The global rise of misinformation, especially during conflicts and significant events, poses serious challenges. Disinformation, used since ancient times to sway opinions and influence outcomes, has become more widespread with technological advancements. Recent events like the 2016 US election, COVID-19 pandemic, and Russian invasion of Ukraine highlight this trend. In Italy, disinformation about the Russia-Ukraine war is particularly concerning due to its impact on public opinion and foreign policy. Despite historical ties and economic connections, Italian support for Ukraine remains strong, indicating resilience against Russian fake news. This study aims to uncover patterns in fake news spread by Russia in Italian media from 2014 to 2023. Although Russian disinformation has influenced Italy, its impact on public opinion is less significant than expected. Italy's continued support for Ukraine and condemnation of Russian aggression demonstrate resilience against misinformation. This research has practical implications for combating misinformation and promoting truthful narratives, potentially improving stability and accountability in democracies.

The role of disinformation in shaping public opinion on the Russia-Ukraine war (since 2014) in Italy



The global rise of misinformation, especially during conflicts and significant events, poses serious challenges. Disinformation, used since ancient times to sway opinions and influence outcomes, has become more widespread with technological advancements. Recent events like the 2016 US election, COVID-19 pandemic, and Russian invasion of Ukraine highlight this trend. In Italy, disinformation about the Russia-Ukraine war is particularly concerning due to its impact on public opinion and foreign policy. Despite historical ties and economic connections, Italian support for Ukraine remains strong, indicating resilience against Russian fake news. This study aims to uncover patterns in fake news spread by Russia in Italian media from 2014 to 2023. Although Russian disinformation has influenced Italy, its impact on public opinion is less significant than expected. Italy's continued support for Ukraine and condemnation of Russian aggression demonstrate resilience against misinformation. This research has practical implications for combating misinformation and promoting truthful narratives, potentially improving stability and accountability in democracies.
The role of disinformation in shaping public opinion on the Russia-Ukraine war (since 2014) in Italy
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