The reform introduced by Legislative Decree 18 August 2015, n. 139 has introduced numerous important news concerning the financial statements, incorporating into Italian territory the provisions of Directive 2013/34 / EU. The effects of these changes are reflected in the financial statements drafted starting from 1 January 2016 and their innovative contribution is primarily reflected in a substantial interpretation of the financial statements disclosure and in an ever greater convergence of the national accounting standards towards the international accounting system, represented by the IAS / IFRS principles. As regards the first aspect, art. 6, paragraph 3, lett. b) of Legislative Decree 139/2015 has established the principle of prevalence of substance over form, by revealing two of the cardinal rules concerning the principles of drafting the statutory financial statements, in particular through the introduction, on one side of the new number 1 bis of art. 2423-bis of the Italian Civil Code, which states that "the recognition and presentation of the items is made taking into account the substance of the transaction or contract"; on the other hand, the new paragraph 4 of the art. 2423 of the Italian Civil Code, which states that "it is not necessary to comply with the obligations regarding recognition, evaluation, presentation and disclosure when their observance has irrelevant effects in order to give a truthful and correct representation. (...) ". Also these changes to the civil legislation, moreover, are placed in the already mentioned progressive trend of approach to the international accounting standards, in which the research project Disclosure Initiative has in fact introduced the concept of materiality, to be applied to the financial statements presented by the IAS 1. The thesis work aims to analyze the main changes introduced by the reform with specific reference to financial assets and liabilities, in the assessment framework of which some of the most significant changes have been set up, such as the application of the amortized cost criterion and the measurement the fair value of financial instruments; analysis that, in light of the manifest convergence towards international law, made even more evident by the explicit referrals introduced in the new versions of the accounting principles OIC, can not but also consider the accounting treatment reserved for companies that prepare the financial statements in accordance with IAS / IFRS, also providing some examples of concrete application of the provisions contained therein.
La riforma apportata dal D.Lgs. 18 agosto 2015, n. 139 ha introdotto numerose novità di rilievo in materia di bilancio di esercizio, recependo nel territorio italiano le disposizioni della Direttiva 2013/34/UE. Gli effetti di tali mutamenti si riverberano sui bilanci redatti a partire dal 1 gennaio 2016 ed il loro contributo innovativo si declina innanzitutto in un’interpretazione sostanziale dell’informativa di bilancio nonché in una sempre maggiore convergenza dei principi contabili nazionali verso il sistema contabile internazionale, rappresentato dai principi IAS/IFRS. Quanto al primo aspetto, l’art. 6, comma 3, lett. b) del D.Lgs. 139/2015 ha sancito il principio di prevalenza della sostanza sulla forma, novellando due delle norme cardine circa i principi di redazione del bilancio civilistico, in particolare attraverso l’introduzione, da una parte del nuovo numero 1-bis dell’art. 2423-bis del codice civile, il quale statuisce che «la rilevazione e la presentazione delle voci è effettuata tenendo conto della sostanza dell’operazione o del contratto»; dall’altra del nuovo comma 4 dell’art. 2423 del codice civile, il quale prevede che «non occorre rispettare gli obblighi in tema di rilevazione, valutazione, presentazione e informativa quando la loro osservanza abbia effetti irrilevanti al fine di dare una rappresentazione veritiera e corretta. (…)». Anche queste modifiche alla normativa civile, peraltro, si collocano nella già citata progressiva tendenza di avvicinamento ai principi contabili internazionali, nell’ambito dei quali il progetto di ricerca Disclosure Initiative ha infatti introdotto il concetto di materialità, da applicarsi agli schemi di bilancio presentati dallo IAS 1. Il lavoro di tesi si prefigge di analizzare le principali novità introdotte dalla riforma con specifico riferimento alle attività e alle passività finanziarie, nel cui ambito valutativo si sono configurati alcuni dei cambiamenti di maggior rilievo, quali l’applicazione del criterio del costo ammortizzato e la misurazione del fair value degli strumenti finanziari; analisi che, alla luce della manifesta convergenza verso la normativa internazionale, resa ancor più evidente dagli espliciti rinvii introdotti nelle nuove versioni dei principi contabili OIC, non può che considerare anche il trattamento contabile riservato alle imprese che redigono il bilancio in conformità con i principi IAS/IFRS, prevedendo altresì alcuni esempi di concreta applicazione delle disposizioni ivi contenute.
Attività finanziarie, crediti e debiti: contabilizzazione e valutazione in ambito OIC e IAS/IFRS
The reform introduced by Legislative Decree 18 August 2015, n. 139 has introduced numerous important news concerning the financial statements, incorporating into Italian territory the provisions of Directive 2013/34 / EU. The effects of these changes are reflected in the financial statements drafted starting from 1 January 2016 and their innovative contribution is primarily reflected in a substantial interpretation of the financial statements disclosure and in an ever greater convergence of the national accounting standards towards the international accounting system, represented by the IAS / IFRS principles. As regards the first aspect, art. 6, paragraph 3, lett. b) of Legislative Decree 139/2015 has established the principle of prevalence of substance over form, by revealing two of the cardinal rules concerning the principles of drafting the statutory financial statements, in particular through the introduction, on one side of the new number 1 bis of art. 2423-bis of the Italian Civil Code, which states that "the recognition and presentation of the items is made taking into account the substance of the transaction or contract"; on the other hand, the new paragraph 4 of the art. 2423 of the Italian Civil Code, which states that "it is not necessary to comply with the obligations regarding recognition, evaluation, presentation and disclosure when their observance has irrelevant effects in order to give a truthful and correct representation. (...) ". Also these changes to the civil legislation, moreover, are placed in the already mentioned progressive trend of approach to the international accounting standards, in which the research project Disclosure Initiative has in fact introduced the concept of materiality, to be applied to the financial statements presented by the IAS 1. The thesis work aims to analyze the main changes introduced by the reform with specific reference to financial assets and liabilities, in the assessment framework of which some of the most significant changes have been set up, such as the application of the amortized cost criterion and the measurement the fair value of financial instruments; analysis that, in light of the manifest convergence towards international law, made even more evident by the explicit referrals introduced in the new versions of the accounting principles OIC, can not but also consider the accounting treatment reserved for companies that prepare the financial statements in accordance with IAS / IFRS, also providing some examples of concrete application of the provisions contained therein.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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