In December 2019, Chinese authorities informed the World Health Organization that a series of similar cases of pneumonia hit the Mainland. The causes of these pneumonias were still uncertain, what was certain was the virus’ mismatch with any other known virus. The speed of spread was such, that within a month, it reached Europe. In the beginning of 2020, the first cases were already recorded in Europe, more precisely, in Italy. The virus started circulating faster and faster, and in matter of days, even hours, more and more countries were affected, infecting more people, and constantly increasing the number of deaths. In the middle of this chaotic and dramatic situation – while rapid tests were being improved, molecular buffers were implemented and the first vaccines were studied and tested in laboratories –many countries were forced, not only to close borders, but to even lock up people in their homes. The first lockdowns began. In this narrative framework, the questions to be answered in this thesis and the topics to be covered are the following, what has this brought to our present society? What has the impact of Covid-19 supposed to us? What are the effects, that Covid-19, has had over people’s lives, emotions, and values? And overall, how has Covid-19 affected to advertisement? Covid-19 has dragged everyone to a constant emotional roller-coaster. Due to it, we have rediscovered happiness in small gestures, and we have realized what really matters in life. The result of this pandemic is a society that has profoundly changed and redesigned its most inner aspects. These changes in our way of understanding things, have consequently influenced the relationship between brands and consumers. In fact, in brand’s appeal for life returning back to normal, or at least to a new normality, people have understood the importance and huge roles, that brands play in shaping our society. This pandemic is a wakeup call for brands, to respond with concrete messages that give them meaning and relevance, by serving our new needs and reflecting our new aspirations. Consequently, accentuated values used in advertising such as, strength, beauty, courage, adventure or personal success have become unsuitable, at least, as we understood them. It is a fact, advertisement has changed, and adverts – as explained throughout this thesis –released after Covid-19, fully demonstrate it. Therefore, the structure of this thesis is made of two initial chapters, which firstly provide a social and economic framework and secondly an introduction on storytelling, explaining its relevance, nowadays, as an essential communicative tool. This is followed by the main and highlight of the thesis, which includes a detailed comparative between six commercials released before and after the spreading of Covid-19. These advertisements are completely analyzed, giving particular attention to answering the previous exposed questions, and thoroughly explaining the before and after of values, emotions and themes. To put an end to this thesis, it is demonstrated how the transformation that has taken place can also represent, as a result of value alignment, a consequent convergence between Eastern and Western culture. This pandemic is the perfect excuse to press the reset button. Realizing that what we have had so far, is not what we desire, neither what is good for us, we must focus on helping modern societies to be aware of the greatness of human potential. By analyzing and comprehending societies and advertising, we can also better interpret the world that surrounds us and, as professionals, have the opportunity of leading the evolution we aim for, bringing people closer to what truly fulfils them.
È Dicembre 2019 quando le autorità Cinesi informano l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità che una serie di casi simili di polmonite si sono verificati nel continente. Sebbene le cause fossero ancora incerte, il virus certo non era somigliante a nessun altro virus conosciuto. La velocità di diffusione fu tale che, già dopo un mese, il virus aveva raggiunto l’Europa. È l’inizio del 2020 quando si registrano i primi casi in Europa, più precisamente, in Italia. Il virus inizia a circolare sempre più rapidamente, tanto che in pochi giorni, ore, sempre più Stati e persone sono colpiti, mentre il numero dei decessi aumenta inesorabilmente. La situazione è caotica e - mentre i test rapidi vengono migliorati, i tamponi molecolari sviluppati e implementati, e i primi vaccini studiati e testati in laboratorio - molti Stati sono addirittura costretti a bloccare le persone nelle loro case. Iniziano i primi lockdown. In questa cornice narrativa, gli interrogativi a cui questa tesi vuole trovare risposte sono i seguenti, quale fu l'impatto del Covid-19 sulla nostra società? E quali gli effetti sulla vita, sulle emozioni e sui valori delle persone? E infine in che modo Covid-19 ha influenzato la pubblicità? Il Covid-19 ci ha portato sulle montagne russe emotive, sconvolgendo i nostri stati d'animo. Abbiamo riscoperto la felicità nei piccoli gesti e abbiamo capito cosa contasse davvero. Il risultato di questa pandemia è una società profondamente mutata nei suoi aspetti più intimi ed interiori. Questi cambiamenti nel modo di vedere le cose hanno di conseguenza, influenzato anche il rapporto tra brand e consumatori. Infatti, nel loro desiderio di tornare alla normalità, le persone capiscono che i brand svolgono un ruolo enorme nel tessuto sociale attuale. La pandemia si trasforma, per le aziende, in una chiamata a rispondere ai propri pubblici con messaggi concreti capaci di riflettere nuovi bisogni e aspirazioni, elevando ed arricchendo il brand stesso. Di conseguenza valori tanto