Attachment and social skills represent two great pillars during individuals’ cognitive, social and emotional development. This work aims to analyze and understand how these two constructs interact with each other through a systematic review of the literature, investigating in particular the attachment to father, which has been less researched in the literature and considered as a minor object of interest for scientific research compared to maternal attachment, even if in recent decades the presence of the fathers in children’s lives is increasing. The first chapters focus on the illustration of the constructs relating to attachment – investigating in particular the paternal role – and social skills during development. Finally, in the introductory part, the origins and characteristics of the systematic literature review in psychology are described. This systematic review of the literature, guided by the PRISMA method (PRISMA2020), included 19 studies, selected through clear and defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, which allow good reliability and replicability of the results. From the results of this systematic review, we were able to understand that, during early childhood and adolescence, paternal attachment and social skills are interconnected variables, sometimes even through a causal relationship. Instead, during middle childhood the results are more heterogeneous and present various disagreements with each other. As regards childhood, however, only one study was considered, which did not present any correlation between the variables.
L’attaccamento e l’acquisizione delle competenze sociali rappresentano due grandi pilastri durante lo sviluppo cognitivo, sociale ed emotivo degli individui. Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare e comprendere come questi due costrutti interagiscono tra loro attraverso una revisione sistematica della letteratura, indagando in particolar modo l’attaccamento alla figura paterna, da sempre meno ricercato nella letteratura e considerato oggetto d’interesse per la ricerca scientifica rispetto all’attaccamento materno, ma che negli ultimi decenti sta emergendo sempre maggiormente nella vita dei bambini e dei ragazzi in età evolutiva. I primi capitoli vertono sull’illustrazione dei costrutti relativi l’attaccamento, indagando in particolar modo il ruolo del padre, e le competenze sociali nel corso dello sviluppo. Nella parte introduttiva, infine, vengono descritte le origini e le caratteristiche della revisione sistematica della letteratura in psicologia, ovvero una specifica tipologia di rassegna della letteratura che utilizza una metodologia chiara e definita. In questa revisione sistematica della letteratura, guidata dal metodo PRISMA, sono stati inclusi 19 studi, selezionati attraverso criteri d’inclusione e d’esclusione, riportati con chiarezza e trasparenza nella revisione, che consentono una buona affidabilità e replicabilità dei risultati. Dai risultati di questa revisione sistematica della letteratura è emerso che durante la prima fanciullezza e l’adolescenza l’attaccamento paterno e lo sviluppo delle competenze sociali sono variabili interconnesse, talvolta anche attraverso un rapporto causale, mentre durante la media fanciullezza i risultati sono più eterogenei e presentano vari disaccordi tra loro. Per quanto riguarda l’infanzia è stato, invece, considerato un solo studio, che non presenta alcuna correlazione tra le variabili indagate.
Il legame tra l'attaccamento paterno e lo sviluppo delle competenze sociali: una revisione sistematica della letteratura
Attachment and social skills represent two great pillars during individuals’ cognitive, social and emotional development. This work aims to analyze and understand how these two constructs interact with each other through a systematic review of the literature, investigating in particular the attachment to father, which has been less researched in the literature and considered as a minor object of interest for scientific research compared to maternal attachment, even if in recent decades the presence of the fathers in children’s lives is increasing. The first chapters focus on the illustration of the constructs relating to attachment – investigating in particular the paternal role – and social skills during development. Finally, in the introductory part, the origins and characteristics of the systematic literature review in psychology are described. This systematic review of the literature, guided by the PRISMA method (PRISMA2020), included 19 studies, selected through clear and defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, which allow good reliability and replicability of the results. From the results of this systematic review, we were able to understand that, during early childhood and adolescence, paternal attachment and social skills are interconnected variables, sometimes even through a causal relationship. Instead, during middle childhood the results are more heterogeneous and present various disagreements with each other. As regards childhood, however, only one study was considered, which did not present any correlation between the variables.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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