In 1958, 9 years after coming to power, Mao decided to bring China out of almost medieval decline to a new level of economic development. He launched a program of industrialization of cities and villages. Mao intended to build a socialist paradise in China in less than 15 years, this was the so-called big leap. His crazy dream turned into a nightmare drove 650 million Chinese people straight to hell the country began economic chaos followed by an unprecedented famine, the death toll averaged about 45 million people. The program did not lead to any economic progress, Mao decided to influence the internal structure of society, the so-called cultural heritage of the country. A war against the bearers of the former traditions was declared— the clergy, the intelligentsia, the aristocracy. Mao proclaimed "fire on the headquarters" — the fight against those CCP functionaries who "follow the capitalist path", instill in society "bourgeois habits". "It is necessary to transform the enlightenment, to transform literature and art, to transform all areas of the superstructure that do not correspond to the economic basis of socialism in order to contribute to the strengthening and development of the socialist system," it was said in the "Decree on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" of August 8, 1966. After that, millions of schoolchildren and students across the country began to organize themselves into detachments of "red guards" — red youth looking for class enemies in society. Everything that does not correspond to the communist ideal was subjected to defeat. The victims of the "cultural revolution" were hundreds of party officials and millions of ordinary people. According to data provided by the party newspaper "People's Daily" in 1979, about 100 million people were affected. 5 million party members were repressed. The Chinese heritage has been destroyed. Thus, this thesis intends to analyze to how deeply Mao Zedong was able to penetrate the culture and change it. First chapter focuses on early campaigns and the overall ideology of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Stages of the revolution and how they emerged. Second chapter focuses on social and economic consequences of the movement and Mao’s understanding of Marxism and application of this ideology in Chinese society in his own way. It will also consider political implication of the Cultural Revolution and its international implication. Third chapter stresses the idea of Cultural Revolution from the point of view of current Chinese society by using Chinese internet – Baidu. Further, it reflects on Mao’s reputation in agendas of Russian and American newspapers of 1960s and 1970s. Last chapter focuses on cultural legacy that Cultural Revolution left and its implication for China’s future development.
Nel 1958, 9 anni dopo essere salito al potere, Mao decise di portare la Cina fuori dal declino quasi medievale ad un nuovo livello di sviluppo economico. Ha lanciato un programma di industrializzazione di città e villaggi. Mao intendeva costruire un paradiso socialista in Cina in meno di 15 anni, questo era il cosiddetto grande salto. Il suo sogno folle trasformato in un incubo ha spinto 650 milioni di cinesi direttamente all'inferno il paese ha iniziato il caos economico seguito da una carestia senza precedenti, il bilancio delle vittime in media di circa 45 milioni di persone. Il programma non ha portato ad alcun progresso economico, Mao ha deciso di influenzare la struttura interna della società, il cosiddetto patrimonio culturale del paese. Fu dichiarata una guerra contro i portatori delle antiche tradizioni: il clero, l'intellighenzia, l'aristocrazia. Mao proclamò "fuoco sul quartier generale" - la lotta contro quei funzionari del PCC che" seguono la via capitalista", instillano nella società"abitudini borghesi". "È necessario trasformare l'illuminismo, trasformare la letteratura e l'arte, trasformare tutte le aree della sovrastruttura che non corrispondono alla base economica del socialismo per contribuire al rafforzamento e allo sviluppo del sistema socialista", è stato detto nel "Decreto sulla Grande rivoluzione culturale proletaria" dell ' 8 agosto 1966. Dopo di ciò, milioni di scolari e studenti in tutto il paese iniziarono a organizzarsi in distaccamenti di "guardie rosse" — giovani rossi in cerca di nemici di classe nella società. Tutto ciò che non corrisponde all'ideale comunista è stato sottoposto a sconfitta. Le vittime della" rivoluzione culturale " furono centinaia di funzionari del partito e milioni di persone comuni. Secondo i dati forniti dal giornale del partito "People's Daily" nel 1979, circa 100 milioni di persone sono state colpite. 5 milioni di membri del partito sono stati repressi. Il patrimonio cinese è stato distrutto. Quindi, questa tesi intende analizzare quanto profondamente Mao Zedong sia stato in grado di penetrare la cultura e cambiarla. Il primo capitolo si concentra sulle prime campagne e sull'ideologia generale della rivoluzione culturale di Mao. Le fasi della rivoluzione e come sono emerse. Il secondo capitolo si concentra sulle conseguenze sociali ed economiche del movimento e la comprensione di Mao del marxismo e l'applicazione di questa ideologia nella società cinese a modo suo. Considererà anche l'implicazione politica della Rivoluzione culturale e la sua implicazione internazionale. Terzo capitolo sottolinea l'idea di rivoluzione culturale dal punto di vista della società cinese attuale utilizzando internet cinese – Baidu. Inoltre, riflette sulla reputazione di Mao nelle agende dei giornali russi e americani degli anni '60 e' 70. L'ultimo capitolo si concentra sull'eredità culturale che la Rivoluzione culturale ha lasciato e sulle sue implicazioni per lo sviluppo futuro della Cina.
In 1958, 9 years after coming to power, Mao decided to bring China out of almost medieval decline to a new level of economic development. He launched a program of industrialization of cities and villages. Mao intended to build a socialist paradise in China in less than 15 years, this was the so-called big leap. His crazy dream turned into a nightmare drove 650 million Chinese people straight to hell the country began economic chaos followed by an unprecedented famine, the death toll averaged about 45 million people. The program did not lead to any economic progress, Mao decided to influence the internal structure of society, the so-called cultural heritage of the country. A war against the bearers of the former traditions was declared— the clergy, the intelligentsia, the aristocracy. Mao proclaimed "fire on the headquarters" — the fight against those CCP functionaries who "follow the capitalist path", instill in society "bourgeois habits". "It is necessary to transform the enlightenment, to transform literature and art, to transform all areas of the superstructure that do not correspond to the economic basis of socialism in order to contribute to the strengthening and development of the socialist system," it was said in the "Decree on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" of August 8, 1966. After that, millions of schoolchildren and students across the country began to organize themselves into detachments of "red guards" — red youth looking for class enemies in society. Everything that does not correspond to the communist ideal was subjected to defeat. The victims of the "cultural revolution" were hundreds of party officials and millions of ordinary people. According to data provided by the party newspaper "People's Daily" in 1979, about 100 million people were affected. 5 million party members were repressed. The Chinese heritage has been destroyed. Thus, this thesis intends to analyze to how deeply Mao Zedong was able to penetrate the culture and change it. First chapter focuses on early campaigns and the overall ideology of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Stages of the revolution and how they emerged. Second chapter focuses on social and economic consequences of the movement and Mao’s understanding of Marxism and application of this ideology in Chinese society in his own way. It will also consider political implication of the Cultural Revolution and its international implication. Third chapter stresses the idea of Cultural Revolution from the point of view of current Chinese society by using Chinese internet – Baidu. Further, it reflects on Mao’s reputation in agendas of Russian and American newspapers of 1960s and 1970s. Last chapter focuses on cultural legacy that Cultural Revolution left and its implication for China’s future development.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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