The present elaborate is focused on the customer relationship in B2B markets, a topic not always analysed in literature due to the preference in analysing customers in B2C sector. Indeed, academics claim that B2B markets have been under-researched and that scholarly research in B2B context is needed (Zeynep Ata & Toker, 2012). However, it is widely acknowledge that customer relationship is one of the most important intangible asset to business success (Parry et al., 2012; Schertzer et al., 2013). The aim of this study is indeed the confirmation of the theoretical background, which will start from the importance of customer relationship, defined as a critical success factor, in B2B sector (Chong et al., 2011). Customer Relationship is also one of the nine basic blocks described by Osterwalder (2005) in its Business Model Canvas. Therefore, the elaborate will focus on which are the key pillars to build and maintain a solid and well-established customer relationship, such as trust, commitment (Hollyoake, 2009; Johns & Perrott, 2008; Richard et al., 2007), and all the other pillars which led to relationship quality (Bruhn, 2005), that inevitably generate customer satisfaction and a consequent retention of the customer (Guo & Wang, 2015). In addition, this work will consider the effects that technology inevitably had on customer relationship, especially in terms of interconnection with the clients, social media and their usage (Andersson & Wikström, 2017; Gáti et al., 2018; Karampela et al., 2020; Moore et al., 2015; Ogilvie et al., 2018) but also in terms of software to be used inside the firm itself, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Richard et al., 2007; Rodriguez & Honeycutt, 2011). Many companies, indeed, reported closer customer relationships and improved operational efficiencies in their customer-facing or down-stream process (Legner, 2008). Subsequently, there will be a focus on the role of salespeople, the main point of connection between firms and customers, as they play a lynchpin role in the creation of value (La Rocca & Snehota, 2014). Salespeople are also characterised by autonomy in their work and in the tasks related with customer relationship (Matthews et al., 2018) which is a source of stress and a potential cause of burnout, together with the external stress to which salespeople are subjected (Rangarajan et al., 2020). The research methodology is based on a single case study. Through participant observation and semi-structured interviews to sales executives, sales directors and managing directors, the elaborate aims to confirm what has been previously said in the literature. The sample has been chosen by the author to cover different position in different branches. The interviews have gone ahead until saturation, which means that new insight have not been provided by Interviewees. Moreover, during the presentation of the findings the present work takes in consideration some of the effects that the COVID-19 Pandemic has had on businesses, although the coronavirus outbreak is not a main research’s topic of this elaborate. As will be explained below, the packaging sector, in which ILPRA S.p.A., the subject of the case study, operates, suffered less than other businesses the outbreak of the pandemic. As anticipated, the Case Study in the present work regards ILPRA S.p.A. which is a firm in the packaging sector, especially in the food packaging sector. The ILPRA Group has several branches in: United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, United States of America and Russia. However, in this case study the branches considered in the analysis are the ones in UK and Middle East, as are the one in which the author of the elaborate has direct experience.
Il presente elaborato ha lo scopo di analizzare un argomento non molto diffuso in letteratura: le relazioni con clienti nei mercati B2B, imprescindibile asset intangibile e fattore critico di successo per le aziende, sebbene spesso trascurato in letteratura a favore di studi volti ad analizzare i mercati B2C e dunque i consumatori finali. Nel capitolo introduttivo verrà esplicata in breve la ricerca effettuata, la metodologia utilizzata, il caso di studio e l’approccio su cui è basato il lavoro. La revisione della letteratura mira a costruire un background teorico su cui basare lo studio svolto in questa tesi. Essa partirà da un’analisi sull’inizio della relazione con il cliente, molto dibattuta nei mercati B2B, in quanto non sempre evidenziata da un contratto. A seguire verranno analizzati i pilastri chiave per mantenere una relazione stabile e duratura (fiducia, impegno, valore, qualità della relazione, soddisfazione del cliente e la conseguente retention). Dopodiché, l’analisi si sposterà sulla tecnologia e su come lo sviluppo tecnologico, i social media e i nuovi software, quali i CRM, influenzano le relazioni con il cliente. Infine, l’analisi si verterà sul ruolo del venditore/commerciale, definito in letteratura come il maggior punto di contatto tra l’azienda e il cliente, in quanto il servizio offerto ai clienti nelle aziende che operano in mercati B2B, a livello di Business Model Canvas, viene definito “assistenza personale dedicata”, molto più intenso e impegnativo rispetto all’assistenza personale offerta da aziende operanti in mercati B2C. A seguire, verranno formulate delle domande di ricerca, volte ad analizzare i temi affrontati nella revisione della letteratura e a confermarli. Il capitolo “Methodology” analizza vari approcci di ricerca, focalizzandosi su quelli principali per il presente elaborato: l’intervista semi strutturata e l’osservazione tramite partecipazione. Le interviste