This master's thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex interplay between transformational leadership, motivation, and job satisfaction while addressing a gap in the current research landscape, specifically focusing on the mediating role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The data analysis, collected through a questionnaire and processed using IBM SPSS and IBM AMOS software, reveals key insights into the factors that influence employee motivation and, indirectly, job satisfaction. Notably, "Vision," "Innovative thinking," "Empowerment," "Supportive leadership," "Staff development," and "Lead by example" emerge as pivotal drivers of motivation and, subsequently, job satisfaction. Importantly, the findings indicate that there is no direct effect of transformational leadership on employees' job satisfaction. This observation leads to the conclusion that remote leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic did not significantly alter employees' perceptions and judgments regarding their motivation. However, it may have influenced the primary leadership drivers that directly impact job satisfaction. The study also identifies specific intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors that strongly influence job satisfaction. The most influential intrinsic motivation factors include "Working overtime without pay," "Job worth the effort," "Work satisfaction," and "Very satisfied with job." On the other hand, the most relevant extrinsic motivation factors are "Compensation motivation system," "Promotion possibilities stimulate to work hard," "Enthusiastic salary level," and "Existing promotion possibilities." Furthermore, the research reveals that intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and the first job satisfaction scale (27-31), while extrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and the second job satisfaction scale (32-37). Additionally, the study finds no substantial gender-based differences in how subordinates evaluate their leaders or rate intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors and job satisfaction factors. As expected, the results show that flexible and creative workplaces are more successful in implementing transformational leadership compared to highly hierarchical and bureaucratic organizations. Despite its valuable insights, the master's thesis acknowledges several limitations. It is cross-sectional in nature, relying solely on quantitative data collection. Multicollinearity issues exist among the variables of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation scales with the first (27-31) and second (32-37) job satisfaction scales respectively, which were addressed through multiple linear regression analysis by separating highly correlated items. Moreover, contextual factors may influence the results, introducing a level of complexity. Future researchers have to keep in mind these limitations.
Questa tesi magistrale offre un’analisi approfondita della complessa interazione tra leadership trasformazionale, motivazione e soddisfazione lavorativa, colmando una lacuna nel panorama attuale della ricerca, in particolare sul ruolo della motivazione intrinseca ed estrinseca come mediatore tra la leadership trasformazionale e la soddisfazione lavorativa. L’analisi dei dati, raccolti attraverso un questionario ed elaborati tramite i software IBM SPSS e IBM AMOS, ha rilevato nuovi e importanti elementi sui fattori che influenzano la motivazione dei dipendenti e indirettamente la soddisfazione lavorativa. In particolare, “Vision”, “Pensiero innovativo”, “Empowerment”, “Leadership di supporto”, “Sviluppo del personale” e “Guidare con l’esempio” emergono come driver cruciali della motivazione e, conseguentemente, della soddisfazione lavorativa. I risultati indicano in modo significativo che non c'è un effetto diretto della leadership trasformazionale sulla soddisfazione lavorativa dei dipendenti. Questa osservazione porta alla conclusione che la leadership da remoto durante la pandemia da Covid-19 non ha alterato significativamente le percezioni e i giudizi dei dipendenti sulla loro motivazione. Tuttavia, potrebbe aver influenzato i principali fattori di leadership che impattano direttamente sulla soddisfazione lavorativa. Lo studio identifica inoltre specifici fattori di motivazione intrinseca ed estrinseca che influenzano fortemente la soddisfazione lavorativa. I fattori di motivazione intrinseca più influenti includono "Lavorare oltre l'orario senza stipendio", "Il lavoro vale lo sforzo", "La soddisfazione a lavoro" e "Essere molto soddisfatto del lavoro". Dall’altro lato, i fattori di motivazione estrinseca più rilevanti comprendono "Il sistema di compensazione motivazionale", "Le possibilità di promozione stimolano a lavorare sodo", "Livello salariale entusiasmante" e "Le possibilità di promozione esistenti". Inoltre, la ricerca rivela che la motivazione intrinseca media la relazione tra leadership trasformazionale e la prima scala di soddisfazione lavorativa (27-31), mentre la motivazione estrinseca media la relazione tra leadership trasformazionale e la seconda scala di soddisfazione lavorativa (32-37). Lo studio, inoltre, non trova differenze sostanziali basate sul genere nel modo in cui i dipendenti subordinati valutano i loro leader, i fattori di motivazione intrinseca ed estrinseca e i fattori di soddisfazione lavorativa. Come previsto, i risultati mostrano che i luoghi di lavoro flessibili e creativi hanno più successo nell'implementare la leadership trasformazionale rispetto alle organizzazioni altamente gerarchiche e burocratiche. Nonostante le preziose scoperte ed intuizioni, questa tesi presenta diversi limiti. In particolar modo, è di natura trasversale, basandosi esclusivamente sulla raccolta di dati quantitativi. Presenta problemi di multicollinearità tra le variabili delle scale di motivazione intrinseca ed estrinseca con rispettivamente la prima (27-31) e la seconda (32-37) scala di soddisfazione lavorativa che sono stati affrontati attraverso un'analisi di regressione lineare multipla separando gli elementi altamente correlati. Inoltre, diversi fattori contestuali non considerati in questo studio potrebbero influenzare i risultati, introducendo un ulteriore livello di complessità. I futuri ricercatori dovranno tenere in considerazione queste limitazioni.
The effect of transformational leadership on employees’ motivation and job satisfaction with the mediation impact of motivation in improving job satisfaction: implication for businesses after Covid-19 pandemic
This master's thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex interplay between transformational leadership, motivation, and job satisfaction while addressing a gap in the current research landscape, specifically focusing on the mediating role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The data analysis, collected through a questionnaire and processed using IBM SPSS and IBM AMOS software, reveals key insights into the factors that influence employee motivation and, indirectly, job satisfaction. Notably, "Vision," "Innovative thinking," "Empowerment," "Supportive leadership," "Staff development," and "Lead by example" emerge as pivotal drivers of motivation and, subsequently, job satisfaction. Importantly, the findings indicate that there is no direct effect of transformational leadership on employees' job satisfaction. This observation leads to the conclusion that remote leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic did not significantly alter employees' perceptions and judgments regarding their motivation. However, it may have influenced the primary leadership drivers that directly impact job satisfaction. The study also identifies specific intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors that strongly influence job satisfaction. The most influential intrinsic motivation factors include "Working overtime without pay," "Job worth the effort," "Work satisfaction," and "Very satisfied with job." On the other hand, the most relevant extrinsic motivation factors are "Compensation motivation system," "Promotion possibilities stimulate to work hard," "Enthusiastic salary level," and "Existing promotion possibilities." Furthermore, the research reveals that intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and the first job satisfaction scale (27-31), while extrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and the second job satisfaction scale (32-37). Additionally, the study finds no substantial gender-based differences in how subordinates evaluate their leaders or rate intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors and job satisfaction factors. As expected, the results show that flexible and creative workplaces are more successful in implementing transformational leadership compared to highly hierarchical and bureaucratic organizations. Despite its valuable insights, the master's thesis acknowledges several limitations. It is cross-sectional in nature, relying solely on quantitative data collection. Multicollinearity issues exist among the variables of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation scales with the first (27-31) and second (32-37) job satisfaction scales respectively, which were addressed through multiple linear regression analysis by separating highly correlated items. Moreover, contextual factors may influence the results, introducing a level of complexity. Future researchers have to keep in mind these limitations.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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