The theme that constitutes the object of this work is to all intents and purposes new in terms of novelty; a novelty that is such precisely because it has upset, from many points of view, the connotations and aspects characterizing the legal system of our country. It is precisely because of the very wide boundaries that the pandemic phenomenon, and therefore the emergency legislation, has taken on, that the following discussion focuses on individual critical aspects, with the primary aim of bringing out the complex geometry of the phenomenon and at the same time, however, ensuring the reader an overall view. The picture that emerges is that of a virus that has been able to force its way into our lives, forcing us to change habits and perspectives, but above all to look at constitutional guarantees as something absolute, within the limits in which something "more absolute" does not emerge. On the whole, what can be noted is that our country, after an initial phase of uncertainty, has found itself substantially unprepared for the impetuousness of the viral spread, therefore forced, in a very limited time, to put in place measures capable of touching every area of law, which prove effective, without, however, compromising the canons of democracy, both in terms of the methods of determination and the effects. The interest in the subject is therefore intrinsic in the fact that the Covid-19 phenomenon has touched the lives of everyone, upsetting even those of us students, who, from one day to the next, have been removed from libraries and university lecture halls, forced to face the exams electronically, with the fear, still present today, of what the future will bring. In the face of such unpredictable phenomena and with undefined boundaries, however, we cannot remain silent; this thesis moves then from the opportunity to solicit reflection, first of all personal, and then also in the reader, on everything that has changed in a few months, on the stability but also weak
Il tema che costituisce l’oggetto del presente lavoro si pone a tutti gli effetti in termini di novità; una novità che è tale proprio per aver sconvolto, sotto tanti punti di vista, i connotati e gli aspetti caratterizzanti l’ordinamento giuridico del nostro Paese. È proprio in ragione degli ampissimi confini che ha assunto il fenomeno pandemico, e dunque la legislazione emergenziale, che la trattazione a seguire si focalizza su singoli aspetti critici, col precipuo fine di fare emergere la complessa geometria del fenomeno e allo stesso tempo però, assicurare al lettore uno sguardo d’insieme. Il quadro che emerge è quello di un virus che è stato capace di fare ingresso prepotentemente nelle nostre vite, imponendoci di cambiare abitudini e prospettive, ma soprattutto di guardare alle garanzie costituzionali come qualcosa di assoluto, nei limiti in cui non emerga qualcosa di “più assoluto”. Complessivamente, quello che si può notare è che il nostro Paese, dopo una prima fase di incertezza si è ritrovato sostanzialmente impreparato dinanzi alla impetuosità della diffusione virale, dunque costretto in tempi assai contingentati a predisporre misure capaci di toccare ogni ambito del diritto, le quali dimostrano effettività, senza tuttavia pregiudicare i canoni della democraticità, sia per le modalità di determinazione, che per gli effetti. L’interesse per il tema è pertanto intrinseco nel fatto che il fenomeno Covid-19 ha toccato le vite di tutti, stravolgendo anche quella di noi studenti, da un giorno all’altro allontanati da biblioteche e aule universitarie, costretti ad affrontare gli esami in via telematica, con la paura, ancora oggi presente, di quello che ci riserverà il futuro. Dinanzi a fenomeni così imprevedibili e dai confini indefiniti però non si può restare in silenzio; questa tesi muove allora dall’opportunità di sollecitare la riflessione, prima di tutto personale, e poi anche nel lettore, su tutto ciò che in pochi mesi è cambiato, sulla stabilità ma anche debolezza del nostro ordinamento e sulla necessaria partecipazione dei cittadini in ogni scelta politica-legislativa.
"L'irruzione del Covid-19 nel panorama normativo. Il difficile bilanciamento fra diritti e libertà."
The theme that constitutes the object of this work is to all intents and purposes new in terms of novelty; a novelty that is such precisely because it has upset, from many points of view, the connotations and aspects characterizing the legal system of our country. It is precisely because of the very wide boundaries that the pandemic phenomenon, and therefore the emergency legislation, has taken on, that the following discussion focuses on individual critical aspects, with the primary aim of bringing out the complex geometry of the phenomenon and at the same time, however, ensuring the reader an overall view. The picture that emerges is that of a virus that has been able to force its way into our lives, forcing us to change habits and perspectives, but above all to look at constitutional guarantees as something absolute, within the limits in which something "more absolute" does not emerge. On the whole, what can be noted is that our country, after an initial phase of uncertainty, has found itself substantially unprepared for the impetuousness of the viral spread, therefore forced, in a very limited time, to put in place measures capable of touching every area of law, which prove effective, without, however, compromising the canons of democracy, both in terms of the methods of determination and the effects. The interest in the subject is therefore intrinsic in the fact that the Covid-19 phenomenon has touched the lives of everyone, upsetting even those of us students, who, from one day to the next, have been removed from libraries and university lecture halls, forced to face the exams electronically, with the fear, still present today, of what the future will bring. In the face of such unpredictable phenomena and with undefined boundaries, however, we cannot remain silent; this thesis moves then from the opportunity to solicit reflection, first of all personal, and then also in the reader, on everything that has changed in a few months, on the stability but also weakÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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