Since the first studies about its great outcomes in terms of performance and risk diver- sification, portfolio selection has always been a crucial point in investment industry. For many years, investors and portfolio managers relied on these good results and applied Modern Portfolio Theory faithfully. However, the different crisis showed that it cannot be successfully implemented in situations of economic instability. Thus, managers have started to look for other strategies that have a better performance during downturn pe- riods. This thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter we will present the main features of Modern Portfolio Theory, considering Markowitz Theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model environment and the Black-Litterman Portfolio. The risk-based approaches, that have inceased their importance over the last years due to the increase in risk adversion of the investors, will be at the center of the second chapter, where we present the main characteristics of this new class of strategies. In the third chapter we will present our analysis based on the implementation of risk-based models in the Ital- ian market, and in particular with the FTSE MIB, comparing these portfolios with a market-capitalization-weighted portfolio, which tries to recreate the performance of the FTSE MIB index. In the last chapter we will discuss the results obtained and the possible future application of the Risk-Budgeting strategy.
Fin dai primi studi sui suoi grandi risultati in termini di rendimento e diversificazione del rischio, la selezione del portafoglio ha sempre avuto un ruolo cruciale nel settore de- gli investimenti finanziari. Per molti anni, investitori e portfolio managers hanno fatto affidamento su questi buoni risultati ed hanno applicato la Modern Portfolio Theory fe- delmente. Ma le diverse crisi che si sono susseguite negli anni hanno mostrato che questo approccio non riesce a dare risposte in situazioni di maggiore instabilit`a. Per questo motivo, investment managers hanno iniziato a cercare altre strategie che possano avere un miglior rendimento durante periodi di recessione. Questo lavoro `e suddiviso in quat- tro capitoli. Nel primo presenteremo le principali caratteristiche della Modern Portfolio Theory, considerando la teoria di Markowitz, il Capital Asset Pricing Model e il Black- Litterman Portfolio. Gli approci risk-based, che hanno aumentato la loro importanza negli ultimi anni a causa di una maggiore avversione al rischio da parte degli investitori, saranno al centro del secondo capitolo, dove presenteremo le principali caratteristiche di questa nuova classe di strategie. Nel terzo capitolo presenteremo la nostra analisi basata sull’applicazione dei modelli risk-based al mercato italiano, ed in particolare al FTSE MIB, comparando i portafogli cos`ı ottenuti con un indice costruito pesando le capitalizzazioni, il quale tenta di replicare la performance dell’indice FTSE MIB. Nell’ul- timo capitolo discuteremo dei risultati ottenuti e delle possibili future applicazioni della strategia Risk-Budgeting.
Risk Budgeting Approach: the case of Italian Market
Since the first studies about its great outcomes in terms of performance and risk diver- sification, portfolio selection has always been a crucial point in investment industry. For many years, investors and portfolio managers relied on these good results and applied Modern Portfolio Theory faithfully. However, the different crisis showed that it cannot be successfully implemented in situations of economic instability. Thus, managers have started to look for other strategies that have a better performance during downturn pe- riods. This thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter we will present the main features of Modern Portfolio Theory, considering Markowitz Theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model environment and the Black-Litterman Portfolio. The risk-based approaches, that have inceased their importance over the last years due to the increase in risk adversion of the investors, will be at the center of the second chapter, where we present the main characteristics of this new class of strategies. In the third chapter we will present our analysis based on the implementation of risk-based models in the Ital- ian market, and in particular with the FTSE MIB, comparing these portfolios with a market-capitalization-weighted portfolio, which tries to recreate the performance of the FTSE MIB index. In the last chapter we will discuss the results obtained and the possible future application of the Risk-Budgeting strategy.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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