The introduction and the diffusion of the internet and new digital technologies have been changing the industrial structures and characteristics of different businesses during the last decades, in particular for creative industries, where knowledge started to being produced and circulate in new and innovative ways. Companies in the music industry have been among the firsts that were forced to change their traditional business model and organisational activities, in order to maintain their economic performance within the new market scenario. The purpose of this study is to analyse the dynamics of firm economic performance and innovativeness within the international music market. In order to perform this kind of analysis, in an industry where the core product has been shifting towards the exploitation of IP rights and towards the idea of music as a service, trademarks’ information is considered as a proxy of the innovative effort. The analysis is conducted on a sample regarding the largest three companies, respectively: Sony music, the Universal music group, and the Warner music group, together with a sample of their subsidiaries, between 2001 and 2015. Trademark information is collected for the European and American markets, respectively from the USPTO and European member states’ offices, through the online database TMview. Financial information has been collected from the financial reports published by each Major’s parent company. A descriptive analysis of trademarking activity, and specifically NICE classes fillings, have been performed since the first historical information available, with respect to goods and services macro classes, as well as the main specific classes. The relationship between firms’ financial performance in terms of revenues and innovation dynamics has been investigated through a multivariate negative binomial regression carried out using the STATA software. A further exploratory investigation has been carried out to analyse concentration and trends of innovation within goods and classes categories, by using trademark’s NICE classes fillings and segment/source revenues information. Results highlight the significant and positive effect of firm economic performance on the innovative effort, while the further explanatory investigation reports a significant and negative relationship between economic performance and concentration of innovation in NICE classes categories. Furthermore, the comparison of aggregate and single segments’ performances highlights differences in the impact on products and services innovations. Keywords: Innovation, firm performance, trademarks, NICE classes, music industry, creative industries
L’introduzione e la diffusione di internet a delle nuove tecnologie digitali, ha cambiato la struttura e le caratteristiche industriali di diverse economie durante gli ultimi decenni, in particolare, per quanto riguarda le creative industries, dove la conoscenza ha iniziato ad essere prodotta e a circolare in nuovi ed innovativi modi. Le società nell’industria musicale sono state tra le prime ad essere forzate a cambiare il loro tradizionale business model e le proprie attività organizzative, per mantenere la propria performance aziendale in un nuovo scenario di mercato. L’obiettivo di questo studio consiste nell’analisi delle dinamiche di performance aziendali e di innovazione nel mercato internazionale della musica. Al fine di condurre questo tipo di analisi, in un industria dove il core product si è trasformato sempre più nello sfruttamento economico della proprietà intellettuale, e nell’idea di musica come un servizio, le informazioni sui processi di registrazione dei marchi sono considerate come misura dello sforzo innovativo. L’indagine è condotta su un campione comprendente le attuali maggiori tre società, rispettivamente, Sony music, Universal music group, and Warner music group, assieme ad un campione delle rispettive sussidiarie, considerando il periodo tra il 2001 ed il 2015. Le informazioni relative ai marchi sono raccolte per i mercati Americano ed Europeo, rispettivamente dall’ USPTO e dagli uffici dei singoli stati Europei, tramite il database online TMview. I dati finanziari sono raccolti dai report annuali pubblicati dalla controllante di ciascuna Major. Una analisi descrittiva della classificazione di NIZZA di ogni marchio, è stata eseguita a partire dal primo dato storico disponibile, rispetto alle macro classi di prodotti, servizi, e alle principali specifiche classi. La relazione tra la performance aziendale in termini di fatturato e le dinamiche di innovazione è stata analizzata attraverso una regressione binomiale negativa tramite il software STATA. Una ulteriore analisi esplorativa è stata svolta per studiare la concentrazione e le dinamiche di innovazione in termini di prodotti e servizi, considerando le applicazioni in termini di classificazione di NIZZA di ogni marchio, e la performance economica dei diversi segmenti/fonti. I risultati delle analisi evidenziano un effetto significativo e positivo della performance aziendale sull’innovazione, mentre la successiva analisi esplorativa riporta una relazione significativa e negativa tra la performance aziendale e la concentrazione del tentativo di innovazione nelle categorie della classificazione di NIZZA. Inoltre, il confronto tra gli effetti della performance totale, e quella di ogni singolo segmento, evidenzia differenze negli effetti relativamente alle innovazioni nelle diverse classi di prodotti e servizi. Keywords: innovazione, performance aziendali, marci, classificazione di NIZZA, industria musicale, creative industries
The role of trademarks in creative industries: an analysis of the music industry
The introduction and the diffusion of the internet and new digital technologies have been changing the industrial structures and characteristics of different businesses during the last decades, in particular for creative industries, where knowledge started to being produced and circulate in new and innovative ways. Companies in the music industry have been among the firsts that were forced to change their traditional business model and organisational activities, in order to maintain their economic performance within the new market scenario. The purpose of this study is to analyse the dynamics of firm economic performance and innovativeness within the international music market. In order to perform this kind of analysis, in an industry where the core product has been shifting towards the exploitation of IP rights and towards the idea of music as a service, trademarks’ information is considered as a proxy of the innovative effort. The analysis is conducted on a sample regarding the largest three companies, respectively: Sony music, the Universal music group, and the Warner music group, together with a sample of their subsidiaries, between 2001 and 2015. Trademark information is collected for the European and American markets, respectively from the USPTO and European member states’ offices, through the online database TMview. Financial information has been collected from the financial reports published by each Major’s parent company. A descriptive analysis of trademarking activity, and specifically NICE classes fillings, have been performed since the first historical information available, with respect to goods and services macro classes, as well as the main specific classes. The relationship between firms’ financial performance in terms of revenues and innovation dynamics has been investigated through a multivariate negative binomial regression carried out using the STATA software. A further exploratory investigation has been carried out to analyse concentration and trends of innovation within goods and classes categories, by using trademark’s NICE classes fillings and segment/source revenues information. Results highlight the significant and positive effect of firm economic performance on the innovative effort, while the further explanatory investigation reports a significant and negative relationship between economic performance and concentration of innovation in NICE classes categories. Furthermore, the comparison of aggregate and single segments’ performances highlights differences in the impact on products and services innovations. Keywords: Innovation, firm performance, trademarks, NICE classes, music industry, creative industriesÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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