This work aims at the definition of a generic framework for the strategic implementation of cloud computing services in companies belonging to the insurance sector. Despite in the last ten years cloud computing has managed to rise from the innovation buzz into mainstream recognition and adoption (also taking into account its role as a major enabler of remote working during the pandemic crisis, thanks to the use of tools such as Microsoft Teams or Google Meet), difficulties originating from cloud migration are often underestimated, and only a small portion of adopting firms currently has a long-term strategy for this technology. The insurance sector, traditionally adverse to change, has recently opened to cloud innovation and makes no exception. The model aims at providing guidelines for the identification and prioritization of the best cloud opportunities available to firms in the sector, coherently with their IT architecture, internal organization, technical characteristics of application components, their cloud value, cloud readiness and interdependences. The model has been developed on the basis of analyzed literature and insights from a Journey to Cloud project in collaboration with Accenture, which has been in execution between the months of May and September 2020 and which has had one of the major Italian players in the insurance sector as the object of analysis. Following the presentation of the model, the company is analyzed utilizing the models recognized by the literature, and the model created in this work is then applied for exemplification.
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è la definizione di un framework generico per l’implementazione strategica del cloud computing nel settore assicurativo. Nonostante il cloud, negli ultimi dieci anni, sia entrato a fare parte della routine di innumerevoli individui ed aziende (anche tenendo conto del ruolo di abilitazione al lavoro da remoto che ha avuto nel corso dell’emergenza pandemica, attraverso l’utilizzo di strumenti quali Microsoft Teams o Google Meet), spesso le difficoltà derivanti dalla migrazione vengono sottostimate, e solo una piccola parte delle aziende che adottano questa tecnologia ha una strategia di lungo termine per la stessa. Il settore assicurativo, tradizionalmente restio al cambiamento e solo recentemente affacciatosi sul mondo dell’innovazione cloud, non fa eccezione. Il modello punta a fornire delle linee guida per l’individuazione e la priorizzazione delle migliori opportunità di migrazione cloud disponibili per un’azienda operante nel settore, coerentemente con le caratteristiche della sua architettura informatica, della sua organizzazione interna, delle caratteristiche tecniche, di cloud readiness e di cloud value dei vari componenti applicativi e delle interdipendenze esistenti fra di essi. Il modello è stato sviluppato a partire dalla letteratura analizzata e sulla base di un progetto di Journey to Cloud, svolto fra i mesi di maggio e settembre 2020 come membro di un team di Accenture, che ha avuto come oggetto di analisi una delle più importanti compagnie assicurative operanti sul territorio italiano. In coda alla presentazione del modello, la compagnia in questione viene analizzata utilizzando i modelli riconosciuti dalla letteratura, ed il modello oggetto di questa trattazione vi viene applicato.
Il Cloud Computing nel settore assicurativo: framework per un'implementazione strategica
This work aims at the definition of a generic framework for the strategic implementation of cloud computing services in companies belonging to the insurance sector. Despite in the last ten years cloud computing has managed to rise from the innovation buzz into mainstream recognition and adoption (also taking into account its role as a major enabler of remote working during the pandemic crisis, thanks to the use of tools such as Microsoft Teams or Google Meet), difficulties originating from cloud migration are often underestimated, and only a small portion of adopting firms currently has a long-term strategy for this technology. The insurance sector, traditionally adverse to change, has recently opened to cloud innovation and makes no exception. The model aims at providing guidelines for the identification and prioritization of the best cloud opportunities available to firms in the sector, coherently with their IT architecture, internal organization, technical characteristics of application components, their cloud value, cloud readiness and interdependences. The model has been developed on the basis of analyzed literature and insights from a Journey to Cloud project in collaboration with Accenture, which has been in execution between the months of May and September 2020 and which has had one of the major Italian players in the insurance sector as the object of analysis. Following the presentation of the model, the company is analyzed utilizing the models recognized by the literature, and the model created in this work is then applied for exemplification.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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