The main aim of this thesis is to show the need and propose a strategy to start the industrialization process in Azerbaijan . Azerbaijan is heavily depended on oil revenues and in the environment where the oil revenues are decreasing the country’s fiscal and socio-economic stability is under threat. Additionally, increasing internal migration towards the main economic centre of the country, Baku, followed by increasing underemployment despite the large working-age population makes it necessary to find and implement a sustainable economic growth strategy. In this study, the importance of two factors, external and internal, are discussed. Especially for landlocked countries like Azerbaijan, the external factors are crucial for economic development. In this work, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the main focus as an external factor. However, internal factors are important as well to create a relevant context to be able to maximize the benefits of the external factors. Therefore, what this study suggests is, while creating necessary internal environment to support the process, to focus on external opportunities to start the industrialization. The hypothesis is that the China-led project, BRI is the best candidate as an external opportunity and will help the country to kick off its industrialization process. To achieve the goal of creating necessary internal environment has been assumed as a duty of government and it supposed to accomplish this by investing in infrastructure, using policy tools to incentivize and provide the sector with the necessary training. A holistic approach which would take the whole country as a unit is avoided. Instead, the eastern part of the country, especially, the city of Baku is taken as the main economic unit where the application of the strategies for the industrialization will be aimed at. The reason for focusing on Baku is because it is the main area where almost all the economic activities are concentrated. Briefly stated, the main proposal is to build manufacturing economy by exploiting the advantages of being on the BRI line of which one of the routes starts in China and, also passing through Baku, goes to Europe. The government is recommended to make sure that the infrastructure is sufficient for local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to provide foreign contractors with value-added services, such as manufacturing, packaging, assembly, etc. Adapting the “industrial ladder” hypothesis, the first target is to reach the labour-intensive industrial level, instead of jumping up to the top of the “ladder” by trying to build a technology and knowledge-based industry. Apart from the Introduction, the thesis has four chapters. Chapter 1 is about the economic background of Azerbaijan. It shows some data regarding the dependency on oil, employment, migration, etc. The chapter answers the question of why the industrial transition is necessary for the country. Chapter 2 mainly discusses the external factors that are of high importance and examine the BRI as an external factor which will be one of the essential components of the industrialization process. In Chapter 3, internal factors are discussed such as macroeconomic environment, quality of the workforce, economic zones, etc. In the last chapter, some recommendations are proposed and the general conclusion is provided.
Lo scopo di questa tesi é quello di mostrare il bisogno e proporre una strategia per avviare un processo di industrializzazione in Azerbaigian. L’Azerbaigian é altamente dipendente dai profitti del petrolio, tuttavia la stabilitá socio-economica e fiscale del Paese si trova minacciata dai profitti in calo. Inoltre, la sempre maggiore migrazione interna verso il maggiore centro economico del Paese, Baku, ha portato un aumento della disoccupazione, nonostante l’importante forza lavoro renda necessario trovare e implementare una strategia di crescita economica. In questo lavoro viene discussa l’importanza dei due fattori: interno ed esterno. Specialmente per nazioni chiuse come l’Azerbaigian, I fattori esterni sono cruciali per lo sviluppo economico. Il piú importante trattasi del Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Tuttavia, I fattori interni sono altrettanto importanti per creare il miglior contesto nel quale massimizzare I benefici dei fattori esterni. (Ció che questo studio intende portare all’attenzione é, oltre a creare l’ambiente interno per supportare il processo, bisogna concentrarsi sulle opportunitá esterne per avviare l’industrializzazione). É molto probabile che il progetto cinese, il BRI, sia la miglior soluzione possibile come fattore esterno e che aiuterá la nazione a dare slancio al processo di industrializzazione. Il governo Azero, dato l’impegno nel creare un ambiente interno ottimale per il processo industriale, é necessario che investi nelle infrastrutture, utilizzando strumenti politici per incentivare e supportare il settore. Un approccio olistico che considererebbe l’intera nazione come una singola unitá non é preso in considerazione. Tuttavia, solamente la regione orientale