In carrying out any public work, the State, in certain situations, has to face the problem of the lack of skills and resources necessary for their construction and / or management. Certain private companies can intervene in order to compensate for certain gaps, which, through their technical and financial support, offer services to the various public bodies that make public requests. The public-private partnership institute, which is the subject of this thesis, offers an opportunity for both parties to meet their interests. Interest of nature, evidently economic, as regards the private sector and interests with more utilitarian purposes, addressed to the community, as regards the public part. The study of public-private partnerships has led this elaboration to deepen one of its most well-known modalities, namely project financing (project finance) which presents some elements that characterize the others. In the elaboration of this thesis, we move on from a general description of the partnerships to a more in-depth analysis of the specific case of project finance with a series of Italian examples and foreign cases. There have been, from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, some proposals for revitalization for this institute that will be discussed in the last chapter. The aim of this thesis was to make the institute of public-private partnership a major opportunity, analyzing its advantages and criticalities.
Nella realizzazione di qualsiasi opera pubblica, lo Stato, in determinate situazioni, si trova a dover fronteggiare il problema della carenza di competenze e di risorse necessarie alla loro costruzione e/o gestione. Per sopperire a determinate lacune possono intervenire determinate imprese private che, tramite il loro supporto tecnico-finanziario, offrono servizio ai diversi enti pubblici che ne fanno pubblica richiesta. L’istituto del partenariato pubblico-privato, oggetto di questa tesi, offre un’opportunità per entrambe le parti per poter soddisfare i propri interessi. Interessi di natura, evidentemente economici, per quanto riguarda il settore privato ed interessi con fini maggiormente utilitaristici, indirizzati alla collettività, per quanto riguarda la parte pubblica. Lo studio delle partnership tra pubblico e privato ha portato tale elaborato ad approfondire una delle sue più note modalità ossia il project financing (finanza di progetto) che presenta alcuni elementi caratterizzanti rispetto ad altri. Nell’elaborazione di questa tesi di laurea si passa, dunque, da una descrizione generale in merito ai partenariati ad un’analisi più approfondita sul caso specifico della finanza di progetto con una serie di esempi italiani e casi esteri. Ci sono state, da parte del Ministero dell’economia e delle Finanze, alcune proposte di rilancio per tale istituto che verranno discusse nell’ultimo capitolo. Obiettivo di questa tesi di laurea è stato quello di far percepire l’istituto del partenariato pubblico-privato come una grossa opportunità analizzandone vantaggi e criticità.
In carrying out any public work, the State, in certain situations, has to face the problem of the lack of skills and resources necessary for their construction and / or management. Certain private companies can intervene in order to compensate for certain gaps, which, through their technical and financial support, offer services to the various public bodies that make public requests. The public-private partnership institute, which is the subject of this thesis, offers an opportunity for both parties to meet their interests. Interest of nature, evidently economic, as regards the private sector and interests with more utilitarian purposes, addressed to the community, as regards the public part. The study of public-private partnerships has led this elaboration to deepen one of its most well-known modalities, namely project financing (project finance) which presents some elements that characterize the others. In the elaboration of this thesis, we move on from a general description of the partnerships to a more in-depth analysis of the specific case of project finance with a series of Italian examples and foreign cases. There have been, from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, some proposals for revitalization for this institute that will be discussed in the last chapter. The aim of this thesis was to make the institute of public-private partnership a major opportunity, analyzing its advantages and criticalities.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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