International market selections are crucial decisions for resource constrained SMEs, and the process leading to the selection is shown to have an influence on the outcome of the decision. Understanding the process adopted by the SMEs, steps and methods adopted, and the factors bringing to their adoption may bring benefit to the manager of small business through more fitted prescriptions and recommendations and may better address Governments’ policies to promote SMEs export. The rationality model, bounded rationality model, power and politics model and garbage can model were individuated as best theories explaining the drivers of decision inside organizations. While the contingency model was used to explain how SMEs could turn toward different driver of decision, given their unique characteristics. The international market selection was explained and associated with a decision-making process model composed by 3 steps and 4 methods leading to decision, which was drafted on the basis of previous literature on the topic. The main theoretical bases for the model came from Mintzberg, Raisinghani & Théoret (1976) and Jocumsen (2002). The empirical analysis of the study was qualitative with case studies coming from two Italian SMEs. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews done to the decision-makers of the companies about the selection of 2 markets each. The collected data were analysed through the confrontation with the theoretical framework, jointly with the cross of the answers among the answers and with the collected secondary data. The results have shown how the IMS process is highly unstructured and based on informal methods of information gathering and analysis, in which network and manager’s intuition play a central role. Even though SMEs limited resources influences the adopted process, greater influence on the adoption is exercised by managers’ knowledge, ability and behaviour. The introduction of higher education inside the process is expected to increase its rationality
Le selezioni dei mercati internazionali rappresentano decisioni cruciali per PMI con limitate risorse; al contempo il processo che porta a tale selezione si è visto avere un influenza sul risultato di tale decisione. Capire il processo adottato dalle PMI, le fasi e i metodi adottati, a i fattori che portano alla loro adozione può portare beneficio ai manager delle piccole imprese attraverso prescrizioni e raccomandazioni più mirate e può meglio indirizzare le politiche dei Governi per la promozione delle esportazioni delle PMI. Il modello della razionalità, della razionalità limitata, del potere e delle politica e quello del bidone dell’immondizia sono stati individuati come le migliori teorie sui modelli decisionali all’interno delle organizzazioni. Mentre il modello della contingenza è stato utilizzato per spiegare perché le PMI possano adottare diversi modelli decisionali, date le loro uniche caratteristiche. La selezione dei mercati internazionali è stata spiegata e associata ad un modello di processo decisionale composto da 3 fasi e 4 metodi che portano alla decisione; il quale è stato disegnato sulla base della letteratura precedente sul tema. La principale base teoretica per il modello è arrivata da Mintzberg, Raisinghani & Théoret (1976) e Jocumsen (2002). L’analisi empirica dello studio è stata qualitativa attraverso casi studio provenienti da due PMI italiane. I dati sono stati collezionati attraverso interviste semi-strutturate fatte a coloro che prendono tali decisioni all’interno delle compagnie riguardo due passate selezioni di mercato ciascuno. I dati collezionati sono stati analizzati attraverso il confronto col quadro teoretico, unitamente con l’incrocio delle domande dei rispondenti e con i dati secondari collezionati. I risultati hanno mostrato come il processo di selezione dei mercati internazionali sia altamente non strutturato e basato su metodi informali di collezione e analisi delle informazioni, nel quale l’uso di network e dell’intuizione dei manager giocano un ruolo fondamentale. Anche se le risorse limitate delle PMI influenza l’adozione di questo processo, una maggiore influenza sull’adozione è esercitata dalle conoscenze abilità e comportamenti dei manager. L’introduzione di maggiore livelli d’istruzione all’interno del processo si ipotizza possa portare ad una crescita della razionalità in esso.
International market selections are crucial decisions for resource constrained SMEs, and the process leading to the selection is shown to have an influence on the outcome of the decision. Understanding the process adopted by the SMEs, steps and methods adopted, and the factors bringing to their adoption may bring benefit to the manager of small business through more fitted prescriptions and recommendations and may better address Governments’ policies to promote SMEs export. The rationality model, bounded rationality model, power and politics model and garbage can model were individuated as best theories explaining the drivers of decision inside organizations. While the contingency model was used to explain how SMEs could turn toward different driver of decision, given their unique characteristics. The international market selection was explained and associated with a decision-making process model composed by 3 steps and 4 methods leading to decision, which was drafted on the basis of previous literature on the topic. The main theoretical bases for the model came from Mintzberg, Raisinghani & Théoret (1976) and Jocumsen (2002). The empirical analysis of the study was qualitative with case studies coming from two Italian SMEs. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews done to the decision-makers of the companies about the selection of 2 markets each. The collected data were analysed through the confrontation with the theoretical framework, jointly with the cross of the answers among the answers and with the collected secondary data. The results have shown how the IMS process is highly unstructured and based on informal methods of information gathering and analysis, in which network and manager’s intuition play a central role. Even though SMEs limited resources influences the adopted process, greater influence on the adoption is exercised by managers’ knowledge, ability and behaviour. The introduction of higher education inside the process is expected to increase its rationalityÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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