This thesis deals with the delicate issues of international law following the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation during the spring of 2014. In order to give an in-depth reading of the controversial legal questions emerging from the case study, the profiles analyzed in this work are in particular: the connection between the secession of the crimean peninsula from Ukraine and the principle of self-determination; the Russian military intervention and the question of its legality; the reactions of the United Nations and the current position of Crimea within the international community. After an initial analysis of the principle of self-determination, the following discussion explores the nature of the crimean secession, also considering the remedial secession theory, to which the Russian doctrine referred. This paper argues that the reference to the principle of self-determination is legally unfounded: in an international order in which the principle of territorial integrity is given priority to, there are no elements capable of conferring on the crimean people the right to secession. Furthermore, the study analyzes the aspects concerning the parallelism, outlined by the crimean and russian authorities, between the Declaration of Independence of Crimea and that of Kosovo. It examine also the issues relating to the legal nature of independence referendums, in the light of the secessionist consultation held in Crimea on March 16th, 2014. The thesis then discusses the military intervention conducted by the Russian Federation in the peninsula, through an analysis of the legal regime regarding use of force and self-defence, with specific reference to the arguments put forward by the Russian authorities in support of the legality of the military action. In this regard, in terms of public debate, the most relevant arguments are: the one that attempts to base the use of force in Crimea on the invitation of the former president Yanukovich; the one which consider the intervention as legitimate insofar as it was conducted to safeguard Russian citizens in the ukrainian territory. With regard to these points, and more generally to Russian intervention, the military action in question is legally groundless and therefore unlawful. The thesis does not fully accept the arguments adopted by the western doctrine and deepens some aspects which have not been dealt enough with. Finally, the dissertation considers the issues arising from the United Nations reactions and, in particular, the General Assembly resolutions 68/262 of 27 March 2014 and 71/205 of 19 December 2016. These resolutions underlined the critical nature of the Russian action in the field of treaty law, which prompted states not to recognize the new situation and qualified the territorial change in analysis as an illegal annexation by the Russian Federation, which was therefore identified as an occupying power. The thesis ends with an in-depth study of the current status of Crimea, with the aim to resolve the issues regarding the statehood and the territorial position of the peninsula. Based on a legal analysis, Crimea is an ukrainian territory occupied by Russia, but the difficulties arising from the conflict between the principle of ex iniuria ius non oritur and that of ex factis ius oritur are stressed. Emphasis is given to the relevance that facts assume over time in terms of consolidation of a territorial situation, especially in a context in which the local population is, in vast majority, in favor of the new arrangement.
La tesi affronta le delicate questioni di diritto internazionale sorte a seguito dell’annessione della Crimea da parte della Russia, nella primavera del 2014. I profili presi in esame, al fine di dare una lettura approfondita delle controverse tematiche giuridiche che emergono dal caso in analisi, riguardano in particolar modo: il rapporto tra la secessione della penisola crimeana dall’Ucraina ed il principio di autodeterminazione; l’intervento militare russo e la legalità o meno dello stesso; le reazioni delle Nazioni Unite e la posizione attuale della Crimea all’interno della comunità internazionale. Dopo un’iniziale ricognizione del principio di autodeterminazione, viene affrontata la natura della secessione della Crimea, anche sotto il profilo della teoria della remedial secession, a cui si è riferita la dottrina russa. Si giunge a concludere che il richiamo al principio di autodeterminazione sia giuridicamente infondato, per l’insussistenza degli elementi che consentano di configurare un diritto alla secessione per il popolo crimeano, nel contesto di un ordinamento internazionale in cui viene data preminenza al principio di integrità territoriale. Vengono, poi, approfonditi sia gli aspetti che riguardano il parallelismo, sostenuto dalle autorità crimeane e russe, tra la Dichiarazione di Indipendenza della Crimea e quella del Kosovo, sia le questioni che riguardano la natura giuridica dei referendum sull’indipendenza, alla luce della consultazione secessionista tenutasi il 16 marzo 2014 in Crimea. Viene, in seguito, ripercorso l’intervento militare operato dalla Federazione Russa nella penisola, attraverso un’analisi della disciplina riguardante l’uso della forza e della legittima difesa, con particolare riguardo alle argomentazioni sostenute dalle autorità russe a supporto della liceità dell’azione militare. Sotto questo profilo, sul piano del dibattito pubblico, sono risultati rilevanti sia l’argomento con il quale si è tentato di