”Are the European Union policies against excessive current account deficits or surpluses necessary and sensible?” The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Scoreboard is a policy instrument that the European Commission uses in order to identify macroeconomic imbalances that might be dangerous for the growth and smooth functioning economy of the Union. Among the many indicators addressed there is the current account, that, whenever it exceeds certain thresholds, is considered to be imbalanced. But is there a real threshold beyond which the current account deficit or surplus is excessive? To study this issue I will have to proceed by steps. First of all identifying a benchmark model for studying the current account is necessary: I choose the permanent income model presented in Chapter 2 of the book written by Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996). This model provides a trivial benchmark for understanding if the current accounts of ten countries of the Euro Area are actually justified. A second step is an analysis of the measures adopted by the European Union for identifying and preventing current account imbalances. Finally I study a dataset created on purpose to verify if the current account dynamics in the various countries are justified and, thus, draw conclusions both on the opportunity of using the intertemporal current account model as a benchmark and on the adequacy of the current policy instruments .
“Le politiche europee che combattono gli squilibri nei conti delle partite correnti sono necessarie e sensate?” Il Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Scoreboard è uno strumento che la Commissione Europea usa per identificare squilibri macroeconomici che potrebbero danneggiare la crescita e il buon funzionamento dell’economia dell’Unione. Il conto delle partite correnti è tra i vari indicatori considerati: qualora eccedesse le soglie suggerite sarebbe da considerare squilibrato. Ma esiste una vera soglia oltre la quale deficit ed eccedenze dei conti delle partite correnti sono eccessivi? Per studiare questo problema procedo per passi. Prima di tutto è necessario identificare un modello di riferimento: scelgo il modello di reddito permanente presentato nel capitolo 2 del libro di Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996). Questo modello costituisce un semplice punto di riferimento per comprendere se i conti delle partite correnti di dieci paesi della Zona Euro sono giustificabili. Un secondo passo consiste nell’analisi delle misure adottate dall’Unione Europea per identificare gli squilibri nei conti delle partite correnti e per evitare che si verifichino in futuro. Infine studio un dataset creato appositamente per verificare se le dinamiche dei conti delle partite correnti dei vari paesi sono giustificabili. Questo mi permette di trarre conclusioni sull’adeguatezza sia del modello proposto come punto di riferimento, sia delle attuali politiche europee.
”Are the European Union policies against excessive current account deficits or surpluses necessary and sensible?” The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Scoreboard is a policy instrument that the European Commission uses in order to identify macroeconomic imbalances that might be dangerous for the growth and smooth functioning economy of the Union. Among the many indicators addressed there is the current account, that, whenever it exceeds certain thresholds, is considered to be imbalanced. But is there a real threshold beyond which the current account deficit or surplus is excessive? To study this issue I will have to proceed by steps. First of all identifying a benchmark model for studying the current account is necessary: I choose the permanent income model presented in Chapter 2 of the book written by Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996). This model provides a trivial benchmark for understanding if the current accounts of ten countries of the Euro Area are actually justified. A second step is an analysis of the measures adopted by the European Union for identifying and preventing current account imbalances. Finally I study a dataset created on purpose to verify if the current account dynamics in the various countries are justified and, thus, draw conclusions both on the opportunity of using the intertemporal current account model as a benchmark and on the adequacy of the current policy instruments .È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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