In a world deeply transformed by the advent of the Internet and social networks, philosophy can provide the tools to read and deepen some of the issues that are characterizing our society. Starting from this assumption the present thesis work has as its object the study of echo chambers. It will show the close link between epistemic bubbles, echo chambers and the use of information on social networks, taking as case study the flat-earth communities on Facebook. The objective of this study is twofold: firstly I will try to identify the causes of the spread of these social structures, and secondly I will analyze what strategies can be applied by the scientific community (and not only) to stem the phenomenon.
In un mondo profondamente trasformato dall'avvento di internet e dei social network, la filosofia può fornire gli strumenti per leggere e approfondire alcune problematiche che stanno caratterizzando la nostra società. Partendo da questo assunto il presente lavoro di tesi ha come oggetto lo studio delle camere d’eco. Si mostrerà lo stretto legame tra bolle epistemiche, camere d’eco e la fruizione delle informazioni sui social network prendendo come case study le community terrapiattiste su Facebook. L’obiettivo di questo studio è duplice: da un lato si cercherà di individuare le cause della diffusione di queste strutture sociali, secondariamente verranno analizzate quali possono essere le strategie applicabili dalla comunità scientifica (e non) per arginare il fenomeno.
Epistemologia delle Camere d’Eco e Analisi della loro Diffusione sui Social Media
In a world deeply transformed by the advent of the Internet and social networks, philosophy can provide the tools to read and deepen some of the issues that are characterizing our society. Starting from this assumption the present thesis work has as its object the study of echo chambers. It will show the close link between epistemic bubbles, echo chambers and the use of information on social networks, taking as case study the flat-earth communities on Facebook. The objective of this study is twofold: firstly I will try to identify the causes of the spread of these social structures, and secondly I will analyze what strategies can be applied by the scientific community (and not only) to stem the phenomenon.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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