The thesis analyzes the ways in which legends and narratives typical of the place, used by tourist marketing, can influence the choice of travel of tourists. From Stonehenge to the pyramids in Bosnia, from the hidden treasure of Rennes-les-Chateau to the riddle that sorrounds the Area 51, from the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle to the phenomenon of Tarantism in Salento: for each chapter, in addition to reconstructing the origin of legends and analyzing the fundamental media that have been used in the past and in the present to document them, the focus has been on the main online and off-line strategies adopted by marketing to develop programs to promote the territory, using the narratives of the places considered. It was also decided to devote paragraphs to the explanation of the key concepts of storytelling realistic world, fantastic thinking, story experience, empathy, counter-fact - and to the positive and negative effects that the use of fiction involves both in the individual and the social sphere: greater involvement of the individual, influence of perceptions, overcoming of trauma, dependence on fiction. The research reach two conclusions. The first refers to the fact that legends are actually able to influence the trend of tourism in a given place, thanks mainly to the marketing strategies used. The second demonstrates how fantastic thinking and fiction can be seen as "a double-edged sword." While they are used to build narratives that are beneficial, positive and useful to individuals and allows anyone to give the meanings they believe to the surrounding reality, on the other hand, they can be used to influence the perception of people in a negative way compared to a place, a subject, a brand.
La tesi analizza le modalità attraverso cui leggende e narrazioni costitutive di un luogo, utilizzate dal marketing turistico, possono influenzare la scelta di viaggio dei turisti. Per ogni capitolo, oltre a ricostruire lorigine delle leggende e ad analizzare i media fondamentali che sono stati utilizzati in passato e nel presente per documentarle, lattenzione è stata poi rivolta alle principali strategie on-line ed off-line adottate dal marketing per sviluppare programmi di promozione del territorio, utilizzando proprio le narrazioni dei luoghi presi in considerazione. Per ogni capitolo, si è deciso di dedicare dei paragrafi alla spiegazione dei concetti chiave della narrazione mondo realistico, pensiero fantastico, story experience, empatia, controfattualità - e agli effetti positivi e negativi che lutilizzo della finzionalità comporta tanto nella sfera individuale quanto in quella sociale: maggiore coinvolgimento dellindividuo, influenza delle percezioni, superamento dei traumi, dipendenza dalla fiction. La ricerca portata avanti permette di arrivare a due conclusioni. La prima fa riferimento al fatto che effettivamente le leggende sono in grado di influenzare landamento del turismo in un determinato luogo, grazie soprattutto alle azioni di marketing utilizzate. La seconda conclusione dimostra quanto il pensiero fantastico e la finzionalità possano essere visti come unarma a doppio taglio. Se da un lato sono utilizzati per costruire narrazioni benefiche, positive e utili agli individui e permette a chiunque di dare i significati che ritiene più giusti alla realtà circostante, dallaltro lato, essi possono essere impiegati per influenzare la percezione dei soggetti in maniera negativa rispetto a un luogo, un soggetto, un marchio.
Leggende, media e turismo. L'utilizzo delle narrazioni nel marketing turistico: da Stonehenge al tarantismo
The thesis analyzes the ways in which legends and narratives typical of the place, used by tourist marketing, can influence the choice of travel of tourists. From Stonehenge to the pyramids in Bosnia, from the hidden treasure of Rennes-les-Chateau to the riddle that sorrounds the Area 51, from the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle to the phenomenon of Tarantism in Salento: for each chapter, in addition to reconstructing the origin of legends and analyzing the fundamental media that have been used in the past and in the present to document them, the focus has been on the main online and off-line strategies adopted by marketing to develop programs to promote the territory, using the narratives of the places considered. It was also decided to devote paragraphs to the explanation of the key concepts of storytelling realistic world, fantastic thinking, story experience, empathy, counter-fact - and to the positive and negative effects that the use of fiction involves both in the individual and the social sphere: greater involvement of the individual, influence of perceptions, overcoming of trauma, dependence on fiction. The research reach two conclusions. The first refers to the fact that legends are actually able to influence the trend of tourism in a given place, thanks mainly to the marketing strategies used. The second demonstrates how fantastic thinking and fiction can be seen as "a double-edged sword." While they are used to build narratives that are beneficial, positive and useful to individuals and allows anyone to give the meanings they believe to the surrounding reality, on the other hand, they can be used to influence the perception of people in a negative way compared to a place, a subject, a brand.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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