In this dissertation, I analyze what the term ¨minority¨ means within the debate about toleration in liberal political philosophy. To this end, I start by presenting three sufficient but not necessary criteria for a set of individuals to be defined as a minority. Then, I move on to characterize normatively significant minorities as they emerge from the intersection of different criteria. Finally, I consider how minorities may be grouped into types within different domains of philosophical enquiry. In the second part of the dissertation, I discuss some specific cases as illustrative examples of the theoretical analysis carried out in the first part of the work. In the light of the taxonomy and the discussions of these cases, I conclude by addressing some normative questions posed by the presence in society of different kinds of minorities.
In questo elaborato analizzerò cosa significhi il termine minoranza nell'ambito della filosofia politica di stampo liberale, sviluppando la mia trattazione all'interno del dibattito sulla tolleranza. A tal fine delineerò tre criteri sufficienti e non necessari perché un insieme di individui venga definito come minoranza. Individuerò in un secondo momento le minoranze normativamente rilevanti, esito della compresenza di più criteri, analizzando le diverse composizioni degli stessi; considererò infine come le minoranze siano raggruppabili in tipi a seconda dell’ambito d’indagine considerato. Nella seconda parte della tesi affronterò dei casi concreti, al fine di illustrare tramite il confronto di tali esempi quanto teorizzato. Alla luce della tassonomia e degli spunti offerti dalla seconda parte condurrò infine una riflessione intorno alle principali questioni normative implicate dall’esistenza di minoranze sviluppando il discorso all’interno della cornice delineata.
In this dissertation, I analyze what the term ¨minority¨ means within the debate about toleration in liberal political philosophy. To this end, I start by presenting three sufficient but not necessary criteria for a set of individuals to be defined as a minority. Then, I move on to characterize normatively significant minorities as they emerge from the intersection of different criteria. Finally, I consider how minorities may be grouped into types within different domains of philosophical enquiry. In the second part of the dissertation, I discuss some specific cases as illustrative examples of the theoretical analysis carried out in the first part of the work. In the light of the taxonomy and the discussions of these cases, I conclude by addressing some normative questions posed by the presence in society of different kinds of minorities.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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