This work describes the phonetic and phonologic features of three distinct varieties of the Pavia area dialect (Pavia, Cava Manara and Casatisma), with special reference to the vowel system. The study includes, in addition to a description of the linguistic phenomena and a phonetic inventory of Pavia area dialect, an analysis of the diatopic variation of the vowel system on the basis of a field research which involved twelve native speakers of the three varieties. Each speaker performed a translation task made up by some sentences incorporating thirty-nine key-words to be translated from Italian to the local dialect. Moreover, the interviewees were asked to express a personal opinion about the present use of dialect and Italian in the specific area and his/her perception of the linguistic differences between the local varieties. The phonetic analysis was carried out both on the basis of the researcher’s acoustic perception and on the basis of the measurement of the vowel formants via the software PRAAT. A comparison with the Atlante linguistico ed etnografico dell'Italia e della Svizzera (AIS) and some dictionaries was also performed in order to support the interpretation of the results. The outcome of the analysis reveals significant diatopic variations of the vowel system of the three varieties, still retaining an overall local uniformity: some interesting isoglosses have been detected, located between Pavia and Cava Manara or between Cava Manara and Casatisma. Casatisma variety shows more typically Emilian features, whereas the phenomena detected in Pavia variety suggest the influence both of Italian and Milanese dialect. Cava Manara is, both geographically and linguistically, in an intermediate area, featuring phenomena which are in some cases common to Pavia variety and in some cases to the Casatisma one, occasionally with significant variation as well. The acoustic analysis of the typical local a also confirms the auditory perception of a sound which is close to the schwa: the formants of the two vowels are overall nearly overlapping in this study. In addition, the experiment shows, in line with the labovian sociolinguistic theory, that women are more influenced by the prestige variety. Finally, the analysis of the speakers’ opinions, expressed during the interviews, provides useful information about the current use of local dialects, the perception of the linguistic differences between the three varieties and the personal attitude towards their own dialect.
Il presente lavoro descrive dal punto di vista fonetico e fonologico, con particolare riferimento al vocalismo, le varianti del dialetto pavese di Pavia, Cava Manara e Casatisma. Lo studio include, oltre a una descrizione dei fenomeni linguistici e a un inventario fonetico del dialetto pavese, un’analisi della variazione diatopica del vocalismo nelle tre località effettuata sulla base di una ricerca sul campo che ha coinvolto dodici parlanti nativi delle varietà considerate. A ciascun parlante è stato chiesto di tradurre dall’italiano alla propria variante dialettale alcune frasi contenenti 39 parole-chiave, nonché di esprimere la propria opinione sull’uso del dialetto e sulle differenze percepite rispetto alle varianti delle altre località. L’analisi fonetica è stata svolta sia sulla base della percezione acustica del ricercatore, sia grazie allo studio delle formanti effettuato con il software PRAAT. Sono state inoltre effettuate comparazioni con l’Atlante linguistico ed etnografico dell'Italia e della Svizzera (AIS) e con alcuni vocabolari di riferimento. I risultati dell’analisi evidenziano significative variazioni diatopiche nel vocalismo delle tre varianti locali studiate, a fronte di una complessiva omogeneità nell’ambito di ogni singola località. La variante oltrepadana (di Casatisma) presenta tratti più tipicamente emiliani, mentre i fenomeni rilevati nella variante pavese suggeriscono una maggiore influenza sia del dialetto milanese che dell’italiano. Cava Manara è situata, sia geograficamente che linguisticamente, in area intermedia, presentando fenomeni comuni ora alla variante di Pavia, ora a quella di Casatisma, talvolta anche con significative oscillazioni. L’analisi acustica della “a” pavese, tratto caratteristico della parlata locale, conferma la percezione uditiva di un suono simile alla schwa: complessivamente le formanti delle due vocali risultano quasi coincidenti. Sono state inoltre analizzate le opinioni dei parlanti raccolte durante le interviste libere, che forniscono interessanti spunti relativamente ai domini d’uso attuale, alla percezione delle differenze linguistiche tra le località e all’atteggiamento emotivo nei confronti del proprio dialetto.
This work describes the phonetic and phonologic features of three distinct varieties of the Pavia area dialect (Pavia, Cava Manara and Casatisma), with special reference to the vowel system. The study includes, in addition to a description of the linguistic phenomena and a phonetic inventory of Pavia area dialect, an analysis of the diatopic variation of the vowel system on the basis of a field research which involved twelve native speakers of the three varieties. Each speaker performed a translation task made up by some sentences incorporating thirty-nine key-words to be translated from Italian to the local dialect. Moreover, the interviewees were asked to express a personal opinion about the present use of dialect and Italian in the specific area and his/her perception of the linguistic differences between the local varieties. The phonetic analysis was carried out both on the basis of the researcher’s acoustic perception and on the basis of the measurement of the vowel formants via the software PRAAT. A comparison with the Atlante linguistico ed etnografico dell'Italia e della Svizzera (AIS) and some dictionaries was also performed in order to support the interpretation of the results. The outcome of the analysis reveals significant diatopic variations of the vowel system of the three varieties, still retaining an overall local uniformity: some interesting isoglosses have been detected, located between Pavia and Cava Manara or between Cava Manara and Casatisma. Casatisma variety shows more typically Emilian features, whereas the phenomena detected in Pavia variety suggest the influence both of Italian and Milanese dialect. Cava Manara is, both geographically and linguistically, in an intermediate area, featuring phenomena which are in some cases common to Pavia variety and in some cases to the Casatisma one, occasionally with significant variation as well. The acoustic analysis of the typical local a also confirms the auditory perception of a sound which is close to the schwa: the formants of the two vowels are overall nearly overlapping in this study. In addition, the experiment shows, in line with the labovian sociolinguistic theory, that women are more influenced by the prestige variety. Finally, the analysis of the speakers’ opinions, expressed during the interviews, provides useful information about the current use of local dialects, the perception of the linguistic differences between the three varieties and the personal attitude towards their own dialect.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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