Over the years, research has investigated the role of emotions within memory processes, to understand their level of influence and related functioning. Part of it has found that the self-image can be one of the emotional components capable of influencing the accuracy of the recollection of memory traces, since our image is constantly the object of evaluation (external or personal) from which experiences can derive and positive emotions such as discontent and pain. According to the mnemic neglect model developed by Sedikides et al. (2004) individuals would tend to form weaker memory connections with information that is threatening to the self, in order to protect our image from what could diminish its value and effectiveness. This would result in a self-protection mechanism which would place greater importance, with greater probability of correct recall, on positive feedback compared to negative feedback at the expense of greater global accuracy. In this thesis the main concepts of the basic constructs, namely memory (components and neuroanatomy) and self-image, have been exposed. Subsequently, a review was presented on what has been developed over the years regarding emotional memory and the points of contact with the self-image within memory processes; finally, the research referred to and the study conducted to detect the presence of the self-protection mechanism within a memory test relating to positive and negative information were exposed.
Negli anni la ricerca ha indagato il ruolo delle emozioni all’interno dei processi di memoria, per capirne il livello di influenza e il relativo funzionamento. Una parte di essa ha riscontrato come l’immagine di sé possa essere una delle componenti emotive in grado di condizionare l’accuratezza della rievocazione delle tracce mnestiche, poiché la nostra immagine è costantemente oggetto di valutazione (esterna o personale) da cui possono derivare esperienze ed emozioni positive come di malcontento e dolore. Secondo il modello di negligenza mnestica elaborato da Sedikides et al. (2004) gli individui tenderebbero a formare connessioni mnestiche più deboli con le informazioni minacciose per il sé, al fine di tutelare la nostra immagine da ciò che potrebbe sminuirla in valore ed efficacia. Da ciò ne deriverebbe un meccanismo di autoprotezione che andrebbe a porre maggior rilevanza, con maggiori probabilità di rievocazione corretta, ai feedback positivi rispetto a quelli di tipo negativo a scapito di una maggior accuratezza globale. In questa tesi sono stati esposti i principali concetti dei costrutti di base ovvero la memoria (componenti e neuroanatomia) e l’immagine di sé. Successivamente è stata esposta una rassegna su quanto elaborato negli anni riguardo la memoria emotiva e i punti di contatto con l’immagine di sé all’interno dei processi memoria; infine sono stati esposti la ricerca a cui si è fatto riferimento e lo studio condotto per rilevare la presenza del meccanismo di autoprotezione all’interno di un test di memoria inerente alle informazioni positive e negative.
Il modello di negligenza mnestica: uno studio sperimentale sui meccanismi di autoprotezione nella memoria
Over the years, research has investigated the role of emotions within memory processes, to understand their level of influence and related functioning. Part of it has found that the self-image can be one of the emotional components capable of influencing the accuracy of the recollection of memory traces, since our image is constantly the object of evaluation (external or personal) from which experiences can derive and positive emotions such as discontent and pain. According to the mnemic neglect model developed by Sedikides et al. (2004) individuals would tend to form weaker memory connections with information that is threatening to the self, in order to protect our image from what could diminish its value and effectiveness. This would result in a self-protection mechanism which would place greater importance, with greater probability of correct recall, on positive feedback compared to negative feedback at the expense of greater global accuracy. In this thesis the main concepts of the basic constructs, namely memory (components and neuroanatomy) and self-image, have been exposed. Subsequently, a review was presented on what has been developed over the years regarding emotional memory and the points of contact with the self-image within memory processes; finally, the research referred to and the study conducted to detect the presence of the self-protection mechanism within a memory test relating to positive and negative information were exposed.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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