They were recently completed the reorganization and the inventory of the municipal Archives historical section of Monza. It is one of those acts of the public authorities do not "visible" but of great importance for the community. In fact, it not only allows you to protect the integrity of the same and maintain adequately the cards, but it makes it easier for consultation by those who want to carry on it research. Each archive is an important piece in the mosaic of our collective memory, be it public or private. For great community importance are the municipal historical archives which nevertheless often lie abandoned in makeshift deposits and conditions of disorder. The government naturally have an interest in maintaining efficient the current archives, but too often neglect the historical section of its documentary funds without ravvisarne the important function of testimony of the events and choices of an entire community. Reorder and inventory a municipal historical archive means not only enhance an important part of the historical heritage of the community, but also recover the same memory. This seems of vital importance especially now that the younger generations seem to have lost touch with that memory, contact that you can restart through different roads, one of which may well be a link between the store and the school. For this to happen it is necessary that the file is opened, it becomes available, accessible. The presence of the study of the archives allows a critical and active approach to history. The acquisition of a method and an awareness on the part of the pupils that history is the result of research, editing and not an objective truth to be passed down indefinitely, allows us to understand that historiography has its foundation in the study of the cards. The General Directorate of Archives, aware of the importance of a direct approach to the documentation for the growth of knowledge and a historical consciousness, has supported some educational initiatives within the framework of a general plan to protect the school record since their formation, tending to preserve the documentation and enhance it both inside and outside of the schools. In accordance with these provisions, the place thesis proposes a path of history teaching in the classroom where I teach, for four years now, at the Collegio Villoresi in Monza.
Recentemente sono stati portati a termine il riordino e l’inventariazione della sezione storica dell’Archivio comunale di Monza. Si tratta di uno di quegli interventi delle amministrazioni pubbliche non “visibili” ma di grande importanza per la collettività. Esso infatti non solo permette di tutelare l’integrità dell’archivio stesso e di conservarne adeguatamente le carte, ma rende più semplice la consultazione da parte di chi volesse compiere su di esso delle ricerche. Ogni archivio costituisce un importante tassello nel mosaico della memoria collettiva, sia esso di natura pubblica o privata. Per le comunità grande importanza rivestono gli archivi storici comunali che tuttavia spesso giacciono abbandonati in depositi di fortuna e in condizioni di disordine. Le amministrazioni pubbliche hanno naturalmente interesse a mantenere efficienti gli archivi correnti, ma troppo spesso trascurano la sezione storica dei propri fondi documentari senza ravvisarne l’importante funzione di testimonianza delle vicende e delle scelte di un’intera collettività. Riordinare e inventariare un archivio storico comunale significa non solo valorizzare una parte importante del patrimonio storico della collettività, ma anche recuperarne la stessa memoria. Ciò appare di vitale importanza soprattutto oggi che le giovani generazioni sembrano aver perso il contatto con quella memoria, contatto che si può riavviare attraverso diverse strade, una delle quali può essere senz’altro un raccordo tra l’archivio e la scuola. Perché ciò avvenga è però necessario che l’archivio si apra, si renda consultabile, fruibile . La presenza dello studio degli archivi consente un approccio critico e attivo alla storia . L’acquisizione di un metodo e la consapevolezza da parte degli alunni che la Storia è frutto di ricerca, rielaborazione e non una verità oggettiva da tramandare all’infinito, permette di capire che la storiografia ha le sue fondamenta nello studio delle carte. La Direzione generale per gli Archivi, consapevole dell’importanza di un approccio diretto alla documentazione per la crescita della conoscenza e di una coscienza storica, ha sostenuto alcune iniziative didattiche nel quadro di un più generale progetto di tutela degli archivi scolastici sin dalla loro formazione, tendente a preservarne la documentazione e a valorizzarla sia all’interno che all’esterno degli Istituti scolastici. In conformità con queste disposizioni, il lavoro di tesi svolto propone un percorso di didattica della storia nelle classi dove insegno, da ormai quattro anni, presso il Collegio Villoresi di Monza.
Laboratorio di storia nell'Archivio comunale di Monza.
They were recently completed the reorganization and the inventory of the municipal Archives historical section of Monza. It is one of those acts of the public authorities do not "visible" but of great importance for the community. In fact, it not only allows you to protect the integrity of the same and maintain adequately the cards, but it makes it easier for consultation by those who want to carry on it research. Each archive is an important piece in the mosaic of our collective memory, be it public or private. For great community importance are the municipal historical archives which nevertheless often lie abandoned in makeshift deposits and conditions of disorder. The government naturally have an interest in maintaining efficient the current archives, but too often neglect the historical section of its documentary funds without ravvisarne the important function of testimony of the events and choices of an entire community. Reorder and inventory a municipal historical archive means not only enhance an important part of the historical heritage of the community, but also recover the same memory. This seems of vital importance especially now that the younger generations seem to have lost touch with that memory, contact that you can restart through different roads, one of which may well be a link between the store and the school. For this to happen it is necessary that the file is opened, it becomes available, accessible. The presence of the study of the archives allows a critical and active approach to history. The acquisition of a method and an awareness on the part of the pupils that history is the result of research, editing and not an objective truth to be passed down indefinitely, allows us to understand that historiography has its foundation in the study of the cards. The General Directorate of Archives, aware of the importance of a direct approach to the documentation for the growth of knowledge and a historical consciousness, has supported some educational initiatives within the framework of a general plan to protect the school record since their formation, tending to preserve the documentation and enhance it both inside and outside of the schools. In accordance with these provisions, the place thesis proposes a path of history teaching in the classroom where I teach, for four years now, at the Collegio Villoresi in Monza.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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