The purpose of my thesis is to present marketing in a generalized perspective, taking into account internal and external factors to the company and the variables that characterize the actions of entrepreneurial marketing. In the first part of the report, I identified the four variables of the marketing mix ( product, price, place, promotion ) and explained the various characteristics. Then, in the second part, I analysed the consumer’s buying behaviour, starting from the definition of the concept of the Maslow pyramid. Finally, in the last part of the work, I analyzed segmentation, through which it is possible to divide the market into different target customers.

Il marketing mix: caratteristiche e trasformazioni.



The purpose of my thesis is to present marketing in a generalized perspective, taking into account internal and external factors to the company and the variables that characterize the actions of entrepreneurial marketing. In the first part of the report, I identified the four variables of the marketing mix ( product, price, place, promotion ) and explained the various characteristics. Then, in the second part, I analysed the consumer’s buying behaviour, starting from the definition of the concept of the Maslow pyramid. Finally, in the last part of the work, I analyzed segmentation, through which it is possible to divide the market into different target customers.
The marketing mix: characteristics and transformations.
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