The relations between the Russian Federation and the United States and European Union have reached “historic lows” from the disruption of the Soviet Union. At the basis of hostilities, the Ukrainian riots of Maidan Square (2013) and the subsequent Russian invasion of the Crimean peninsula (2014). Nevertheless, these events could be considered as the “casus belli”, but not the origin of the conflict between West and Russian world. The aim of this thesis is to provide an interpretative model of international economic relations between European Union and Russian Federation, that can be adapted to carry out assumptions about the evolution of future relationships. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to answer the following questions: are there historical constants in the dialectic between Europe and Russian Federation? International relations between the West and Russian Federation, have come to an end, or vice versa, Moscow, Brussels and Washington have never created a sustainable model of mutual relations ? In addition, European Union can be considered a world pole, or on the contrary, is there currently only a binomial euro-atlantic in Europe? Finally, is there a real risk that Russian Federation may turn away from Europe, preferring stable relations with Far-Eastern countries? In carrying out the work, an interdisciplinary approach has been used. The analysis is developed using different concepts relating to: economics, international political economics, energy economics, European and regional integration, European Union Law, geopolitics and history of Russia. The text is divided into four chapters, which follow a chronological order from 1945 to 2015. Chapters: I) Relations between the EEC and the Soviet Bloc; II) The eastern expansion of the European Union; III) European Union, NATO and Russian Federation; IV) The Eurasian economic union.
Le relazioni della Federazione Russa con Stati Uniti e Unione Europea hanno raggiunto i minimi storici dalla disgregazione dell’Unione Sovietica. Alla base delle ostilità, le rivolte ucraine di Piazza Maidan (2013) e la conseguente invasione russa della penisola di Crimea (2014). Tuttavia, questi avvenimenti possono essere considerati il casus belli ma non l’origine dei contrasti tra Occidente e mondo russo. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di fornire un modello interpretativo delle relazioni economiche internazionali tra Unione Europea e Federazione Russa, che possa essere adatto ad effettuare delle ipotesi circa l’evoluzione dei rapporti futuri. La finalità della tesi è quindi quella di rispondere alle seguenti domande: esistono delle costanti storiche nella dialettica tra Europa e Federazione Russa? Le relazioni internazionali tra Occidente e Federazione Russa sono giunte al termine, o viceversa, non si è mai creato un modello sostenibile di relazioni tra Mosca, Bruxelles e Washington? Inoltre, l’Unione Europea può considerarsi un polo mondiale, o al contrario, attualmente esiste soltanto un binomio euro-atlantico in Europa ? Infine, c’è il rischio concreto che la Federazione Russa si allontani dall'Europa, preferendo relazioni stabili con i Paesi dell’estremo Oriente? Nello svolgimento del lavoro si è utilizzato un approccio interdisciplinare. L’analisi si sviluppa utilizzando diversi concetti inerenti: Economia, Politica Economica Internazionale, Economia dell’energia, Integrazione europea e regionale, Diritto dell’Unione Europea, Geopolitica e Storia della Russia. Il testo è suddiviso in quattro capitoli, i quali seguono un ordine temporale dal 1945 al 2015. Capitoli: I) Rapporti tra CEE e Blocco sovietico; II) L’espansione orientale dell’Unione Europea; III)L’Unione Europea, la NATO e la Federazione Russa; IV)L’Unione Economica Eurasiatica.
Unione Europea, Federazione Russa e Unione Eurasiatica. Aspetti economici e geopolitici
The relations between the Russian Federation and the United States and European Union have reached “historic lows” from the disruption of the Soviet Union. At the basis of hostilities, the Ukrainian riots of Maidan Square (2013) and the subsequent Russian invasion of the Crimean peninsula (2014). Nevertheless, these events could be considered as the “casus belli”, but not the origin of the conflict between West and Russian world. The aim of this thesis is to provide an interpretative model of international economic relations between European Union and Russian Federation, that can be adapted to carry out assumptions about the evolution of future relationships. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to answer the following questions: are there historical constants in the dialectic between Europe and Russian Federation? International relations between the West and Russian Federation, have come to an end, or vice versa, Moscow, Brussels and Washington have never created a sustainable model of mutual relations ? In addition, European Union can be considered a world pole, or on the contrary, is there currently only a binomial euro-atlantic in Europe? Finally, is there a real risk that Russian Federation may turn away from Europe, preferring stable relations with Far-Eastern countries? In carrying out the work, an interdisciplinary approach has been used. The analysis is developed using different concepts relating to: economics, international political economics, energy economics, European and regional integration, European Union Law, geopolitics and history of Russia. The text is divided into four chapters, which follow a chronological order from 1945 to 2015. Chapters: I) Relations between the EEC and the Soviet Bloc; II) The eastern expansion of the European Union; III) European Union, NATO and Russian Federation; IV) The Eurasian economic union.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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