The current work analyzes the legal protection of LGBTI individuals under the Inter-American System for the protection of Human Rights – IASHR; in order to do so, the current study relies on three pillars. Firstly, it analyzes the impact of social stigma on violations of basic rights such as judicial protection, equality before the law, access to housing, physical and mental integrity, right to have a name, right to family, and even right to life. Secondly, it details how the IASHR interprets its legal mechanism, namely treaties, declarations, and jurisprudence, as a way to hold States accountable for the protection of those individuals. Lastly, it reflects on current challenges encountered by IASHR bodies in their endeavor to protect the rights of LGBTI persons as well as to promote changes in domestic legislation. Keywords: America. Human Rights. International Law. LGBTI.
Promozione e Protezione dei Diritti Umani delle Persone LGBTI nel Sistema Interamericano: Standard Regionali e Sfide Attuali
The current work analyzes the legal protection of LGBTI individuals under the Inter-American System for the protection of Human Rights – IASHR; in order to do so, the current study relies on three pillars. Firstly, it analyzes the impact of social stigma on violations of basic rights such as judicial protection, equality before the law, access to housing, physical and mental integrity, right to have a name, right to family, and even right to life. Secondly, it details how the IASHR interprets its legal mechanism, namely treaties, declarations, and jurisprudence, as a way to hold States accountable for the protection of those individuals. Lastly, it reflects on current challenges encountered by IASHR bodies in their endeavor to protect the rights of LGBTI persons as well as to promote changes in domestic legislation. Keywords: America. Human Rights. International Law. LGBTI.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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