The significance of the phenomenon of return migration has significantly grown at an international level in recent decades. Many scholars have focused their work on the understanding of this issue, examining its social, economic and political components, studying the role of the different actors involved and trying to analyse its potential and difficulties. The aim of my research is to contribute to the study of return migration to Senegal, where I started my research in the framework of an international cooperation project aimed at supporting Senegalese returning migrants from a socio-economic point of view. For the analysis of this phenomenon, my thesis starts with an historical, economic and social excursus of Senegal, in order to understand the migration and return migration routes affecting the country, and it develops a reflection which considers both the origin contexts and the destination ones. Although it presents aspects in common with return migration phenomena in general, the Senegalese phenomenon also has some peculiar characteristics, which are examined to understand the difficulties that migrants have to face in their life trajectories. Particular attention is given to the impact that return migration can have on the origin country. This phenomenon is in fact commonly conceived as a possible promoter of economic development in the country of departure, thanks to the use of the resources, both economic and non-economic, and of the skills which have been acquired by returning migrants during migration. There are therefore numerous support projects for returning migrants, but they share only a partial vision of this phenomenon. The study of initiatives aimed at supporting the economic reintegration of returning migrants allows to have a general picture of the approach reserved to them. In fact, the common imagination considers return migration as a linear phenomenon, but in this way it is not able to understand the complexities and particularities that are part of migrants' life stories. Starting from the interviews conducted with returning migrants in Senegal and with Senegalese migrants in Italy, the final part of the thesis demonstrates the impossibility to consider return migration as a simple event without complications and obstacles. In fact, in the process that leads to the decision of return, and then to the actual return home, migrants have to take into account many factors, such as the economic one, and also have to respond to the needs and expectations of different actors, such as the family and the community of origin. This research aims therefore at illustrating the complexity of the return migration phenomenon, with the support of the existing literature on the theme and of the interviews conducted in Italy and in Senegal.
La rilevanza del fenomeno della migrazione di ritorno è significativamente cresciuta a livello internazionale negli ultimi decenni. Numerosi studiosi hanno orientato il loro lavoro alla comprensione di questo tema, cercando di esaminarne le componenti sociali, economiche e politiche, studiando il ruolo dei diversi attori coinvolti e cercando di comprenderne le potenzialità e le difficoltà. L’obiettivo della mia ricerca è quello di contribuire allo studio della migrazione di ritorno verso il Senegal, dove ho iniziato la mia indagine nell’ambito di un progetto di cooperazione internazionale volto a supportare dal punto di vista socioeconomico migranti di ritorno senegalesi. Per analizzare questo fenomeno, la mia tesi inizia con un excursus storico, economico e sociale del Senegal, al fine di comprendere le rotte emigratorie e di migrazione di ritorno che interessano il Paese, e sviluppa una riflessione che tiene conto tanto dei contesti d’origine quanto di quelli d’arrivo dei migranti. Sebbene presenti aspetti in comune con i fenomeni di migrazione di ritorno in generale, il fenomeno senegalese ha anche caratteristiche peculiari, che sono esaminate per comprendere le difficoltà incontrate dai migranti nelle loro traiettorie di vita. Particolare attenzione è data all’impatto che la migrazione di ritorno può avere sul Paese di origine. Questo fenomeno è infatti comunemente concepito come un possibile promotore di sviluppo economico nel Paese di partenza, grazie all’utilizzo delle risorse, economiche e non, e delle competenze che i migranti di ritorno hanno acquisito durante l’emigrazione. Vi sono quindi numerosi progetti di supporto per i migranti di ritorno, che però condividono una visione solamente parziale di questo fenomeno. Lo studio delle iniziative volte a supportare il reinserimento economico dei migranti di ritorno permette infatti di avere un quadro generale dell’approccio riservato a questo tema. L’immaginario comune considera la migrazione di ritorno come un fenomeno lineare, ma in questo modo non riesce a comprendere le complessità e le particolarità che si inseriscono nelle storie di vita dei migranti. Partendo proprio dalle interviste condotte con migranti di ritorno in Senegal e con migranti senegalesi in Italia, la parte conclusiva della tesi dimostrerà l’impossibilità di considerare la migrazione di ritorno come un evento semplice e privo di complessità. Infatti, nel processo che porta un migrante alla decisione del ritorno, e poi all’effettivo rientro in patria, i migranti devono tenere in considerazione numerosi fattori, quali quello economico, e devono anche rispondere ai bisogni e alle aspettative di diversi attori, come la famiglia e la comunità di origine. Questa tesi cercherà quindi di restituire la complessità della migrazione di ritorno, grazie al supporto della letteratura esistente sul tema e delle interviste svolte in Italia e in Senegal.
Return migration in Senegal: drives and representations of a contemporary phenomenon
The significance of the phenomenon of return migration has significantly grown at an international level in recent decades. Many scholars have focused their work on the understanding of this issue, examining its social, economic and political components, studying the role of the different actors involved and trying to analyse its potential and difficulties. The aim of my research is to contribute to the study of return migration to Senegal, where I started my research in the framework of an international cooperation project aimed at supporting Senegalese returning migrants from a socio-economic point of view. For the analysis of this phenomenon, my thesis starts with an historical, economic and social excursus of Senegal, in order to understand the migration and return migration routes affecting the country, and it develops a reflection which considers both the origin contexts and the destination ones. Although it presents aspects in common with return migration phenomena in general, the Senegalese phenomenon also has some peculiar characteristics, which are examined to understand the difficulties that migrants have to face in their life trajectories. Particular attention is given to the impact that return migration can have on the origin country. This phenomenon is in fact commonly conceived as a possible promoter of economic development in the country of departure, thanks to the use of the resources, both economic and non-economic, and of the skills which have been acquired by returning migrants during migration. There are therefore numerous support projects for returning migrants, but they share only a partial vision of this phenomenon. The study of initiatives aimed at supporting the economic reintegration of returning migrants allows to have a general picture of the approach reserved to them. In fact, the common imagination considers return migration as a linear phenomenon, but in this way it is not able to understand the complexities and particularities that are part of migrants' life stories. Starting from the interviews conducted with returning migrants in Senegal and with Senegalese migrants in Italy, the final part of the thesis demonstrates the impossibility to consider return migration as a simple event without complications and obstacles. In fact, in the process that leads to the decision of return, and then to the actual return home, migrants have to take into account many factors, such as the economic one, and also have to respond to the needs and expectations of different actors, such as the family and the community of origin. This research aims therefore at illustrating the complexity of the return migration phenomenon, with the support of the existing literature on the theme and of the interviews conducted in Italy and in Senegal.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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