It is well known, that a large share of innovations is not patented by their creators. Nevertheless, many still believe that patents are a fundamental appropriability mechanism. In order to prove that firms and other research agencies favor other means to protect themselves, this thesis will present an explanatory study comparing patented and un-patented innovations, over the period 1967-1970. The data source is the American competition "R&D 100 awards", organized by the magazine Research and Development. this source is very interesting, inasmuch it supplies informations about inventions (in terms of technology and market performance) so important, they received a prize by a skilled and honorable jury. The informations concerning such breakthrough innovations will be matched through the platform Google Patents and compared with patents applied in the same period. The goal of this work is to assess their inventors' patent propensity and understand what are the factors that influence it.
Nonostante sia cosa risaputa che una gran parte delle innovazioni non vengano brevettate dai loro creatori, molti ancora ritengono che i brevetti siano un meccanismo infallibile ed indispensabile per proteggere il diritto d'autore. Per provare che imprese ed altri istituti di ricerca prediligono alti mezzi per tutelarsi, questa tesi andrà a fare uno studio comparato tra innovazioni brevettate e non, nel periodo 1967-1970. La fonte dei dati è la premiazione americana chiamata “R&D 100 awards”, organizzata dalla rivista Research and Development. Questa fonte è incredibilmente interessante, in quanto fornisce informazioni su delle innovazioni tanto importanti, a livello di tecnologia e mercato, da aver ottenuto un riconoscimento da una giuria autorevole e qualificata. Le informazioni riguardanti queste innovazioni, che rappresentano delle svolte fondamentali, in termini di progresso tecnologico in molteplici settori, verranno inserite all'interno del motore di ricerca Google Patents e comparate a dei brevetti applicati nel medesimo periodo. Il fine di questa tesi è di stimare la propensione a brevettare dei loro inventori e comprendere quali siano i fattori che la influenzano.
Breakthrough inventions, prizes and innovation. Reassessing the role of patents.
It is well known, that a large share of innovations is not patented by their creators. Nevertheless, many still believe that patents are a fundamental appropriability mechanism. In order to prove that firms and other research agencies favor other means to protect themselves, this thesis will present an explanatory study comparing patented and un-patented innovations, over the period 1967-1970. The data source is the American competition "R&D 100 awards", organized by the magazine Research and Development. this source is very interesting, inasmuch it supplies informations about inventions (in terms of technology and market performance) so important, they received a prize by a skilled and honorable jury. The informations concerning such breakthrough innovations will be matched through the platform Google Patents and compared with patents applied in the same period. The goal of this work is to assess their inventors' patent propensity and understand what are the factors that influence it.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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