The aim of the present study is to investigate young adults’ extramural English habits and perception of out-of-school language learning. The goal is to explore the informal learning of English, to delve into the phenomenon of autonomous learning and to investigate the potential implications for classroom practice. This research focuses on Italy, where out-of-school exposure to English is still understudied, in order to provide some initial evidence on this phenomenon in the Italian context. In this investigation, a questionnaire was designed as research instrument to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The questionnaire was administered online over a two-week time span and it was filled in by 413 informants aged between 20 and 40. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis, respectively. The main findings of the current research are: (1) the youth are progressively having more and more varied extramural contacts with English on a daily and weekly basis and their engagement in extramural English activities mostly involves audiovisual products and digital media (e.g. movies and TV series, social media, video-sharing platforms), while more traditional media (e.g. the radio) are losing ground; (2) young adults are progressively taking advantage of their informal extramural contacts with English to improve their language proficiency and female learners seem to behave more autonomously than male learners; (3) the youth have a very positive attitude towards out-of-school English and they strongly believe in the potentials of extramural English activities for language learning, especially to improve listening skills, vocabulary and pronunciation; (4) learners perceive an authenticity gap between ‘school English’ and ‘English in the real world’ and believe that language learning outside the classroom involves the engagement in meaningful and practical activities.
Il presente studio è incentrato sul tema dell’esposizione informale alla lingua inglese ed è finalizzato all’indagine delle abitudini dei giovani adulti e della loro percezione dell’apprendimento linguistico in contesto extrascolastico. L’obiettivo è analizzare l’apprendimento informale dell’inglese, esplorare il fenomeno dell’autonomia nell’apprendimento linguistico ed esaminare le possibili implicazioni per la didattica. La ricerca è stata condotta sul territorio italiano con lo scopo di far luce sulla tematica dell’esposizione all’inglese fuori dalla scuola, che risulta essere ancora poco studiata in Italia. In questo studio è stato creato un questionario come strumento di ricerca per permettere la raccolta di dati sia quantitativi che qualitativi. Il questionario è stato somministrato online nell’arco di due settimane ed è stato compilato da 413 informanti di età compresa tra i 20 e i 40 anni. I dati quantitativi e qualitativi sono stati analizzati rispettivamente attraverso l’uso della descriptive statistics e della content analysis. I principali risultati della ricerca sono i seguenti: (1) i giovani hanno sempre più contatti diversificati con l’inglese in contesto extrascolastico su base quotidiana e settimanale e le attività che svolgono prevedono sempre più l’uso di materiali audiovisivi e dei media digitali (e.g. film e serie TV, social media e piattaforme di video-sharing), mentre i media più tradizionali (e.g. radio) stanno perdendo terreno; (2) i contatti informali con l’inglese vengono sempre più sfruttati per migliorare la competenza linguistica e le ragazze dimostrano maggiore autonomia dei ragazzi nell’apprendimento della lingua target; (3) i giovani hanno un atteggiamento particolarmente positivo nei confronti delle attività che permettono l’esposizione informale all’inglese e credono fortemente nella potenzialità di tali attività per l’apprendimento linguistico, in particolar modo per migliorare la capacità di ascolto, lessico e pronuncia; (4) gli apprendenti percepiscono un divario in termini di autenticità tra l’‘inglese scolastico’ e l’‘inglese nel mondo reale’ e ritengono che l’apprendimento linguistico fuori dall’aula implichi lo svolgimento di attività pratiche che rispondono a necessità e interessi personali.
Beyond the classroom walls: an investigation of young adults’ extramural English habits and perception of out-of-school language learning
The aim of the present study is to investigate young adults’ extramural English habits and perception of out-of-school language learning. The goal is to explore the informal learning of English, to delve into the phenomenon of autonomous learning and to investigate the potential implications for classroom practice. This research focuses on Italy, where out-of-school exposure to English is still understudied, in order to provide some initial evidence on this phenomenon in the Italian context. In this investigation, a questionnaire was designed as research instrument to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The questionnaire was administered online over a two-week time span and it was filled in by 413 informants aged between 20 and 40. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis, respectively. The main findings of the current research are: (1) the youth are progressively having more and more varied extramural contacts with English on a daily and weekly basis and their engagement in extramural English activities mostly involves audiovisual products and digital media (e.g. movies and TV series, social media, video-sharing platforms), while more traditional media (e.g. the radio) are losing ground; (2) young adults are progressively taking advantage of their informal extramural contacts with English to improve their language proficiency and female learners seem to behave more autonomously than male learners; (3) the youth have a very positive attitude towards out-of-school English and they strongly believe in the potentials of extramural English activities for language learning, especially to improve listening skills, vocabulary and pronunciation; (4) learners perceive an authenticity gap between ‘school English’ and ‘English in the real world’ and believe that language learning outside the classroom involves the engagement in meaningful and practical activities.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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