Global value chains often represent an option for local firms and suppliers in developing countries to get access to high-value markets and new technologies. The objective of this study is to analyze the upgrading paths of the IT firms in Shenzhen after the insertion in global value chains. This thesis demonstrates whether and how IT firms in Shenzhen have achieved upgrading within GVCs. The case of Huawei is also investigated because it represents a local brand IT firm in Shenzhen which has globally succeeded. The analysis concludes that for succeeding in GVCs IT firms in Shenzhen are recommended to focus on process and functional upgrading by scaling up the production and improving their technological and marketing capabilities. Although the IT industry in Shenzhen made some achievements in the past decades, there are still a number of constraints which may have long-term negative impacts on development.
Le catene del valore globali rappresentano spesso un'opzione per le aziende locali e i fornitori nei paesi in via di sviluppo per ottenere l'accesso a mercati di alto valore aggiunto e a nuove tecnologie. L'obiettivo di questo studio è quello di analizzare i percorsi di upgrading delle aziende IT a Shenzhen, dopo l'inserimento nelle catene del valore globali. La tesi dimostra come le aziende IT a Shenzhen abbiano effettivamente migliorato la loro posizione nelle catene globali del valore. In particolare si approfondisce il il caso Huawei, in quanto rappresenta il brand locale di maggiore successo a livello globale a Shenzhen. I risultati dell’analisi sottolineano che la capacità delle imprese IT a Shenzhendi realizzare upgrading di processo e funzionale, aumentando progressivamente la produzione e migliorando le loro capacità tecnologiche e di mercato. Sebbene l'industria IT di Shenzhen abbia ottenuto molti risultati positivi negli ultimi decenni, ci sono ancora importanti vincoli allo sviluppo di lungo termine che andranno affrontati.
Upgrading in the IT global value chain in Shenzhen
Global value chains often represent an option for local firms and suppliers in developing countries to get access to high-value markets and new technologies. The objective of this study is to analyze the upgrading paths of the IT firms in Shenzhen after the insertion in global value chains. This thesis demonstrates whether and how IT firms in Shenzhen have achieved upgrading within GVCs. The case of Huawei is also investigated because it represents a local brand IT firm in Shenzhen which has globally succeeded. The analysis concludes that for succeeding in GVCs IT firms in Shenzhen are recommended to focus on process and functional upgrading by scaling up the production and improving their technological and marketing capabilities. Although the IT industry in Shenzhen made some achievements in the past decades, there are still a number of constraints which may have long-term negative impacts on development.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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