The following paper has as its objective the pleasure boating. This term is used to refer to navigation carried out in maritime and inland waters for sporting or recreational purposes and without the aim of making a profit. Within this segment are included several activities that range from shipbuilding, ie the construction of hulls, through the production of accessories and engines, up to the after sales services offered to every boat owner. The aim of this paper is to provide a clear overview of the performance of the entire sector, especially over the last twenty years, and to identify its future prospects. The work is then divided into three sections: the first one dedicated to the history of Italian boating from its origins, which are usually traced back to the First World War, until the end of the last century. The second chapter focuses exclusively on the factors that have affected the sector over the last twenty years, such as: nautical leasing, the institutional policies adopted towards the sector, the threat of new competing countries etc. In order to make the effects of these elements more comprehensible, it was decided to carry out, in the following chapter, a quantitative analysis of Italian pleasure craft for the same period. Data for the period from 1998 to 2016 have been collected through the consultation of UCINA's annual reports "La Nautica in Cifre", while data for the period from 2017 to 2021 are the result of a personal simulation carried out thanks to the "PREVISIONE.ETS" function of excel. In order to make the study more comprehensible and to appreciate the changes that have taken place over the years, it was decided to divide the period examined into five years (1998-2002, 2003-2007, 2008-2012, 2017-2021), with the exception of the four years from 2013 to 2016. Finally, as far as the final considerations of the thesis are concerned, they are exclusively focused on the identification of some behaviors to be implemented in order to allow the sector a more rapid and significant recovery.
Il seguente elaborato ha come oggetto la nautica da diporto. Con questo termine si è soliti intendere la navigazione effettuata in acque marittime e interne a scopi sportivi o ricreativi e senza fine di lucro. All’interno di questo segmento vengono ricomprese una pluralità di attività che svariano dalla cantieristica, ossia la mera costruzione degli scafi, passando per la produzione di accessori e motori, fino ad arrivare ai vari servizi offerti a tutti i possessori di una imbarcazione. L’obiettivo che ci si è prefissati di raggiungere attraverso la realizzazione di questo elaborato è quello di fornire una chiara panoramica sull’andamento dell’intero comparto, in particolar modo negli ultimi vent’anni e individuare le prospettive future per lo stesso. L’elaborato quindi risulta essere suddiviso in tre sezioni: la prima dedicata alla storia della nautica italiana a partire dalle sue origini, che si è soliti far risalire al periodo del primo conflitto mondiale, fino alla fine del secolo scorso. Il secondo capitolo è focalizzato esclusivamente sui fattori che hanno condizionato il comparto negli ultimi vent’anni quali: il leasing nautico, le politiche istituzionali adottate nei confronti del settore, la minaccia di nuovi paesi concorrenti ecc. Per rendere maggiormente comprensibili le ricadute di tali elementi si è deciso quindi di realizzare, nel capitolo successivo, una analisi quantitativa del diporto italiano per il medesimo periodo. I dati relativi all’intervallo tra il 1998 e il 2016 sono stati raccolti attraverso la consultazione delle pubblicazioni annuali di UCINA “La Nautica in cifre”, mentre quelli per l’arco di tempo tra il 2017 e il 2021 sono frutto di una personale simulazione effettuata grazie alla funzione “PREVISIONE.ETS” di Excel. Si è deciso, al fine di rendere più facile la comprensione dello studio realizzato e meglio apprezzare i cambiamenti avvenuti nel corso degli anni, di suddividere il periodo esaminato in quinquenni (1998-2002; 2003-2007; 2008-2012; 2017-2021), fatta eccezione per il quadriennio che va dal 2013 al 2016. Infine, in merito alle considerazioni conclusive della tesi queste risultano esclusivamente incentrate sull’individuazione di alcuni comportamenti da mettere in atto per consentire al settore una più rapida e significativa ripresa
Dinamiche nel settore della nautica da diporto
The following paper has as its objective the pleasure boating. This term is used to refer to navigation carried out in maritime and inland waters for sporting or recreational purposes and without the aim of making a profit. Within this segment are included several activities that range from shipbuilding, ie the construction of hulls, through the production of accessories and engines, up to the after sales services offered to every boat owner. The aim of this paper is to provide a clear overview of the performance of the entire sector, especially over the last twenty years, and to identify its future prospects. The work is then divided into three sections: the first one dedicated to the history of Italian boating from its origins, which are usually traced back to the First World War, until the end of the last century. The second chapter focuses exclusively on the factors that have affected the sector over the last twenty years, such as: nautical leasing, the institutional policies adopted towards the sector, the threat of new competing countries etc. In order to make the effects of these elements more comprehensible, it was decided to carry out, in the following chapter, a quantitative analysis of Italian pleasure craft for the same period. Data for the period from 1998 to 2016 have been collected through the consultation of UCINA's annual reports "La Nautica in Cifre", while data for the period from 2017 to 2021 are the result of a personal simulation carried out thanks to the "PREVISIONE.ETS" function of excel. In order to make the study more comprehensible and to appreciate the changes that have taken place over the years, it was decided to divide the period examined into five years (1998-2002, 2003-2007, 2008-2012, 2017-2021), with the exception of the four years from 2013 to 2016. Finally, as far as the final considerations of the thesis are concerned, they are exclusively focused on the identification of some behaviors to be implemented in order to allow the sector a more rapid and significant recovery.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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