sono state effettuate a dipendenti che ricoprono il ruolo di direttore, shareholder, direttore vendite e venditore nell’azienda oggetto del caso di studio, nella filiale inglese ed in quella mediorientale. I risultati di queste interviste sono riportati nel capitolo “Findings”. Il caso di studio su cui verte questo elaborato è l’azienda dove ho svolto un tirocinio curriculare della durata di 400 ore, a cui è seguito un contratto effettivo di lavoro. L’azienda principale ILPRA S.p.A. ha sede in Italia (Mortara, PV) e diverse filiali estere: Regno Unito (dove ho svolto il tirocinio), Spagna, Medio Oriente, Hong Kong, Germania, Olanda, Stati Uniti, ed infine Russia. L’azienda si occupa della produzione, vendita e assistenza su macchinari industriali per il packaging alimentare, non-alimentare e medico. Inoltre, si occupa della vendita o dell’indirizzamento al fornitore per tutti i materiali necessari alla realizzazione del prodotto finito (nello specifico, vaschette e film). A seguire, il capitolo “Discussion” riporterà un collegamento tra ciò che è emerso dalle interviste e ciò che viene affermato dalla letteratura, al fine di verificare o confutare quanto detto in precedenza. Infine, il capitolo finale “Managerial Implications” è dedicato alle conclusioni di questo elaborato e ad alcuni suggerimenti volti a migliorare la gestione delle relazioni con i clienti nel settore manifatturiero in un mercato B2B. Esso racchiude, inoltre, i limiti percepiti durante questo studio, pertanto le conclusioni tratte da questo lavoro non possono essere generalizzate, ma analizzate insieme al contesto in cui è stata svolta la ricerca. Tuttavia, il presente elaborato può dare inizio a nuovi studi sull’argomento.
Customer Relationships in B2B Markets: a Case Study on the effects of Technology and the role of Salespeople
The present elaborate is focused on the customer relationship in B2B markets, a topic not always analysed in literature due to the preference in analysing customers in B2C sector. Indeed, academics claim that B2B markets have been under-researched and that scholarly research in B2B context is needed (Zeynep Ata & Toker, 2012). However, it is widely acknowledge that customer relationship is one of the most important intangible asset to business success (Parry et al., 2012; Schertzer et al., 2013). The aim of this study is indeed the confirmation of the theoretical background, which will start from the importance of customer relationship, defined as a critical success factor, in B2B sector (Chong et al., 2011). Customer Relationship is also one of the nine basic blocks described by Osterwalder (2005) in its Business Model Canvas. Therefore, the elaborate will focus on which are the key pillars to build and maintain a solid and well-established customer relationship, such as trust, commitment (Hollyoake, 2009; Johns & Perrott, 2008; Richard et al., 2007), and all the other pillars which led to relationship quality (Bruhn, 2005), that inevitably generate customer satisfaction and a consequent retention of the customer (Guo & Wang, 2015). In addition, this work will consider the effects that technology inevitably had on customer relationship, especially in terms of interconnection with the clients, social media and their usage (Andersson & Wikström, 2017; Gáti et al., 2018; Karampela et al., 2020; Moore et al., 2015; Ogilvie et al., 2018) but also in terms of software to be used inside the firm itself, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Richard et al., 2007; Rodriguez & Honeycutt, 2011). Many companies, indeed, reported closer customer relationships and improved operational efficiencies in their customer-facing or down-stream process (Legner, 2008). Subsequently, there will be a focus on the role of salespeople, the main point of connection between firms and customers, as they play a lynchpin role in the creation of value (La Rocca & Snehota, 2014). Salespeople are also characterised by autonomy in their work and in the tasks related with customer relationship (Matthews et al., 2018) which is a source of stress and a potential cause of burnout, together with the external stress to which salespeople are subjected (Rangarajan et al., 2020). The research methodology is based on a single case study. Through participant observation and semi-structured interviews to sales executives, sales directors and managing directors, the elaborate aims to confirm what has been previously said in the literature. The sample has been chosen by the author to cover different position in different branches. The interviews have gone ahead until saturation, which means that new insight have not been provided by Interviewees. Moreover, during the presentation of the findings the present work takes in consideration some of the effects that the COVID-19 Pandemic has had on businesses, although the coronavirus outbreak is not a main research’s topic of this elaborate. As will be explained below, the packaging sector, in which ILPRA S.p.A., the subject of the case study, operates, suffered less than other businesses the outbreak of the pandemic. As anticipated, the Case Study in the present work regards ILPRA S.p.A. which is a firm in the packaging sector, especially in the food packaging sector. The ILPRA Group has several branches in: United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, United States of America and Russia. However, in this case study the branches considered in the analysis are the ones in UK and Middle East, as are the one in which the author of the elaborate has direct experience.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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