This University course-ending thesis represents a way in knowledge improvement of one of the most important market derivative tool presented to me in the last two years, the Futures derivatives, as well as an opportunity of putting into practise what learnt with Financial Econometric in a complex topic like the Kalman Filter model. My thesis should also represent as a stable general framework on which my skills, the old and new knowledges, while using the MATLAB program, will be used for the WTI oil future price analysis, in function of accomplishing a final task concerning the definition of macroeconomic shocks over oil market returns and volatility, influenced by monetary policy as well. While providing information about the methodology used and during its implementation, there will be reported issues and problems arisen before and during time-series analysis, as well as the solutions adopted to cope with them.
La tesi di laurea qui in oggetto ha come uno degli obiettivi finali l’illustrazione breve di un argomento presentato durante il mio corso di studi magistrali, i Futures, e su cui ho avuto l’intenzione di migliorarne le relative conoscenze per una sua comprensione il più possibile completa. La presentazione anche del filtro di Kalman è un altro punto centrale per questo mio elaborato finale, intesa come opportunità di testare e mettere in pratica le conoscenze che mi sono state impartite nel corso di Financial Econometric. L’ausilio del programma MATLAB al fine di mettere in pratica le conoscenze sia dell’ultimo argomento imparato sia di quelle apprese in questi 5 anni di studi universitari sarà di fondamentale importanza per l’analisi dei prezzi storici del future petrolifero WTI (West Texas Intermediate), con l’altro obiettivo finale di pervenire a certi risultati circa l’impatto degli shocks di mercato, assieme alla politica monetaria della FED o della US Federal Reserve System, sul mercato petrolifero, illustrando le procedure mediante le quali l’analisi è stata effettuata, i problemi riscontrati sia in fase di definizione della metodologia che durante la sua implementazione e come essi siano alla fine stati risolti.
Dynamic impact of the Macroeconomic news on WTI Oil Futures via Kalman Filter
This University course-ending thesis represents a way in knowledge improvement of one of the most important market derivative tool presented to me in the last two years, the Futures derivatives, as well as an opportunity of putting into practise what learnt with Financial Econometric in a complex topic like the Kalman Filter model. My thesis should also represent as a stable general framework on which my skills, the old and new knowledges, while using the MATLAB program, will be used for the WTI oil future price analysis, in function of accomplishing a final task concerning the definition of macroeconomic shocks over oil market returns and volatility, influenced by monetary policy as well. While providing information about the methodology used and during its implementation, there will be reported issues and problems arisen before and during time-series analysis, as well as the solutions adopted to cope with them.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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