Marriage union is a covenant through which a baptized man and woman establish among themselves a consortium totius vitae, raised to a sacrament by Christ the Lord. Consent is the constitutive element of this union, it is the act of will with which the parties, with a pact that unites and binds them, give and mutually accept themselves. A marriage can be declared null and void, ab origine, due to the presence of pre-existing or contextual impediments at the time of consent. Three fundamental categories of nullity can be identified: the first consists in the absence of impediments, that is circumstances that hinder the valid celebration of marriage; the second in the absence of defects and anomalies that can affect consensus, an act of will and the cardinal element of the institution; the third concerns the minimum requirements that the legal form of marriage must have in order to be considered non-flawed. The process for the declaration of nullity of marriage is of a special nature, because it is applied to its own rules integrated by the general provisions foreseen for the contentious judgment. This process was the subject of the important reform of Pope Francis in 2015, promulgated in August of that year with two apostolic letters in the form of Motu proprio, which take the name of Mitis iudex Dominus Iesus, for the Latin church, and Mitis et Misericors Iesus for the eastern church. The procedural rules and an application grant on behalf of the Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota have been annexed to the two letters. The object of this paper is the Motu proprio relating to the Latin church. The inspiring principles of this reform, interpretative key of the content of this provision, are the streamlining and simplification of the nullity process, with the aim of pursuing the speed of the processes in respect of the churchgoers, who have the right to obtain an answer as soon as possible, and the desire to bring the judicial organs of the Church closer to the people, eliminating that feeling of detachment and estrangement with which the activity of ecclesiastical courts is often perceived. The subject of further study and of particular interest was the establishment of a new process, called brevior, which can only be accessed if two conditions are met: there must be a request from both parties and the nullity must be manifest. The nullity must be supported by circumstances of facts and people proven by testimonies and documents that do not require complex evaluations or verifications. In this regard, article 14 of the procedural rules is taken into consideration, by way of example, listing these circumstances, which from the beginning can bring out the nullity of the marriage. The investigation phase must take place if possible in one session, the instructor's task is to analyze the material to identify what to investigate and ask parties and witnesses in the investigation phase, with precise and targeted questions to guarantee exhaustiveness and speed of the investigation itself. The decision-making phase, on the other hand, is characterized by the personal intervention of the bishop personally taking care of the management of the ecclesiastical activity, consequently making himself the guarantor of the correct realization of the principle of speed of the process.
L’unione matrimoniale è un patto attraverso il quale un uomo e una donna battezzati stabiliscono tra di loro un consortium totius vitae, elevato a sacramento da Cristo Signore. Il consenso è l’elemento costitutivo di tale unione, è l’atto di volontà con cui le parti , con un patto che li unisce e vincola, donano e accettano reciprocamente se stessi. Un matrimonio può essere dichiarato nullo, ab origine, per la presenza di cause ostative preesistenti o contestuali al momento del consenso. Possono essere individuate tre categorie fondamentali di nullità: la prima consiste nell’assenza di impedimenti, cioè circostanze che ostacolano alla valida celebrazione del matrimonio; la seconda nella mancanza di vizi e anomalie che possono colpire il consenso, atto di volontà ed elemento cardine dell’istituto; la terza riguarda i requisiti minimi che deve avere la forma giuridica matrimoniale per poter essere considerata non viziata. Il processo per la dichiarazione di nullità matrimoniale è di carattere speciale, perché ad esso vengono applicate norme proprie integrate dalle disposizioni generali previste per il giudizio contenzioso. Proprio questo processo è stato oggetto dell’importante riforma di Papa Francesco nel 2015, promulgata ad agosto di quell’anno con due lettere apostoliche in forma di Motu proprio, che prendono il nome di Mitis iudex Dominus Iesus, per la chiesa latina, e di Mitis et Misericors Iesus per la chiesa orientale. Alle due lettere sono state annesse le Regole procedurali e un Sussidio applicativo a nome del Tribunale apostolico della Rota romana. Oggetto di questo elaborato è Il Motu proprio relativo alla chiesa latina. I principi ispiratori di questa riforma, chiave interpretativa del contenuto di tale provvedimento, sono lo snellimento e la semplificazione del processo di nullità, con lo scopo di