That of the "provincial" powers of Augustus is a classic question of historiography on the imperial powers. Recently it has been reproposed in a book by Alberto Dalla Rosa, Cura et Tutela; this work is the main reference in my thesis. I retrace the stages of the birth and evolution of the powers that Augustus used to impose his will on the proconsuls, the governors of the provincial territories nominated by the senate. The problem - which I frame from a juridical-political point of view - is to define how the first prince realized his hegemony over the extra-italic territories, between apparent legality and obedience forcibly obtained through its political weight. After a review of what was the status of the Roman republic in its final days and of the forces contending the control of the city, the analysis takes snapshots, framing some key moments of the prince's journey. Each of them was a chance for forwarding leaps to his exclusive control of all provincial theaters. For the preparation of the narrative framework, I use different sources: classical historiography, numismatics, epigraphs, as well as the significant works carried out by modern and contemporary historiography: among all Mommsen, Hurlet and the already mentioned Dalla Rosa. Overall, my thesis highlights the ways in which, unscrupulously but formally respectful of the republican procedures, Augustus managed to put under his own check some institutional figures - according to the old republican government schemes - that possible competitors could have used. The first prince barred the road of military success to the proconsuls, which in Rome had always guaranteed glory and favor of the people who contended for power; he used his political weight to get the compliance with his directives, although at a formal level they were indications that could seem to come from a private citizen; exploited dangerous situations to get extraordinary assignments.
Quella dei poteri provinciali di Augusto è una questione classica della storiografia sui poteri imperiali. Recentemente è stata riproposta nel libro di Alberto Dalla Rosa, Cura et Tutela; opera che ha costituito la referenza prima di questa mia stesura. Con essa ripercorro le tappe della nascita e della evoluzione dei poteri di cui Augusto si servì per imporre la sua volontà sui proconsoli, i governatori dei territori provinciali di nomina senatoria. Il problema che inquadro da un punto di vista essenzialmente giuridico-politico - è quello di definire come il primo principe abbia realizzato la sua egemonia sui comandi extraitalici, a cavallo tra apparente legalità e forzature ottenute attraverso il suo peso politico. Dopo una rassegna di quello che era lo stato della repubblica romana al suo tramonto, e delle forze che si contendevano il controllo della città, lanalisi si svolge come per istantanee, inquadrando alcuni momenti chiave del cammino del principe, occasione ciascuno di una fuga in avanti verso il suo controllo esclusivo di tutti i teatri provinciali. Per lallestimento del quadro narrativo utilizzo diverse fonti: storiografia classica, numismatica, epigrafi, nonché gli importantissimi lavori svolti dalla storiografia moderna e contemporanea: tra tutti Mommsen, Hurlet e il già citato Dalla Rosa. Complessivamente, il lavoro pone in luce il modo in cui, in maniera spregiudicata ma formalmente rispettosa delle procedure repubblicane, Augusto riuscì a porre sotto il suo controllo alcune figure istituzionali di cui avrebbero potuto servirsi secondo i vecchi schemi di governo repubblicani eventuali concorrenti. Il primo principe sbarrò infatti ai proconsoli la strada dei successi militari, che a Roma aveva sempre garantito gloria e favore del popolo a chi si contendeva il potere; utilizzò il suo peso politico per ottenere il rispetto delle sue direttive, nonostante a livello formale si trattasse di indicazioni che potevano sembrare provenire da un privato cittadino; sfruttò situazioni di pericolo per ottenere incarichi straordinari.
Ad componendum statum provinciarum: i rapporti di potere tra il primo principe e i proconsoli.
That of the "provincial" powers of Augustus is a classic question of historiography on the imperial powers. Recently it has been reproposed in a book by Alberto Dalla Rosa, Cura et Tutela; this work is the main reference in my thesis. I retrace the stages of the birth and evolution of the powers that Augustus used to impose his will on the proconsuls, the governors of the provincial territories nominated by the senate. The problem - which I frame from a juridical-political point of view - is to define how the first prince realized his hegemony over the extra-italic territories, between apparent legality and obedience forcibly obtained through its political weight. After a review of what was the status of the Roman republic in its final days and of the forces contending the control of the city, the analysis takes snapshots, framing some key moments of the prince's journey. Each of them was a chance for forwarding leaps to his exclusive control of all provincial theaters. For the preparation of the narrative framework, I use different sources: classical historiography, numismatics, epigraphs, as well as the significant works carried out by modern and contemporary historiography: among all Mommsen, Hurlet and the already mentioned Dalla Rosa. Overall, my thesis highlights the ways in which, unscrupulously but formally respectful of the republican procedures, Augustus managed to put under his own check some institutional figures - according to the old republican government schemes - that possible competitors could have used. The first prince barred the road of military success to the proconsuls, which in Rome had always guaranteed glory and favor of the people who contended for power; he used his political weight to get the compliance with his directives, although at a formal level they were indications that could seem to come from a private citizen; exploited dangerous situations to get extraordinary assignments.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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