Recently the job market has undergone a great evolution on a digital level with the advent of the Gig-Economy. As part of this digital labor market revolution, digital work platforms are born, offering services based on market demands. The platforms have the task of bringing together supply and demand for work. In recent years, delivey food platforms have increasingly made their way, which make use of workers called riders. The riders are cycle messengers who deliver food and drinks at home (by their own means and under the organization of the platforms). The work of the rider being of the new generation does not enjoy the typical protections of other jobs, since it is placed in a gray area between autonomy and subordination. Doctrine and jurisprudence have worked hard to better protect riders. The doctrine introduces a series of protections provided for by decree law 101 of 2019. The Courts of Justice elaborate different theses regarding the qualification of the employment relationship in different degrees of judgment. The sentences of the different levels of judgment (on the case of the Foodora riders) have a strong impact on our legal system. The rider is considered an employee, in the event that the coordination activity is decided unilaterally by the digital platform (which acts in all respects as an employer). Problems regarding the qualification of the relationship are reflected in the rider's protections. With the introduction of the Jobs Act and the decree law 101 of 2019, the first protections for riders are introduced. In the absence of specific legal provisions, an attempt was made to solve the problem regarding the protection of riders with the drafting of the "Charter of digital labor rights in the urban context". The Charter is a trilateral agreement born of collective autonomy with which a series of rights and protections for riders are established, as in the matter of remuneration. The difficulty in qualifying the employment relationship develops not only in our country but also at a European level and the different European systems arrive at conflicting decisions on how to qualify riders within the job categories and which protections to apply.
Recentemente il mercato di lavoro ha subito una grande evoluzione a livello digitale con l'avvento della Gig-Economy. Nell'ambito di questa rivoluzione digitale del mercato di lavoro, nascono le piattaforme digitali di lavoro, che offrono servizi in base alle richieste di mercato. Le piattaforme hanno il compito di far incontrare domanda e offerta di lavoro. Negli ultimi anni si sono sempre fatte più strada le piattaforme di food delivey, che si avvalgono di prestatori di lavoro chiamati riders. I rider sono ciclo fattorini che consegnano cibi e bevande a domicilio (con propri mezzi e sotto l'organizzazione delle piattaforme). Il lavoro del rider essendo di nuova generazione non gode delle tutele tipiche degli altri lavori, poiché si pone in una zona grigia tra autonomia e subordinazione. La dottrina e la giurisprudenza si sono impegnate al fine di tutelare maggiormente i riders. La dottrina introduce una serie di tutele previste dal decreto legge 101 del 2019. Le Corti di Giustizia elaborano diverse tesi in merito alla qualificazione del rapporto di lavoro in diversi gradi di giudizio. Le sentenze dei diversi gradi di giudizio (sul caso dei riders di Foodora ) hanno un forte impatto sul nostro ordinamento giuridico. I problemi in ambito di qualifica del rapporto si riflettono sulle tutele del rider. Con l'introduzione del Jobs Act e del decreto legge 101 del 2019 vengono introdotte le prime tutele per i rider. In assenza di specifiche disposizioni di legge, si è cercato di risolvere il problema in merito alla tutela del riders con l'elaborazione della "Carta dei diritti del lavoro digitale nel contesto urbano". La Carta è un accordo trilaterale nato dall'autonomia collettiva con il quale si stabiliscono una serie di diritti e tutele per i riders , come in materia di retribuzione. La difficoltà nella qualificazione del rapporto lavorativo si sviluppa non solo nel nostro paese ma anche a livello europeo e i differenti ordinamenti europee arrivano a decisioni contrastanti su come qualificare i riders all'interno delle categorie di lavoro e quali tutele applicare.
Il rapporto di lavoro dei riders
Recently the job market has undergone a great evolution on a digital level with the advent of the Gig-Economy. As part of this digital labor market revolution, digital work platforms are born, offering services based on market demands. The platforms have the task of bringing together supply and demand for work. In recent years, delivey food platforms have increasingly made their way, which make use of workers called riders. The riders are cycle messengers who deliver food and drinks at home (by their own means and under the organization of the platforms). The work of the rider being of the new generation does not enjoy the typical protections of other jobs, since it is placed in a gray area between autonomy and subordination. Doctrine and jurisprudence have worked hard to better protect riders. The doctrine introduces a series of protections provided for by decree law 101 of 2019. The Courts of Justice elaborate different theses regarding the qualification of the employment relationship in different degrees of judgment. The sentences of the different levels of judgment (on the case of the Foodora riders) have a strong impact on our legal system. The rider is considered an employee, in the event that the coordination activity is decided unilaterally by the digital platform (which acts in all respects as an employer). Problems regarding the qualification of the relationship are reflected in the rider's protections. With the introduction of the Jobs Act and the decree law 101 of 2019, the first protections for riders are introduced. In the absence of specific legal provisions, an attempt was made to solve the problem regarding the protection of riders with the drafting of the "Charter of digital labor rights in the urban context". The Charter is a trilateral agreement born of collective autonomy with which a series of rights and protections for riders are established, as in the matter of remuneration. The difficulty in qualifying the employment relationship develops not only in our country but also at a European level and the different European systems arrive at conflicting decisions on how to qualify riders within the job categories and which protections to apply.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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