perseguire la celerità dei processi nel rispetto dei fedeli, che hanno diritto ad ottenere il prima possibile una risposta sulla loro effettiva situazione, e il desiderio di avvicinare gli organi giudiziari della Chiesa ai fedeli, eliminando quella sensazione di distacco e di estraneità con cui viene molte volte percepita l’attività dei tribunali ecclesiastici. Argomento di maggiore approfondimento e di particolare interesse è stata l’istituzione di un nuovo processo, chiamato brevior, al quale si può accedere solo in presenza di due presupposti : ci deve essere la richiesta di entrambe le parti e la nullità deve essere manifesta. Quest’ultima ,per essere tale, è necessario che sostenuta da circostanze di fatti e di persone provati da testimonianze e documenti che non necessitino di valutazioni complesse oppure di verifiche. Al riguardo viene preso in considerazione l’articolo 14 delle regole procedurali che, a titolo esemplificativo, elenca tali circostanze ponendo l’attenzione su questi fatti che fin dall’inizio possono far emergere la nullità del matrimonio. La fase istruttoria deve avvenire per quanto possibile in una sola sessione, il compito dell’istruttore è quello di analizzare il materiale per individuare cosa approfondire e chiedere a parti e testimoni in fase istruttoria, con quesiti precisi e mirati a garanzia dell’esaustività e celerità dell’istruttoria stessa. La fase decisoria invece è caratterizzata dall’ intervento personale del vescovo si fa personalmente carico della gestione dell’attività ecclesiastica, rendendosi conseguentemente garante della corretta realizzazione del principio della celerità del processo.
Il processo matrimoniale canonico alla luce delle recenti riforme di Papa Francesco
Marriage union is a covenant through which a baptized man and woman establish among themselves a consortium totius vitae, raised to a sacrament by Christ the Lord. Consent is the constitutive element of this union, it is the act of will with which the parties, with a pact that unites and binds them, give and mutually accept themselves. A marriage can be declared null and void, ab origine, due to the presence of pre-existing or contextual impediments at the time of consent. Three fundamental categories of nullity can be identified: the first consists in the absence of impediments, that is circumstances that hinder the valid celebration of marriage; the second in the absence of defects and anomalies that can affect consensus, an act of will and the cardinal element of the institution; the third concerns the minimum requirements that the legal form of marriage must have in order to be considered non-flawed. The process for the declaration of nullity of marriage is of a special nature, because it is applied to its own rules integrated by the general provisions foreseen for the contentious judgment. This process was the subject of the important reform of Pope Francis in 2015, promulgated in August of that year with two apostolic letters in the form of Motu proprio, which take the name of Mitis iudex Dominus Iesus, for the Latin church, and Mitis et Misericors Iesus for the eastern church. The procedural rules and an application grant on behalf of the Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota have been annexed to the two letters. The object of this paper is the Motu proprio relating to the Latin church. The inspiring principles of this reform, interpretative key of the content of this provision, are the streamlining and simplification of the nullity process, with the aim of pursuing the speed of the processes in respect of the churchgoers, who have the right to obtain an answer as soon as possible, and the desire to bring the judicial organs of the Church closer to the people, eliminating that feeling of detachment and estrangement with which the activity of ecclesiastical courts is often perceived. The subject of further study and of particular interest was the establishment of a new process, called brevior, which can only be accessed if two conditions are met: there must be a request from both parties and the nullity must be manifest. The nullity must be supported by circumstances of facts and people proven by testimonies and documents that do not require complex evaluations or verifications. In this regard, article 14 of the procedural rules is taken into consideration, by way of example, listing these circumstances, which from the beginning can bring out the nullity of the marriage. The investigation phase must take place if possible in one session, the instructor's task is to analyze the material to identify what to investigate and ask parties and witnesses in the investigation phase, with precise and targeted questions to guarantee exhaustiveness and speed of the investigation itself. The decision-making phase, on the other hand, is characterized by the personal intervention of the bishop personally taking care of the management of the ecclesiastical activity, consequently making himself the guarantor of the correct realization of the principle of speed of the process.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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