In the last few years we have witnessed a considerable increase in the number of debates about the strong dependence of our society on technological giants, the so-called "Big Tech": undisputed key players of a new economy that is becoming increasingly digital. Among them, Amazon is positioning itself as a global leader by expanding into increasingly differentiated markets. Moreover, the global pandemic we are experiencing has accelerated digitalization, more and more companies are evolving to compete in a new world. This thesis aims to provide an overview of the dynamics that have led to the formation of these platforms and their concentration; if and how they can control and influence competition and then in general what challenges the digital economy has created for antitrust policies. The enormous power of these giants, which have become market leaders, has raised numerous questions about the power of the online world, that is still not fully understood. Scholars and experts are only at the beginning of this complex analysis. As we will see, Europe is starting to take steps forward in this area. In the final part of the thesis, moreover, Amazon is analysed in order to better understand its peculiarities and therefore, in addition to the great advantages and benefits that it has introduced, we will talk about what kind of challenges it has caused.
Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito ad un aumento considerevole di riflessioni riguardo alla forte dipendenza della nostra società nei confronti dei giganti tecnologici, i cosiddetti “Big Tech”: protagonisti indiscussi di una nuova economia che sta diventando sempre più digitale. Tra questi, Amazon si sta posizionando come leader globale espandendosi in mercati sempre più differenziati. Inoltre, la pandemia globale che stiamo vivendo ha accelerato la digitalizzazione e sempre più aziende si stanno evolvendo per competere in un mondo nuovo. La tesi ha lo scopo di fornire un quadro generale delle dinamiche che hanno portato al formarsi di queste piattaforme e alla loro concentrazione; se e come possano controllare e influenzare la competizione e quindi più in generale quali sfide abbia creato la digital economy per le politiche legate all’antitrust. L’enorme influenza di questi colossi, diventati leader di mercato, ha sollevato numerose questioni sul potere dell’online che tutt’ora non è stato compreso a pieno. Studiosi ed esperti sono solo all’inizio di questa complessa analisi di un mercato quasi “invisibile”. Come si vedrà, anche l’Europa sta iniziando a fare passi in avanti in questo ambito. Nella parte finale della tesi, inoltre, viene analizzata la figura di Amazon per comprenderne meglio le peculiarità e quindi, oltre ai grandi vantaggi e benefici che ha introdotto, si parlerà di quali problematiche e perplessità abbia fatto nascere.
Economia digitale: nuove sfide per la politica di concorrenza e il caso Amazon
In the last few years we have witnessed a considerable increase in the number of debates about the strong dependence of our society on technological giants, the so-called "Big Tech": undisputed key players of a new economy that is becoming increasingly digital. Among them, Amazon is positioning itself as a global leader by expanding into increasingly differentiated markets. Moreover, the global pandemic we are experiencing has accelerated digitalization, more and more companies are evolving to compete in a new world. This thesis aims to provide an overview of the dynamics that have led to the formation of these platforms and their concentration; if and how they can control and influence competition and then in general what challenges the digital economy has created for antitrust policies. The enormous power of these giants, which have become market leaders, has raised numerous questions about the power of the online world, that is still not fully understood. Scholars and experts are only at the beginning of this complex analysis. As we will see, Europe is starting to take steps forward in this area. In the final part of the thesis, moreover, Amazon is analysed in order to better understand its peculiarities and therefore, in addition to the great advantages and benefits that it has introduced, we will talk about what kind of challenges it has caused.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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