplomatici e negoziati segreti, fornendo una via alternativa per il dialogo e potenziali scoperte. La diplomazia backchannel, con la sua natura discreta e non convenzionale, ha svolto un ruolo significativamente eccezionale nel definire la traiettoria del conflitto e il suo risultato finale. Lo scopo di questa tesi è esplorare il significato politico della diplomazia backchannel durante la guerra del Vietnam (1954-1975). Lo studio si propone di analizzare come la diplomazia del backchannel abbia influenzato il corso del conflitto e il suo ruolo nel modellarne gli esiti politici. Questa tesi fa luce sui vari aspetti e quadri teorici della diplomazia backchannel dopo una valutazione approfondita del contesto storico della guerra, nonché dei principali attori politici impegnati nella guerra del Vietnam. La diplomazia del backchannel durante la guerra del Vietnam viene esaminata attentamente in questa tesi, con particolare attenzione agli individui e ai canali importanti coinvolti nelle conversazioni segrete. Inizialmente, si concentra sugli sforzi per raggiungere la pace attraverso una serie di iniziative precedenti ai colloqui di pace di Parigi del 1973 e spiega perché non fu raggiunto alcun accordo solo fino alla firma degli accordi di Parigi del 1972. Successivamente, la tesi approfondisce specificamente Henry Kissinger e il ruolo di Le Duc Tho nei colloqui di pace di Parigi. Il documento sottolinea i colloqui di pace di Parigi come una condizione critica favorevole affinché i negoziati segreti possano svilupparsi senza gli svantaggi provenienti dal canale del fronte. Ancora più importante, verrà analizzato in dettaglio l’impatto della diplomazia backchannel sulle strategie militari, sulle decisioni politiche, sui negoziati di pace e sugli accordi che alla fine determineranno le conseguenze politiche della guerra.
"Negoziati segreti e scoperte diplomatiche: uno studio sul significato politico della diplomazia del canale segreto durante la guerra del Vietnam 1954-1975"
Behind the scenes of the debates in the public eye and official negotiations, a covert arrangement of diplomatic channels and secret negotiations were carried out, providing an alternative avenue for dialogue and potential breakthroughs. Backchannel diplomacy, with its discreet and unconventional nature, played a significantly outstanding role in defining the trajectory of the conflict and its ultimate result. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the political significance of backchannel diplomacy during the Vietnam War (1954-1975). The study aims to analyze how backchannel diplomacy affected the course of the conflict and and its role in shaping its political outcomes. This thesis sheds light on the various aspects and theoretical frameworks of backchannel diplomacy following a thorough assessment of historical background of the war, as well as main political actors engaged in the Vietnam War. Backchannel diplomacy during the Vietnam War is carefully examined in this thesis, with a focus on important individuals and channels involved in covert conversations. Initially, it focuses on the efforts of achieving peace through a number of initiatives prior to the Paris Peace Talks 1973 and explain why there was no agreement reached only until the signing of the Paris Accords of 1972. Subsequently, the thesis delves specifically into Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho's roles in the Paris Peace Talks. The paper emphasizes on the Paris Peace Talks as a critical favorable condition for secret negotiations to developed without the disadvantages coming from the front channel. More importantly, the impact of backchannel diplomacy on military strategies, policy decisions, peace negotiations, and agreements that eventually shape the political aftermath of the ware will be analyzed in detail.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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