Metaphors are nowadays recognized as a pervasive part of everyday conversations and constitute a broad research domain, especially in the field of experimental pragmatics. However, despite decades of research, it is still unclear how the ability to comprehend metaphors develops and which factors are involved in its acquisition. Many studies focused on a possible relationship with Theory of Mind, supported by neuroimaging evidence concerning the activation of neural circuits involved in mindreading during metaphor comprehension tasks. Nevertheless, it is not clear yet which direction this type of relationship takes, and the studies’ results are rarely generalizable. Recent findings attributed the lack of generalizability to the heterogeneity in the type of task used, with different items properties leading to possibly different results, and to the age in which the relationship is investigated. Given this background, our study had two main aims: first, to analyze the possible differences in metaphorical understanding in the three different age groups, and second, to analyze how and if the relationship with Theory of Mind changes according to age and the type of task. To achieve these aims, we recruited typically developing children of three different ages. We decided to focus on middle-childhood (8, 9 and 10 years of age) since it has already been identified as a critical period for developing both Theory of Mind and metaphor comprehension and is therefore suitable for observing any age-related changes. We administered the two distinct metaphorical comprehension tasks in two different experiments. In experiment 1, we used a verbal explanation task in which the metaphors were placed in a minimal context and divided by type, i.e., physical and mental metaphors. In experiment 2, we used a self-paced reading task composed of stories including a metaphoric or a synonymic referent. Theory of Mind was assessed via the Strange Stories task. Regarding the first aim, results from experiment 1 showed that children’s ability to correctly link the topic to the vehicle and understand metaphors significantly improved only from age 9 to age 10, whilst their ability to give a mental interpretation to mental metaphors only improved earlier, from age 8 to age 9. Results from experiment 2 showed instead a gradual improvement among groups in the ability to link the topic to the vehicle when inserted in a narrative context. These findings suggest that children acquire earlier the ability to infer to which domain the metaphor belongs, i.e. physical or mental, but only later in development they manage to correctly recognize and verbally explain the relationship between the topic and the vehicle. Moreover, our findings support the hypothesis that the developmental pattern that characterizes metaphor comprehension depends on the type of task, with context positively influencing metaphor understanding at an earlier age. Concerning the second aim, findings from experiment 1 showed that ToM abilities support both metaphor comprehension and interpretation starting from 9 years of age when metaphors are presented with a minimal context, while experiment 2, in which metaphors were embedded in an informative context, highlighted a role to ToM from the age of 8. Our findings support the hypothesis that the relationship between metaphor comprehension and ToM changes according to the task and during development, diminishing as children get older, and add insights on the role of context and the network of inferences that it generates.
Le metafore sono oggi riconosciute come una parte pervasiva delle conversazioni quotidiane e costituiscono un ampio dominio di ricerca, specialmente nel campo della pragmatica sperimentale. Tuttavia, nonostante decenni di ricerca, non è ancora chiaro come si sviluppi l'abilità di comprendere le metafore e quali fattori siano coinvolti nella sua acquisizione. Molti studi si sono concentrati su una possibile relazione con la Teoria della Mente (ToM), supportata da studi di neuroimmagine riguardanti l'attivazione di circuiti neurali coinvolti nella lettura della mente durante compiti di comprensione metaforica. Non è però ancora chiaro quale direzione prenda questo tipo di relazione ed i risultati degli studi sono difficilmente generalizzabili. Lavori recenti hanno attribuito la mancanza di generalizzabilità alla fascia di età in cui viene indagata la relazione, all'eterogeneità del tipo di compito utilizzato e alle differenti proprietà degli stimoli sperimentali, che possono portare a risultati differenti. Alla luce di queste premesse, il nostro studio aveva due obiettivi principali: in primis, analizzare le possibili differenze nella comprensione metaforica nelle tre diverse fasce d'età, e, in secondo luogo, analizzare se e come il rapporto con la ToM cambia a seconda dell'età e del tipo di compito. