More commonly known by the name of Castle, the most important 16th century palace in the area rose on the ruins of the old castle in a panoramic position towards the Adda valley, at the behest of the Marquise Giulia Trivulzio and her son Gian Giacomo. The Trivulzio family bought, in fact, during the fifties of the sixteenth century, some houses in the area of the old castle that were later demolished to build the palace. The new building was finished, at least in the main structures, in the autumn of 1564 when a notarial deed was stipulated in a room of the palace. The renovations carried out between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century have altered its original appearance and therefore make a complete reading difficult. The greatest interest today is represented by the fresco decoration followed by Bernardino Campi and his collaborators. Bernardino's intervention is remembered by Lamo, his biographer and contemporary, and by Zaist who gave the cycle around 1567. Not all the frescoes mentioned by Lamo have been preserved but it is likely that they were covered and therefore still recoverable under the plasters. The rooms that interest this study are the Hall of Olympus, the Hall of Neptune, the Hall of Apollo and the private chapel, but in addition to these rooms the Campi, Girolamo della Valle Leoni and Daniele Cuneo, would also have frescoed other spaces.
Più comunemente noto col nome di Castello, il più importante palazzo cinquecentesco della zona sorse sulle rovine del vecchio castello in posizione panoramica verso la valle dell’Adda, per volontà della marchesa Giulia Trivulzio e del figlio Gian Giacomo. La famiglia Trivulzio acquistò infatti, durante gli anni Cinquanta del XVI secolo, alcune case nell’area del vecchio castello che vennero in seguito demolite per costruirvi il palazzo. Il nuovo edificio era terminato, almeno nelle strutture principali, nell’autunno del 1564 quando un atto notarile fu stipulato in una camera del palazzo. I rifacimenti eseguiti tra la fine nell’Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento hanno alterato il suo aspetto originario e rendono quindi difficoltosa una lettura completa. Il maggiore interesse è oggi rappresentato dalla decorazione a fresco seguita da Bernardino Campi e dai suoi collaboratori. L’intervento di Bernardino è ricordato dal Lamo, suo biografo e contemporaneo, e dallo Zaist che data il ciclo intorno al 1567. Non tutti gli affreschi menzionati dal Lamo si sono conservati ma è probabile che siano stati coperti e quindi ancora recuperabili sotto gli intonaci. Le stanze che interessano questo studio sono La sala dell’Olimpo, la Sala del Nettuno, la Sala di Apollo e la cappella privata ma oltre a questi ambienti il Campi, Girolamo della Valle Leoni e Daniele Cuneo, avrebbero affrescato anche altri spazi.
Gli affreschi cinquecenteschi in palazzo Trecchi a Maleo
More commonly known by the name of Castle, the most important 16th century palace in the area rose on the ruins of the old castle in a panoramic position towards the Adda valley, at the behest of the Marquise Giulia Trivulzio and her son Gian Giacomo. The Trivulzio family bought, in fact, during the fifties of the sixteenth century, some houses in the area of the old castle that were later demolished to build the palace. The new building was finished, at least in the main structures, in the autumn of 1564 when a notarial deed was stipulated in a room of the palace. The renovations carried out between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century have altered its original appearance and therefore make a complete reading difficult. The greatest interest today is represented by the fresco decoration followed by Bernardino Campi and his collaborators. Bernardino's intervention is remembered by Lamo, his biographer and contemporary, and by Zaist who gave the cycle around 1567. Not all the frescoes mentioned by Lamo have been preserved but it is likely that they were covered and therefore still recoverable under the plasters. The rooms that interest this study are the Hall of Olympus, the Hall of Neptune, the Hall of Apollo and the private chapel, but in addition to these rooms the Campi, Girolamo della Valle Leoni and Daniele Cuneo, would also have frescoed other spaces.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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