The concepts of dignity, and, in particular, human dignity, is one of the most important concepts in moral and political debates since the end of the Second World War. However, progressively its uses have become widespread and its meanings ambiguous and blurred, changing according to the specific context. In this situation, the conceptual clarification of human dignity is a fundamental philosophical task. In this thesis I propose to reconsider the main conceptions of human dignity and, on these grounds, to present a new conception of human dignity. My proposal is to understand the concept of dignity from a sociability-based perspective as crucially related to the concept of membership.
The concepts of dignity, and, in particular, human dignity, is one of the most important concepts in moral and political debates since the end of the Second World War. However, progressively its uses have become widespread and its meanings ambiguous and blurred, changing according to the specific context. In this situation, the conceptual clarification of human dignity is a fundamental philosophical task. In this thesis I propose to reconsider the main conceptions of human dignity and, on these grounds, to present a new conception of human dignity. My proposal is to understand the concept of dignity from a sociability-based perspective as crucially related to the concept of membership.
Dignity as membership: reconsidering dignity from a sociability-based perspective
The concepts of dignity, and, in particular, human dignity, is one of the most important concepts in moral and political debates since the end of the Second World War. However, progressively its uses have become widespread and its meanings ambiguous and blurred, changing according to the specific context. In this situation, the conceptual clarification of human dignity is a fundamental philosophical task. In this thesis I propose to reconsider the main conceptions of human dignity and, on these grounds, to present a new conception of human dignity. My proposal is to understand the concept of dignity from a sociability-based perspective as crucially related to the concept of membership.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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