This paper aims at analysing the gender unemployment gap (GUG) in European countries (plus Japan and USA to have a comparison with the rest of the world) and how it changed during the years of pandemic. The GUG is defined as the difference between female and male unemployment rates. The unemployment rates are taken from the Eurostat Dataset that takes into consideration monthly data from 2018 until 2022. The years are divided as pre, during and post Covid period. The general dataset is divided into high-income countries (HIC) and low-income (LIC) ones based on the average of their Gross Domestic Product of 2017. The explorative analysis of the data shows that GUG levels in LIC are more heterogeneous while in HIC the GUG levels are more homogeneous. The study proceeds with a Panel data Analysis that analyses the Covid, lockdown effects and the interaction between these two coefficients (Covid*Lockdown) on GUG data for both groups. Highlighting a significant Covid effect on GUG for both groups in 2020-2021. A more detailed analysis on Italy and Germany shows the different effects of Covid-19 on these 2 countries, it is interesting to notice that in Italy the statistical model does not show Covid effects on GUG, while for Germany the effects are present, but in the post Covid period (2022). Another interesting difference between these two countries is to notice that in Germany the GUG is negative, the female unemployment rate is lower than the male one. In conclusion it’s possible to see that European GUG is affected by the pandemic, more for LI countries than for HI ones, this because of a difference in the strength of the labour market. Generally, we can say that Covid Pandemic was a shock in the labour market that affected the GUG rates, but only during its presence, while in 2022 the levels were back to the levels of 2019.
Questa tesi vuole analizzare la differenza di genere nella disoccupazione (DGD) negli stati europei (più Giappone e Stati Uniti, per avere un confronto con il resto del mondo) e come questo dato sia variato durante gli anni di pandemia. La DGD è data dalla differenza tra i tassi di disoccupazione femminili e quelli maschili. I tassi di disoccupazione sono presi dal Dataset di Eurostat che prende in considerazione i dati mensili dal 2018 al 2022. Nell’analisi i dati sono divisi in tre periodi temporali pre, durante e post Covid. Il dataset è diviso in 2 gruppi: stati ad alto reddito e stati a basso reddito; la divisione è stata fatta in base alla media del loro PIL nel 2017. L’analisi esplorativa dei dati ci mostra che la DGD ha valori eterogenei negli stati a basso reddito, mentre più omogenei negli stati ad alto reddito. Lo studio procede poi con un’analisi statistica dei dati panel che vuole analizzare gli effetti del covid, del Lockdown e dell’interazione covid*lockdown sul DGD per entrambi i gruppi. Questa analisi ci mostra un decremento significativo del DGD nel 2020-2021. Un’analisi più dettagliata è stata fatta per Italia e Germania per vedere i diversi impatti che il Covid ha avuto su questi due stati. Interessante da notare è che in Italia il modello statistico non mostra effetti significativi del Covid sul DGD, mentre in Germania gli effetti sono presenti, ma nel periodo post Covid (2022). Un’altra interessante differenza è notare come la DGD tedesca sia negativa, il tasso di disoccupazione femminile è più basso di quello maschile. In conclusione, possiamo vedere the il DGD europeo è stato colpito dalla pandemia, di più negli stati a basso reddito che in quelli ad alto reddito. In generale possiamo dire che la Pandemia è stata uno shock che ha modificato i livelli di DGD, ma solo durante la sua presenza, nel 2022 i livelli sono tornati a quelli del 2019.
Gender Unemployment Gap in Europe: did Covid-19 affect it? A focus on Italy and Germany
This paper aims at analysing the gender unemployment gap (GUG) in European countries (plus Japan and USA to have a comparison with the rest of the world) and how it changed during the years of pandemic. The GUG is defined as the difference between female and male unemployment rates. The unemployment rates are taken from the Eurostat Dataset that takes into consideration monthly data from 2018 until 2022. The years are divided as pre, during and post Covid period. The general dataset is divided into high-income countries (HIC) and low-income (LIC) ones based on the average of their Gross Domestic Product of 2017. The explorative analysis of the data shows that GUG levels in LIC are more heterogeneous while in HIC the GUG levels are more homogeneous. The study proceeds with a Panel data Analysis that analyses the Covid, lockdown effects and the interaction between these two coefficients (Covid*Lockdown) on GUG data for both groups. Highlighting a significant Covid effect on GUG for both groups in 2020-2021. A more detailed analysis on Italy and Germany shows the different effects of Covid-19 on these 2 countries, it is interesting to notice that in Italy the statistical model does not show Covid effects on GUG, while for Germany the effects are present, but in the post Covid period (2022). Another interesting difference between these two countries is to notice that in Germany the GUG is negative, the female unemployment rate is lower than the male one. In conclusion it’s possible to see that European GUG is affected by the pandemic, more for LI countries than for HI ones, this because of a difference in the strength of the labour market. Generally, we can say that Covid Pandemic was a shock in the labour market that affected the GUG rates, but only during its presence, while in 2022 the levels were back to the levels of 2019.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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