The specific aim of this thesis is to analyse how a time of crisis, such as the development of the Covid-19 pandemic, can affect people's trust in elites. In this case, I focused my attention on Politics, Health and Education, i.e., the core aspects of this pandemic. This thesis is based on three questionnaires developed by the author under the supervision of Prof. Guido Legnante: two of them distributed in Italy and one abroad. The questionnaires distributed in Italy were submitted to respondents between March 13th and April 27th, and between September 20th and 25th, 2020. The questionnaire distributed abroad was then circulated worldwide from March 14th to April 9th, 2020. The collected data showed that respondents to the questionnaires distributed in Italy put their trust in the President of the Republic, Nurses and Doctors, while trust declined after the first lockdown in Prime Minister, Regional Council President and World Health Organisation. Italians responding to these questionnaires did not feel listened to by the institutions. The media used the most by Italians to find out about the coronavirus are mainly news web sites and television, while newspapers and radio, already in crisis before the pandemic, lost readers and listeners with the lockdown. In general, respondents living abroad say that the measures taken by their own government to contain the coronavirus are adequate, the government has the situation under control, and the media have been appropriate in their tone in dealing with information about the emergency throughout 2020. The data collected from the questionnaire distributed abroad allows us to focus on France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In fact, going into the specifics, it is possible to note that respondents resident in France and Germany believe that the measures taken by their own government to contain the contagion from the coronavirus are too strong. These countries are indeed those that have taken inspiration from the Italian Government, even if not with the same degree of stringent measures. While respondents from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America felt that the measures taken by their governments were too weak. a large proportion of respondents also felt that their government did not have the emergency under control. These responses are likely to be due to the fact that the leaders of these three countries initially took a denialist line towards the virus.
La presente tesi ha come obiettivo specifico quello di analizzare come un periodo di crisi, quale è quello relativo allo sviluppo della pandemia da Covid-19, possa influire sulla fiducia che le persone ripongono nelle élite. In particolare, ho focalizzato la mia attenzione su Politica, Sanità e Istruzione, ovvero i punti cardine di questa pandemia. Questa tesi prende fondamento da tre questionari elaborati dall’autore con la supervisione del Prof. Guido Legnante: due distribuiti in Italia e uno all’estero. I questionari distribuiti in Italia sono stati sottoposti ai rispondenti tra il 13 marzo e il 27 aprile e tra il 20 e il 25 settembre 2020. Il questionario distribuito all’estero è stato fatto circolare in tutto il mondo dal 14 marzo al 9 aprile 2020. I dati raccolti hanno permesso di capire che i rispondenti ai questionari distribuiti in Italia ripongono la loro fiducia nel Presidente della Repubblica, in Infermieri e Medici, mentre la fiducia è andata a calare, dopo il primo lockdown, nel Presidente del Consiglio, nel Presidente di Regione e nell’OMS. Gli italiani rispondenti a questi questionari non si sono sentiti ascoltati dalle istituzioni. I mezzi di comunicazione più utilizzati dagli italiani per informarsi sul coronavirus sono principalmente i siti di informazione e la televisione, mentre quotidiani e radio già in crisi prima della pandemia perdono lettori e ascoltatori con il lockdown. In generale, i rispondenti residenti all’estero affermano che le misure intraprese dal proprio governo per il contenimento del coronavirus sono adeguate, che il governo ha la situazione sotto controllo e che i mezzi di comunicazione hanno avuto toni adeguati nell’affrontare le informazioni relative all’emergenza che ha caratterizzato tutto il 2020. I dati raccolti dal questionario distribuito all’estero permettono di effettuare un focus su Francia, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti d’America. Infatti, andando nello specifico è possibile notare che i rispondenti residenti in Francia e Germania ritengono che le misure intraprese dal proprio governo per il contenimento del contagio dal coronavirus siano troppo forti; difatti, questi Paesi sono quelli che hanno preso ispirazione dal Governo italiano, anche se non con lo stesso grado di misure stringenti. Mentre i rispondenti residenti nei Paesi Bassi, nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti d’America ritengono le misure intraprese dai loro governi troppo blande e una buona percentuale di rispondenti ritiene, inoltre, che il governo non abbia sotto controllo l’emergenza. Queste risposte potrebbero derivare probabilmente dal fatto che i leader di questi tre Paesi hanno, inizialmente, intrapreso una linea negazionista nei confronti del virus.
COVID-19: fiducia e istituzioni nell'opinione pubblica
The specific aim of this thesis is to analyse how a time of crisis, such as the development of the Covid-19 pandemic, can affect people's trust in elites. In this case, I focused my attention on Politics, Health and Education, i.e., the core aspects of this pandemic. This thesis is based on three questionnaires developed by the author under the supervision of Prof. Guido Legnante: two of them distributed in Italy and one abroad. The questionnaires distributed in Italy were submitted to respondents between March 13th and April 27th, and between September 20th and 25th, 2020. The questionnaire distributed abroad was then circulated worldwide from March 14th to April 9th, 2020. The collected data showed that respondents to the questionnaires distributed in Italy put their trust in the President of the Republic, Nurses and Doctors, while trust declined after the first lockdown in Prime Minister, Regional Council President and World Health Organisation. Italians responding to these questionnaires did not feel listened to by the institutions. The media used the most by Italians to find out about the coronavirus are mainly news web sites and television, while newspapers and radio, already in crisis before the pandemic, lost readers and listeners with the lockdown. In general, respondents living abroad say that the measures taken by their own government to contain the coronavirus are adequate, the government has the situation under control, and the media have been appropriate in their tone in dealing with information about the emergency throughout 2020. The data collected from the questionnaire distributed abroad allows us to focus on France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In fact, going into the specifics, it is possible to note that respondents resident in France and Germany believe that the measures taken by their own government to contain the contagion from the coronavirus are too strong. These countries are indeed those that have taken inspiration from the Italian Government, even if not with the same degree of stringent measures. While respondents from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America felt that the measures taken by their governments were too weak. a large proportion of respondents also felt that their government did not have the emergency under control. These responses are likely to be due to the fact that the leaders of these three countries initially took a denialist line towards the virus.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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