The Asian financial crisis that occurred in the late 1990s had a significant impact on the global economy, exposing weaknesses in emerging market economies (EMEs) and prompting efforts to develop stronger financial systems. The notion of "original sin" encompasses the inherent limitation faced by emerging market economies (EMEs) in obtaining loans denominated in their domestic currency, hence rendering them vulnerable to external disturbances. The present analysis reveals the progression of original sin dynamics and its correlation with the extent and growth of domestic public bond markets. It is observed that the growth of the bond market is of significant importance in the attraction of international investments and the mitigation of dependence on foreign currency debt. This analysis explores the achievements and obstacles associated with inflation targeting frameworks, with specific attention given to the case of South Korea. Inflation targeting has emerged as a significant strategy for emerging market economies (EMEs) in effectively regulating inflation and attaining economic stability. The impact of inflation targeting on foreign investments in bond markets is found to be substantial, leading to a notable reduction in the phenomenon known as "original sin." The financial crisis that occurred in the late 1990s had a significant and enduring effect on emerging market economies (EMEs), prompting them to undertake a reassessment of their financial policies. During the period following a crisis, the implementation of inflation targeting, alongside the expansion of domestic bond markets, has played a substantial role in mitigating the effects of the original sin. This study highlights the crucial significance of robust local financial infrastructure and cautious monetary policies in effectively addressing the complexities of global finance.
La presente tesi magistrale si propone di esplorare e analizzare la complessa interconnessione tra la crisi finanziaria asiatica degli anni '90, l'adozione del regime di inflation targeting in Corea del Sud e il processo di dissipazione del cosiddetto “Original Sin”. Partendo dall'analisi delle radici e delle implicazioni della crisi finanziaria asiatica, si indagherà sulla sua influenza diretta e duratura sull'economia coreana. Attraverso un approfondimento del concetto di "peccato originale," si esploreranno le sfide intrinseche che le economie emergenti, in particolare la Corea del Sud, devono affrontare nel reperire finanziamenti denominati nella propria valuta nazionale. Il nucleo centrale della tesi si concentrerà sull'implementazione del regime di inflation targeting, con particolare attenzione ai dettagli dell'esperienza della Corea del Sud. Saranno esaminati i successi e le sfide di questo approccio nel gestire l'inflazione e stabilizzare l'economia. Infine, si analizzerà il processo di dissipazione del “peccato originale”, evidenziando come le politiche post-crisi, inclusa l'adozione del targeting dell'inflazione e lo sviluppo dei mercati obbligazionari locali, abbiano contribuito a mitigarne gli effetti. Attraverso questa indagine completa, la tesi mira a fornire una visione approfondita della risposta della Corea del Sud alla crisi asiatica, evidenziando come l'implementazione del regime di inflation targeting possa influire significativamente sulla dissipazione del peccato originale e sulla stabilità economica complessiva.
Unraveling Financial Challenges: The Asian Crisis and Inflation Targeting in South Korea, Unraveling the Original Sin
The Asian financial crisis that occurred in the late 1990s had a significant impact on the global economy, exposing weaknesses in emerging market economies (EMEs) and prompting efforts to develop stronger financial systems. The notion of "original sin" encompasses the inherent limitation faced by emerging market economies (EMEs) in obtaining loans denominated in their domestic currency, hence rendering them vulnerable to external disturbances. The present analysis reveals the progression of original sin dynamics and its correlation with the extent and growth of domestic public bond markets. It is observed that the growth of the bond market is of significant importance in the attraction of international investments and the mitigation of dependence on foreign currency debt. This analysis explores the achievements and obstacles associated with inflation targeting frameworks, with specific attention given to the case of South Korea. Inflation targeting has emerged as a significant strategy for emerging market economies (EMEs) in effectively regulating inflation and attaining economic stability. The impact of inflation targeting on foreign investments in bond markets is found to be substantial, leading to a notable reduction in the phenomenon known as "original sin." The financial crisis that occurred in the late 1990s had a significant and enduring effect on emerging market economies (EMEs), prompting them to undertake a reassessment of their financial policies. During the period following a crisis, the implementation of inflation targeting, alongside the expansion of domestic bond markets, has played a substantial role in mitigating the effects of the original sin. This study highlights the crucial significance of robust local financial infrastructure and cautious monetary policies in effectively addressing the complexities of global finance.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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