There were 271.642.105 international migrants in 2019. The IDMC measured 8.553.800 internally displaced people due to conflict, but 24.855.000 were due to natural disasters. The inexistence of a definition of climate change migration and the non-recognition of the category among the different kinds of migrants impede any type of statistics and esteems. The work defines the two exiting groups of migrants usually recognized as asylum-seekers, which once accepted by the host country become refugees and migrate due to political reasons and the migrant workers, who obtain a residency permit with the purpose of employment. Italy passed from being an emigration country with its famous Italian diasporas after the World Wars to an immigration one, even if very often the numbers of immigrants and emigrants are equal. Due to the inexistence of data on climate change migrations, it was not possible to establish whether Italy is being a safe land for those who run away natural disasters or a land from which escaping. The comparison of the main natural catastrophic events occurred in 2019 with the main countries of origin of the main groups of immigrants to Italy of 2019, 2020 and the first months of 2021 did not provide reliable, clear and effective results. Firstly, because of the non-scientific methods applied and secondly because of the gaps in the international law and in the tools usually adopted by experts in quantifying and in the creation of statistics. The need of an evolution in these two fields is what most emerges from the work.
Nel 2019 ci sono state 271.642.105 migrazioni internazionali. 8.553.800 persone erano dislocate all’interno del proprio stato a causa di conflitti violenti, ma 24.855.000 lo sono state a causa di disastri naturali. L’inesistenza di definizioni internazionalmente riconosciute delle migrazioni climatiche e la mancanza di riconoscimento della categoria stessa tra i diversi tipi di migranti impedisce lo sviluppo di statistiche e stime. Il lavoro definisce i due tipi di migrazioni esistenti e solitamente riconosciuti come richiedenti asilo, che una volta accettati dal paese in cui vengono ospitati diventano rifugiati e che migrano per motivi politici ed i lavoratori migranti, che ottengono un permesso di soggiorno con lo scopo di impiego. L’Italia è passata dall’essere un paese di emigrazione con le sue famose diaspore a seguito delle guerre mondiali ad un paese di immigrazione, dove comunque il numero di immigrati ed emigrati spesso equivale. A causa della mancanza di dati sulle migrazioni da cambio climatico, non è stato possibile definire se l’Italia è oggigiorno un paese sicuro che accoglie chi fugge da disastri naturali o una terra da cui scappare. Il confronto dei principali eventi e catastrofi naturali avvenuti nel 2019 con i principali paesi di origine dei gruppi più consistenti di immigrati in Italia del 2019, 2020 e nei primi mesi del 2021 non ha fornito risultati chiari, autorevoli ed effettivi. In primis a causa dei metodi utilizzati, si trattava di metodi non scientifici, ed inoltre a causa delle lacune del diritto internazionale e negli strumenti normalmente adottati dagli esperti nel quantificare e creare statistiche. La necessità di evolvere e progredire in tali campi è ciò che più emerge dal lavoro svolto.
Comparing Italian migration flows to analyze climate change migrations
There were 271.642.105 international migrants in 2019. The IDMC measured 8.553.800 internally displaced people due to conflict, but 24.855.000 were due to natural disasters. The inexistence of a definition of climate change migration and the non-recognition of the category among the different kinds of migrants impede any type of statistics and esteems. The work defines the two exiting groups of migrants usually recognized as asylum-seekers, which once accepted by the host country become refugees and migrate due to political reasons and the migrant workers, who obtain a residency permit with the purpose of employment. Italy passed from being an emigration country with its famous Italian diasporas after the World Wars to an immigration one, even if very often the numbers of immigrants and emigrants are equal. Due to the inexistence of data on climate change migrations, it was not possible to establish whether Italy is being a safe land for those who run away natural disasters or a land from which escaping. The comparison of the main natural catastrophic events occurred in 2019 with the main countries of origin of the main groups of immigrants to Italy of 2019, 2020 and the first months of 2021 did not provide reliable, clear and effective results. Firstly, because of the non-scientific methods applied and secondly because of the gaps in the international law and in the tools usually adopted by experts in quantifying and in the creation of statistics. The need of an evolution in these two fields is what most emerges from the work.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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