sostenere la liceità dell’uso della forza in Crimea attraverso l’invito ad intervenire dell’ex presidente Yanukovich; sia la tesi che ha definito lecito l’intervento in quanto effettuato al fine di tutelare i cittadini russi presenti in territorio ucraino. Con riguardo a tali aspetti, nonché più in generale sul tema dell’intervento russo, si giunge a ritenere l’azione militare in questione priva di fondamento sul piano giuridico e dunque illecita, pur non accogliendo pienamente le argomentazioni adottate da buona parte della dottrina occidentale e approfondendo alcune tematiche poco affrontate. Infine, vengono prese in esame le questioni relative alle reazioni delle Nazioni Unite, ed in particolare le risoluzioni 68/262 del 27 marzo 2014 e 71/205 del 19 dicembre 2016 dell’Assemblea Generale. Con esse si è sottolineata la criticità dell’azione russa sul piano del diritto pattizio, si è invitato gli Stati a non riconoscere la nuova situazione creatasi e si è qualificato il mutamento territoriale in analisi come un’annessione illegale ad opera della Federazione Russa, che viene dunque individuata come potenza occupante. Lo studio si conclude con un approfondimento in ordine allo status attuale della Crimea, con l’obiettivo di risolvere la questione che concerne la statualità e la posizione territoriale della penisola. Essa risulta, sulla base di un’analisi giuridica, territorio ucraino occupato dalla Russia, ma si sottolineano le difficoltà derivanti dal conflitto tra il principio ex iniuria ius non oritur e quello ex factis ius oritur. Si pone l’accento, in particolare, sulla rilevanza che assumono i fatti sul piano del consolidamento nel tempo di una situazione territoriale, soprattutto in un contesto nel quale la popolazione locale risulterebbe ampiamente favorevole al nuovo assetto.
Il caso della Crimea e il diritto internazionale
This thesis deals with the delicate issues of international law following the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation during the spring of 2014. In order to give an in-depth reading of the controversial legal questions emerging from the case study, the profiles analyzed in this work are in particular: the connection between the secession of the crimean peninsula from Ukraine and the principle of self-determination; the Russian military intervention and the question of its legality; the reactions of the United Nations and the current position of Crimea within the international community. After an initial analysis of the principle of self-determination, the following discussion explores the nature of the crimean secession, also considering the remedial secession theory, to which the Russian doctrine referred. This paper argues that the reference to the principle of self-determination is legally unfounded: in an international order in which the principle of territorial integrity is given priority to, there are no elements capable of conferring on the crimean people the right to secession. Furthermore, the study analyzes the aspects concerning the parallelism, outlined by the crimean and russian authorities, between the Declaration of Independence of Crimea and that of Kosovo. It examine also the issues relating to the legal nature of independence referendums, in the light of the secessionist consultation held in Crimea on March 16th, 2014. The thesis then discusses the military intervention conducted by the Russian Federation in the peninsula, through an analysis of the legal regime regarding use of force and self-defence, with specific reference to the arguments put forward by the Russian authorities in support of the legality of the military action. In this regard, in terms of public debate, the most relevant arguments are: the one that attempts to base the use of force in Crimea on the invitation of the former president Yanukovich; the one which consider the intervention as legitimate insofar as it was conducted to safeguard Russian citizens in the ukrainian territory. With regard to these points, and more generally to Russian intervention, the military action in question is legally groundless and therefore unlawful. The thesis does not fully accept the arguments adopted by the western doctrine and deepens some aspects which have not been dealt enough with. Finally, the dissertation considers the issues arising from the United Nations reactions and, in particular, the General Assembly resolutions 68/262 of 27 March 2014 and 71/205 of 19 December 2016. These resolutions underlined the critical nature of the Russian action in the field of treaty law, which prompted states not to recognize the new situation and qualified the territorial change in analysis as an illegal annexation by the Russian Federation, which was therefore identified as an occupying power. The thesis ends with an in-depth study of the current status of Crimea, with the aim to resolve the issues regarding the statehood and the territorial position of the peninsula. Based on a legal analysis, Crimea is an ukrainian territory occupied by Russia, but the difficulties arising from the conflict between the principle of ex iniuria ius non oritur and that of ex factis ius oritur are stressed. Emphasis is given to the relevance that facts assume over time in terms of consolidation of a territorial situation, especially in a context in which the local population is, in vast majority, in favor of the new arrangement.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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