The policies and practices of containment and deportation are a controversial aspect of global migration management due to their humanitarian implications. The European Union is quite explicit about its political goal of preventing asylum seekers from reaching their borders and territory. This political objective is defined as "containment", concretized through a series of policies implemented in order to place greater control over national borders and limit the freedom of movement - or permanence - of migrants on the territory. In this political landscape, the Mediterranean countries have been included in bilateral agreements containing return and readmission clauses, becoming a real buffer zone in which unwanted migrants can filter. The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (RVAR) programmes are part of the policy framework of containment: they allow migrants from a third country to return to the country through individual return and accompanying socio-economic reintegration projects. In practice, these are readmission practices, an invitation for migrants to leave the territory in a "voluntary" way, proposing a solution that connects migration and development and, at the same time, represents an alternative to rejections and forced returns. The "voluntary" repatriation is, therefore, an expulsion device that relies on the "voluntariness" of migrants to return to their country of origin, but in fact taking up the schemes of rejection and forced return. In order to analyse the characteristics of return migration and the structure of the "voluntary return" programmes, the concept of "return" and its implications and that of "reintegration" – in relation to the proposed arrangements – have been considered, but also the endogenous and exogenous variables that determine the success of these projects. The final objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of RVAR programmes as assistance tools for migrants in their reintegration into their country of origin. Reintegration is, in fact, the most important phase of the process and necessary prerequisite to consider a return successful and evaluate its sustainability. In order to carry out this research, three primary sources of data collection were implemented: first, an analysis of literature and policies on return migration, return programmes and the reintegration process; secondly, an analysis of data on returns from the various countries of destination and in the countries of origin. Finally, the collection of primary data through field experience at the Non-governmental Organization (NGO) CIES ("Information and Development Education Center") Section Tunisie in the period September-December 2023. During the research period, a mixed ethnographic approach was adopted in data collection: participant observation (assisting the work of return counsellors, listening to and documenting their experience in the field of return), qualitative and semi-structured interviews with returnees (in the context of visits planned and organised by CIES consultants) and with the organisation’s operators. Further interviews were carried out with partners of CIES Tunisie: Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati Onlus (CIR), IRARA (partner of FRONTEX), Service Sociale International Suisse (SSI Suisse).
Le politiche e pratiche di contenimento e deportazione costituiscono un aspetto controverso della gestione migratoria a livello globale per le loro implicazioni sul piano umanitario. L'Unione Europea è abbastanza esplicita riguardo al suo obiettivo politico di impedire ai richiedenti asilo di raggiungere i propri confini e territorio. Questo obiettivo politico viene definito “contenimento”, concretizzato attraverso una serie di politiche implementate al fine di porre un maggior controllo sulle frontiere nazionali e limitare la libertà di movimento – o permanenza – dei migranti sul territorio. In questo panorama politico, i paesi del Mediterraneo sono stati inclusi in accordi bilaterali contenenti clausole di rimpatrio e di riammissione, diventando una vera e propria zona cuscinetto in cui filtrare i migranti indesiderati. I programmi di Ritorno Volontario Assistito e Reintegrazione (RVAR) rientrano nel quadro politico del contenimento: essi permettono a migranti provenienti da un paese terzo di farvi ritorno attraverso progetti individuali di rimpatrio e accompagnamento al reinserimento socioeconomico. Nella pratica, si tratta di pratiche di riammissione, un invito per i migranti a lasciare il territorio in maniera “volontaria”, proponendo una soluzione che metta in relazione migrazione e sviluppo e che, al contempo, costituisca un’alternativa a respingimenti e ritorni forzati. Il rimpatrio “volontario” risulta, dunque, un dispositivo di espulsione che fa leva sulla “volontarietà” dei migranti di tornare nel proprio paese d'origine, ma riprendendo di fatto gli schemi di respingimento e ritorno forzato. Al fine di approfondire le caratteristiche della migrazione di ritorno e analizzare la struttura dei programmi di “ritorno volontario”, si è ragionato sia sul concetto di “ritorno” e le sue implicazioni che su quello di “reintegrazione”, in relazione ai dispositivi proposti, ma