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi, abbiamo reclutato bambini con sviluppo tipico di tre età diverse. Abbiamo deciso di concentrarci sulla media infanzia (8, 9 e 10 anni di età), in quanto identificata come un periodo critico per lo sviluppo sia della ToM che della comprensione metaforica e quindi adatta all’osservazione di eventuali cambiamenti legati all'età. Abbiamo poi somministrato due differenti compiti di comprensione metaforica in due diversi esperimenti. Nell'esperimento 1, abbiamo utilizzato un compito di spiegazione verbale in cui le metafore erano inserite in un contesto minimo e divise per tipo: metafore fisiche e mentali. Nell'esperimento 2, abbiamo utilizzato un compito di lettura composto da storie che includevano o un referente metaforico o un referente sinonimico. La ToM è stata valutata tramite il compito delle Strange Stories. Per quanto riguarda il primo obiettivo, i risultati dell'esperimento 1 hanno mostrato che la capacità dei bambini di collegare correttamente il topic al veicolo e di comprendere le metafore migliora in modo significativo solo dai 9 anni ai 10 anni, mentre la capacità di fornire un'interpretazione mentale alle metafore mentali migliora prima, dagli 8 ai 9 anni. I risultati dell'esperimento 2 hanno invece mostrato un graduale miglioramento tra i gruppi nella capacità di collegare il topic al veicolo quando le metafore sono inserite in un contesto narrativo. Questi risultati suggeriscono che i bambini acquisiscono prima la capacità di inferire a quale dominio appartiene la metafora, cioè fisico o mentale, e solo più tardi nello sviluppo riescono a riconoscere correttamente e spiegare verbalmente la relazione tra il topic e il veicolo. Inoltre, i nostri risultati supportano l'ipotesi che il modello di sviluppo che caratterizza la comprensione metaforica dipenda dal tipo di compito e dal contesto che influenza positivamente la comprensione della metafora nei bambini più piccoli. Per quanto riguarda il secondo obiettivo, i risultati dell'esperimento 1 hanno mostrato che le abilità di ToM supportano sia la comprensione che l'interpretazione delle metafore a partire dai 9 anni quando le metafore sono presentate con un contesto minimo, mentre l'esperimento 2 ha evidenziato un ruolo della ToM già a partire dagli 8 anni quando le metafore sono inserite in un contesto informativo. I nostri risultati supportano quindi l'ipotesi che la relazione tra comprensione delle metafore e ToM cambi a seconda del compito e durante lo sviluppo, diminuendo man mano che i bambini crescono, e contribuiscono a chiarire il ruolo del contesto e la rete di inferenze che esso genera.
“All the frogs at the poolside for taking attendance!”: A developmental perspective on the relationship between Theory of Mind and Metaphor Comprehension in referential contexts
Metaphors are nowadays recognized as a pervasive part of everyday conversations and constitute a broad research domain, especially in the field of experimental pragmatics. However, despite decades of research, it is still unclear how the ability to comprehend metaphors develops and which factors are involved in its acquisition. Many studies focused on a possible relationship with Theory of Mind, supported by neuroimaging evidence concerning the activation of neural circuits involved in mindreading during metaphor comprehension tasks. Nevertheless, it is not clear yet which direction this type of relationship takes, and the studies’ results are rarely generalizable. Recent findings attributed the lack of generalizability to the heterogeneity in the type of task used, with different items properties leading to possibly different results, and to the age in which the relationship is investigated. Given this background, our study had two main aims: first, to analyze the possible differences in metaphorical understanding in the three different age groups, and second, to analyze how and if the relationship with Theory of Mind changes according to age and the type of task. To achieve these aims, we recruited typically developing children of three different ages. We decided to focus on middle-childhood (8, 9 and 10 years of age) since it has already been identified as a critical period for developing both Theory of Mind and metaphor comprehension and is therefore suitable for observing any age-related changes. We administered the two distinct metaphorical comprehension tasks in two different experiments. In experiment 1, we used a verbal explanation task in which the metaphors were placed in a minimal context and divided by type, i.e., physical and mental metaphors. In experiment 2, we used a self-paced reading task composed of stories including a metaphoric or a synonymic referent. Theory of Mind was assessed via the Strange Stories task. Regarding the first aim, results from experiment 1 showed that children’s ability to correctly link the topic to the vehicle and understand metaphors significantly improved only from age 9 to age 10, whilst their ability to give a mental interpretation to mental metaphors only improved earlier, from age 8 to age 9. Results from experiment 2 showed instead a gradual improvement among groups in the ability to link the topic to the vehicle when inserted in a narrative context. These findings suggest that children acquire earlier the ability to infer to which domain the metaphor belongs, i.e. physical or mental, but only later in development they manage to correctly recognize and verbally explain the relationship between the topic and the vehicle. Moreover, our findings support the hypothesis that the developmental pattern that characterizes metaphor comprehension depends on the type of task, with context positively influencing metaphor understanding at an earlier age. Concerning the second aim, findings from experiment 1 showed that ToM abilities support both metaphor comprehension and interpretation starting from 9 years of age when metaphors are presented with a minimal context, while experiment 2, in which metaphors were embedded in an informative context, highlighted a role to ToM from the age of 8. Our findings support the hypothesis that the relationship between metaphor comprehension and ToM changes according to the task and during development, diminishing as children get older, and add insights on the role of context and the network of inferences that it generates.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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