The world of sport is constantly changing. He now travels at an analogous speed to the other social spheres, characterized by the spasmodic search for innovation and invested by a disarming consumerism. The relationship with those who feed themselves with sports is less and less intermediated: the barriers between enthusiasts and those involved in managing, administering and offering the sports product are rapidly diminishing. This is why sports communication and sports marketing become fundamental elements to provide those who work in this industry with the instruments to continue to grow and develop. This dissertation concerns the analysis of the communication and entrepreneurial sphere of sport. Subsequently the new professional figures and the new techniques that are imposing themselves in the world of sports communication will be taken into consideration. Then the digital marketing activities carried out by the companies will be analyzed and finally the cases of some sports companies will be examined.
Il mondo dello sport è in continua evoluzione. Viaggia oramai ad una velocità parallela alle altre sfere sociali, caratterizzate dalla spasmodica ricerca dell’innovazione e investite da un consumismo disarmante. Il rapporto con chi si ciba di sport è sempre meno intermediato: le barriere tra gli appassionati e coloro che si occupano di gestire, amministrare ed offrire il prodotto sportivo stanno rapidamente assottigliandosi. Ecco perché la comunicazione sportiva e il marketing sportivo diventano elementi fondamentali per fornire ai soggetti che operano in questo settore gli strumenti per continuare a crescere e a svilupparsi. La presente tesi di laurea riguarda l’analisi della sfera comunicativa e imprenditoriale dello sport. Successivamente verranno prese in considerazione le nuove figure professionali e le nuove tecniche che si stanno imponendo nel mondo della comunicazione sportiva. Quindi verranno analizzate le attività di digital marketing svolte dalle società e infine verranno esaminati i casi di alcune società sportive.
La comunicazione sportiva nell’età digitale: tre casi di successo
The world of sport is constantly changing. He now travels at an analogous speed to the other social spheres, characterized by the spasmodic search for innovation and invested by a disarming consumerism. The relationship with those who feed themselves with sports is less and less intermediated: the barriers between enthusiasts and those involved in managing, administering and offering the sports product are rapidly diminishing. This is why sports communication and sports marketing become fundamental elements to provide those who work in this industry with the instruments to continue to grow and develop. This dissertation concerns the analysis of the communication and entrepreneurial sphere of sport. Subsequently the new professional figures and the new techniques that are imposing themselves in the world of sports communication will be taken into consideration. Then the digital marketing activities carried out by the companies will be analyzed and finally the cases of some sports companies will be examined.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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