enfatizzati e acclamati nella storia della pubblicità quali forza, bellezza, coraggio, avventura o successo personale sono diventati inadatti alla società contemporanea, o almeno lo sono per come li abbiamo sempre conosciuti. La pubblicità è cambiata e con essa i suoi valori, e le campagne comunicative create a seguito dell’affermarsi del Covid-19, come spiegato nella tesi, lo dimostrano pienamente. Il risultato di tale studio è una tesi la cui struttura è composta da due capitoli iniziali che forniscono una cornice introduttiva sociale ed economica, seguita poi da un'introduzione allo storytelling, che ne evidenzia l’efficacia nel mercato attuale quale strumento comunicativo. Viene poi la parte più importante e cruciale della tesi, che comprende una dettagliata comparazione tra sei spot pubblicitari trasmessi prima e dopo la diffusione del Covid-19. Gli spot, accuratamente analizzati, sono usati come strumenti per fornire risposte agli interrogativi precedentemente posti, riservando, nel processo, un’attenzione particolare alla profonda mutazione di valori, emozioni, sentimenti e temi. Infine, la tesi dimostra come l’avvenuta trasformazione rappresenti anche, a seguito di un allineamento valoriale, una conseguente convergenza tra la cultura orientale e quella occidentale. Questa pandemia si configura quindi come l’evento perfetto per premere il pulsante reset. Rendendoci conto che ciò che abbiamo avuto finora, non è né ciò che desideriamo veramente, né ciò che ci fa stare bene, potremmo aiutare meglio la società moderna ad essere più consapevole delle immense potenzialità umane. Analizzando e comprendendo la società e la pubblicità, possiamo interpretare meglio il mondo che ci circonda e, come professionisti, essere in grado di guidare le evoluzioni da tutti auspicate, avvicinando così le persone a ciò che le soddisfi pienamente.
Comunicazione aziendale: gli effetti dirompenti del Covid-19
In December 2019, Chinese authorities informed the World Health Organization that a series of similar cases of pneumonia hit the Mainland. The causes of these pneumonias were still uncertain, what was certain was the virus’ mismatch with any other known virus. The speed of spread was such, that within a month, it reached Europe. In the beginning of 2020, the first cases were already recorded in Europe, more precisely, in Italy. The virus started circulating faster and faster, and in matter of days, even hours, more and more countries were affected, infecting more people, and constantly increasing the number of deaths. In the middle of this chaotic and dramatic situation – while rapid tests were being improved, molecular buffers were implemented and the first vaccines were studied and tested in laboratories –many countries were forced, not only to close borders, but to even lock up people in their homes. The first lockdowns began. In this narrative framework, the questions to be answered in this thesis and the topics to be covered are the following, what has this brought to our present society? What has the impact of Covid-19 supposed to us? What are the effects, that Covid-19, has had over people’s lives, emotions, and values? And overall, how has Covid-19 affected to advertisement? Covid-19 has dragged everyone to a constant emotional roller-coaster. Due to it, we have rediscovered happiness in small gestures, and we have realized what really matters in life. The result of this pandemic is a society that has profoundly changed and redesigned its most inner aspects. These changes in our way of understanding things, have consequently influenced the relationship between brands and consumers. In fact, in brand’s appeal for life returning back to normal, or at least to a new normality, people have understood the importance and huge roles, that brands play in shaping our society. This pandemic is a wakeup call for brands, to respond with concrete messages that give them meaning and relevance, by serving our new needs and reflecting our new aspirations. Consequently, accentuated values used in advertising such as, strength, beauty, courage, adventure or personal success have become unsuitable, at least, as we understood them. It is a fact, advertisement has changed, and adverts – as explained throughout this thesis –released after Covid-19, fully demonstrate it. Therefore, the structure of this thesis is made of two initial chapters, which firstly provide a social and economic framework and secondly an introduction on storytelling, explaining its relevance, nowadays, as an essential communicative tool. This is followed by the main and highlight of the thesis, which includes a detailed comparative between six commercials released before and after the spreading of Covid-19. These advertisements are completely analyzed, giving particular attention to answering the previous exposed questions, and thoroughly explaining the before and after of values, emotions and themes. To put an end to this thesis, it is demonstrated how the transformation that has taken place can also represent, as a result of value alignment, a consequent convergence between Eastern and Western culture. This pandemic is the perfect excuse to press the reset button. Realizing that what we have had so far, is not what we desire, neither what is good for us, we must focus on helping modern societies to be aware of the greatness of human potential. By analyzing and comprehending societies and advertising, we can also better interpret the world that surrounds us and, as professionals, have the opportunity of leading the evolution we aim for, bringing people closer to what truly fulfils them.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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