The development of a common European asylum system has been marked by a numerous failures and difficulties over the last two decades, especially during the recent and ongoing Refugee Crisis. Poor implementation of policies at the national level, incoherent and incongruent policy making at the European level and the politicisation of the refugee crisis have proved to be extremely challenging for authorities to overcome. Common approaches, with an emphasis on cooperation among member states, and moving away from a system of “burden-shifting” to “burden-sharing”, will be crucial in surmounting the serious issues of solidarity, sovereignty, security and respecting international law associated with 21st century migratory flows. This requires a fundamental shift from the current competitive and uncooperative model in the European Union, and a doubling down of reform efforts thus far.
Lo sviluppo di un sistema comune europeo di asilo è stato contrassegnato da numerosi fallimenti e difficoltà negli ultimi due decenni, in particolare durante la recente e tuttora in corso crisi dei rifugiati. La scarsa attuazione delle politiche a livello nazionale, l'incoerenza e l'incongruenza delle politiche a livello europeo e la politicizzazione della crisi dei rifugiati si sono rivelate estremamente difficili da superare per le autorità. Approcci comuni, con enfasi sulla cooperazione tra gli Stati membri, e il passaggio da un sistema di "spostamento degli oneri" a "condivisione degli oneri", sarà fondamentale per superare le gravi questioni di solidarietà, sovranità, sicurezza e rispetto del diritto internazionale associato ai flussi migratori del 21 ° secolo. Ciò richiede un cambiamento fondamentale dell'attuale modello competitivo e non cooperativo nell'Unione europea e un raddoppiamento degli sforzi di riforma compiuti finora.
Towards a more coherent Common European Asylum System? A critical analysis of the flawed development of asylum policies in the European Union
The development of a common European asylum system has been marked by a numerous failures and difficulties over the last two decades, especially during the recent and ongoing Refugee Crisis. Poor implementation of policies at the national level, incoherent and incongruent policy making at the European level and the politicisation of the refugee crisis have proved to be extremely challenging for authorities to overcome. Common approaches, with an emphasis on cooperation among member states, and moving away from a system of “burden-shifting” to “burden-sharing”, will be crucial in surmounting the serious issues of solidarity, sovereignty, security and respecting international law associated with 21st century migratory flows. This requires a fundamental shift from the current competitive and uncooperative model in the European Union, and a doubling down of reform efforts thus far.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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