According to academics, exchange rates cannot be predicted and the only appropriate benchmark is provided by the Random Walk model. According to the classical theory, exchange rates are linked to movements in interest rates, inflation levels, commodity prices, exchange rate futures, etc. Unfortunately, these theories do not produce appreciable results when used in statistical and econometric analyses. This problem is known as exchange rate disconnect puzzle and refers to the impossibility of using real economic variables for forecasting. In this thesis, a shrinkage estimator is used to create an alternative model that can beat the Random Walk and incorporate at the same time the complexity of the Foreign exchange market
Secondi gli accademici, I tassi di cambio non possono essere predetti e l’unica benchmark adeguata e fornita dal modello Random Walk. Secondo la toeria classica, i tassi di cambio sono connessi a movimenti nei tassi di interesse, livelli di inflazione, prezzi delle commodities, futures sui tassi di cambio stessi ecc. Sfortunatamente, queste teorie non producono risultati apprezzabili quando vengono utilizzate in analisi statistiche ed econometriche. Questo problema e conosciuto come exchange rate disconnect puzzle e si riferisce all’impossibilita di utlizzare variabili economiche reali per il forecasting. In questa tesi, uno shrinkage estimator e utlizzato per creare un modello alternativo che possa battere il Random Walk e incorporare allo stesso tempo la complessita del Foreign exchange market
Possono metodici statistici battere la teoria classica e il modello Random Walk nella predizione dei tassi di cambio?
According to academics, exchange rates cannot be predicted and the only appropriate benchmark is provided by the Random Walk model. According to the classical theory, exchange rates are linked to movements in interest rates, inflation levels, commodity prices, exchange rate futures, etc. Unfortunately, these theories do not produce appreciable results when used in statistical and econometric analyses. This problem is known as exchange rate disconnect puzzle and refers to the impossibility of using real economic variables for forecasting. In this thesis, a shrinkage estimator is used to create an alternative model that can beat the Random Walk and incorporate at the same time the complexity of the Foreign exchange marketÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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