della anzione, specialmente la cittá di Baku, verrá considerata come l’unitá economica principale nel quale verrano implementate le strategie economiche. La ragione per la quale viene considerata solamente la cittá di Baku, risiede nel fatto che la maggior parte delle attivitá economiche del Paese é concentrata lí. In breve, l’obbiettivo sarebbe quello di creare un’industria manifatturiera sfruttando I vantaggi di essere nel mezzo di una strada che parte della Cina per arrivare in Europa attraverso il progetto BRI. Il governo deve assicurare che leinfrastrutture siano suffcienti per le piccole e medie imprese per permettere loro di adempiere value-added services, quali manifattura, assemblaggio, packaging ecc. verso l’estero. Adattando il concetto di “industrial ladder”, il primo obbiettivo sarebbe quello di sviluppare un’industria labour-intensive, rispetto a tentare di creare un’industria basata sul know-how e l’utilizzo di tecnologie. Tralasciando l’introduzione, la tesi é composta da quattro capitoli. Il capitolo 1 tratta della situazione economica dell’Azerbaigian. Vengono presentati dati riguardanti la dipendenza dal petrolio, occupazione, migrazione, ecc. Il capitolo evidenzia il perché sia necessaria una transizione industriale per il Paese. Nel capitolo 2 vengono discussi I principali fattori esterni ed esamina il BRI come uno dei principali componenti del processo di industrializzazione. Il capitolo 3 riguarda I fattori interni come l’ambiente macroeconomico, qualitá della forza lavoro, zone economiche speciali, ecc. Nell’ultimo capitolo vengono proposte consigli e sono presentate le conclusioni.
The main aim of this thesis is to show the need and propose a strategy to start the industrialization process in Azerbaijan . Azerbaijan is heavily depended on oil revenues and in the environment where the oil revenues are decreasing the country’s fiscal and socio-economic stability is under threat. Additionally, increasing internal migration towards the main economic centre of the country, Baku, followed by increasing underemployment despite the large working-age population makes it necessary to find and implement a sustainable economic growth strategy. In this study, the importance of two factors, external and internal, are discussed. Especially for landlocked countries like Azerbaijan, the external factors are crucial for economic development. In this work, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the main focus as an external factor. However, internal factors are important as well to create a relevant context to be able to maximize the benefits of the external factors. Therefore, what this study suggests is, while creating necessary internal environment to support the process, to focus on external opportunities to start the industrialization. The hypothesis is that the China-led project, BRI is the best candidate as an external opportunity and will help the country to kick off its industrialization process. To achieve the goal of creating necessary internal environment has been assumed as a duty of government and it supposed to accomplish this by investing in infrastructure, using policy tools to incentivize and provide the sector with the necessary training. A holistic approach which would take the whole country as a unit is avoided. Instead, the eastern part of the country, especially, the city of Baku is taken as the main economic unit where the application of the strategies for the industrialization will be aimed at. The reason for focusing on Baku is because it is the main area where almost all the economic activities are concentrated. Briefly stated, the main proposal is to build manufacturing economy by exploiting the advantages of being on the BRI line of which one of the routes starts in China and, also passing through Baku, goes to Europe. The government is recommended to make sure that the infrastructure is sufficient for local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to provide foreign contractors with value-added services, such as manufacturing, packaging, assembly, etc. Adapting the “industrial ladder” hypothesis, the first target is to reach the labour-intensive industrial level, instead of jumping up to the top of the “ladder” by trying to build a technology and knowledge-based industry. Apart from the Introduction, the thesis has four chapters. Chapter 1 is about the economic background of Azerbaijan. It shows some data regarding the dependency on oil, employment, migration, etc. The chapter answers the question of why the industrial transition is necessary for the country. Chapter 2 mainly discusses the external factors that are of high importance and examine the BRI as an external factor which will be one of the essential components of the industrialization process. In Chapter 3, internal factors are discussed such as macroeconomic environment, quality of the workforce, economic zones, etc. In the last chapter, some recommendations are proposed and the general conclusion is provided.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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