This thesis explores the transformative potential of Sustainable Construction (SC) as a catalyst for development in emerging economies. Acknowledging the critical role of SC in promoting environmental sustainability, economic growth, and social inclusivity, this research delves into the opportunities and challenges SC faces in less developed contexts. Through a comprehensive review of academic literature and case studies, it methodically examines the environmental, economic, and social benefits of SC. It also considers the technological advancements that drive its implementation. Key findings underscore the significant advantages of SC, including environmental protection, cost savings, enhanced indoor environments, and improved community engagement. However, the study also identifies major obstacles to SC's widespread adoption in emerging economies, such as financial constraints, a lack of technical expertise, and regulatory hurdles. Notably, it discusses the transformative role of digitisation and automation in revolutionising SC through cutting-edge technologies like 3D printing, which may mitigate some of these challenges. The implications of this research are broad and significant. It emphasises the critical need for focused educational programs, policy reforms, and technological investment to support SC's growth in emerging economies. Moreover, it highlights the importance of international collaboration and the exchange of best practices to address the global challenges of sustainable development. By offering a detailed examination of SC's potential, this thesis contributes valuable insights to the ongoing dialogue on sustainable development and proposes a roadmap for harnessing SC as a vehicle for transformative change in emerging economies.
Edilizia Sostenibile - un'Opportunità per le Economie Emergenti Questa tesi esplora il potenziale trasformativo dell’Edilizia Sostenibile (ES) come catalizzatore per lo sviluppo nelle economie emergenti. Riconoscendo il ruolo critico dell’ES nella promozione della sostenibilità ambientale, della crescita economica e dell'inclusività sociale, questa ricerca approfondisce le opportunità e le sfide che l’ES affronta in contesti meno sviluppati. Attraverso una revisione completa della letteratura accademica e di casi studio, esamina metodicamente i benefici ambientali, economici e sociali dell’ES. Inoltre, considera anche i progressi tecnologici che ne guidano l'implementazione. I risultati principali sottolineano i vantaggi significativi dell’ES, inclusa la protezione ambientale, il risparmio sui costi, il miglioramento degli ambienti interni e il potenziamento dell'impegno comunitario. Tuttavia, lo studio identifica anche gli ostacoli all'adozione diffusa dell’ES nelle economie emergenti, come vincoli finanziari, mancanza di competenze tecniche e barriere normative. In particolare, discute il ruolo trasformativo della digitalizzazione e dell'automazione nella rivoluzione dell’ES attraverso tecnologie all'avanguardia come la stampa 3D, che potrebbero mitigare alcune di queste sfide. Le implicazioni di questa ricerca sono ampie e significative. Sottolinea la necessità critica di programmi educativi mirati, riforme politiche e investimenti tecnologici per sostenere la crescita dell’ES nelle economie emergenti. Inoltre, evidenzia l'importanza della collaborazione internazionale e dello scambio delle migliori pratiche per affrontare le sfide globali dello sviluppo sostenibile. Offrendo un esame dettagliato del potenziale dell’ES, questa tesi contribuisce con preziose intuizioni al dialogo in corso sullo sviluppo sostenibile e propone una roadmap per sfruttare l’ES come veicolo per il cambiamento trasformativo nelle economie emergenti.
Sustainable construction – an opportunity for emerging economies
This thesis explores the transformative potential of Sustainable Construction (SC) as a catalyst for development in emerging economies. Acknowledging the critical role of SC in promoting environmental sustainability, economic growth, and social inclusivity, this research delves into the opportunities and challenges SC faces in less developed contexts. Through a comprehensive review of academic literature and case studies, it methodically examines the environmental, economic, and social benefits of SC. It also considers the technological advancements that drive its implementation. Key findings underscore the significant advantages of SC, including environmental protection, cost savings, enhanced indoor environments, and improved community engagement. However, the study also identifies major obstacles to SC's widespread adoption in emerging economies, such as financial constraints, a lack of technical expertise, and regulatory hurdles. Notably, it discusses the transformative role of digitisation and automation in revolutionising SC through cutting-edge technologies like 3D printing, which may mitigate some of these challenges. The implications of this research are broad and significant. It emphasises the critical need for focused educational programs, policy reforms, and technological investment to support SC's growth in emerging economies. Moreover, it highlights the importance of international collaboration and the exchange of best practices to address the global challenges of sustainable development. By offering a detailed examination of SC's potential, this thesis contributes valuable insights to the ongoing dialogue on sustainable development and proposes a roadmap for harnessing SC as a vehicle for transformative change in emerging economies.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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