Recent empirical studies provide general support for the correlation of labor market outcomes in different countries; in particular, unemployment levels are positively correlated. This suggests the presence of some channel through which labor market policies spillover to trading partners. Literature provides several channels for spillover effects, but the relative price movements and the selection of firms have the larger consensus. We study these channels through three different models. The first two allows to analytically study how the single channels can provide a link between labor market outcomes; the third shows that the two channels can coexist and that they compound the respective effects.

Recent empirical studies provide general support for the correlation of labor market outcomes in different countries; in particular, unemployment levels are positively correlated. This suggests the presence of some channel through which labor market policies spillover to trading partners. Literature provides several channels for spillover effects, but the relative price movements and the selection of firms have the larger consensus. We study these channels through three different models. The first two allows to analytically study how the single channels can provide a link between labor market outcomes; the third shows that the two channels can coexist and that they compound the respective effects.

Labor Market Spillover Effects in Open Economies: Understanding the Theoretical Channels



Recent empirical studies provide general support for the correlation of labor market outcomes in different countries; in particular, unemployment levels are positively correlated. This suggests the presence of some channel through which labor market policies spillover to trading partners. Literature provides several channels for spillover effects, but the relative price movements and the selection of firms have the larger consensus. We study these channels through three different models. The first two allows to analytically study how the single channels can provide a link between labor market outcomes; the third shows that the two channels can coexist and that they compound the respective effects.
Labor Market Spillover Effects in Open Economies: Understanding the Theoretical Channels
Recent empirical studies provide general support for the correlation of labor market outcomes in different countries; in particular, unemployment levels are positively correlated. This suggests the presence of some channel through which labor market policies spillover to trading partners. Literature provides several channels for spillover effects, but the relative price movements and the selection of firms have the larger consensus. We study these channels through three different models. The first two allows to analytically study how the single channels can provide a link between labor market outcomes; the third shows that the two channels can coexist and that they compound the respective effects.
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