anche alle variabili endogene ed esogene che determinano la riuscita di questi progetti. Obiettivo finale di questo studio è stato quello di indagare sull’efficacia dei programmi RVAR come misure di accompagnamento dei migranti nella fase di reinserimento nel paese di origine. La reintegrazione è, infatti, la fase più importante del processo e prerequisito necessario per ritenere un ritorno riuscito e valutarne la sostenibilità. Per la realizzazione di questa ricerca, si è fatto riferimento a tre fonti primarie di raccolta dei dati: prima di tutto, un'analisi della letteratura e delle politiche in merito a migrazioni di ritorno, programmi di rimpatrio e processo di reintegrazione; in secondo luogo, un’analisi dei dati sui rimpatri dai vari Paesi di destinazione e nei Paesi di origine. Infine, la raccolta di dati primari attraverso l’esperienza sul campo presso l’Organizzazione Non Governativa (ONG) CIES (“Centro Informazione e Educazione allo Sviluppo”) Section Tunisie nei mesi di settembre-dicembre 2023. Nel corso del periodo di ricerca, è stato adottato un approccio etnografico misto nella raccolta dati: osservazione partecipante (assistere il lavoro dei consulenti di ritorno, ascoltando e documentando la loro esperienza nel settore dei rimpatri), interviste qualitative e semi-strutturate con i rimpatriati (nel contesto delle visite previste e organizzate dai consulenti CIES) e con gli operatori dell’organizzazione. Ulteriori interviste sono poi state realizzate con partner di CIES Tunisie: Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati Onlus (CIR), IRARA (partner di FRONTEX), Service Sociale International Suisse (SSI Suisse).
Misure di contenimento o strumenti di accompagnamento? Il caso dei programmi di Ritorno Volontario Assistito e Reintegrazione in Tunisia.
The policies and practices of containment and deportation are a controversial aspect of global migration management due to their humanitarian implications. The European Union is quite explicit about its political goal of preventing asylum seekers from reaching their borders and territory. This political objective is defined as "containment", concretized through a series of policies implemented in order to place greater control over national borders and limit the freedom of movement - or permanence - of migrants on the territory. In this political landscape, the Mediterranean countries have been included in bilateral agreements containing return and readmission clauses, becoming a real buffer zone in which unwanted migrants can filter. The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (RVAR) programmes are part of the policy framework of containment: they allow migrants from a third country to return to the country through individual return and accompanying socio-economic reintegration projects. In practice, these are readmission practices, an invitation for migrants to leave the territory in a "voluntary" way, proposing a solution that connects migration and development and, at the same time, represents an alternative to rejections and forced returns. The "voluntary" repatriation is, therefore, an expulsion device that relies on the "voluntariness" of migrants to return to their country of origin, but in fact taking up the schemes of rejection and forced return. In order to analyse the characteristics of return migration and the structure of the "voluntary return" programmes, the concept of "return" and its implications and that of "reintegration" – in relation to the proposed arrangements – have been considered, but also the endogenous and exogenous variables that determine the success of these projects. The final objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of RVAR programmes as assistance tools for migrants in their reintegration into their country of origin. Reintegration is, in fact, the most important phase of the process and necessary prerequisite to consider a return successful and evaluate its sustainability. In order to carry out this research, three primary sources of data collection were implemented: first, an analysis of literature and policies on return migration, return programmes and the reintegration process; secondly, an analysis of data on returns from the various countries of destination and in the countries of origin. Finally, the collection of primary data through field experience at the Non-governmental Organization (NGO) CIES ("Information and Development Education Center") Section Tunisie in the period September-December 2023. During the research period, a mixed ethnographic approach was adopted in data collection: participant observation (assisting the work of return counsellors, listening to and documenting their experience in the field of return), qualitative and semi-structured interviews with returnees (in the context of visits planned and organised by CIES consultants) and with the organisation’s operators. Further interviews were carried out with partners of CIES Tunisie: Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati Onlus (CIR), IRARA (partner of FRONTEX), Service Sociale International Suisse (SSI Suisse).È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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