The present research deals with the pronominal strategies in the narratives of personal experiences by Romanian immigrants in Italy. The assumption of this work is that identity is not a monolithic and taken-for-granted concept, but the result of a continuous process that involves also language and its use. In this regard, personal pronouns play a special role: by being indexical elements, they can make a direct connection between text and context. As for the method, in this research were used both questionnaires and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Questionnaires aimed at taking information about sociocultural and linguistics aspects of the subjects, whereas semi-structured interviews were used for collecting the corpus of narrations of personal experiences. After the data’s collection, I employed the research protocol designed by Labov and Waletzky (Labov & Waletzky: 1967) for the analysis of oral stories, and I also used the strategies employed by De Fina (De Fina: 2003) in her study on the narratives of undocumented Mexican immigrants in the USA. For this analysis I have classified the collected narratives in three types depending on the social orientation: (1) individualistic narratives, which mainly present the first person singular pronoun, (2) collectivistic narratives, which present the first person plural pronoun, and (3) second person narrative, which present the second person singular pronoun. This classification showed that Romanian immigrants systematically prefer to employ individualistic strategies in their narratives of personal experience, adopting the cultural system of the Western culture. I’ve also focused my attention on the distribution of pronouns and pronominal switches inside the narratives, in order to find where the identity is displayed and negotiated. Indeed, in the individualistic and second person narratives the identity is mainly vehiculated through evaluation clauses (i.e., the clauses that show the narrator’s point of view), whereas in the collectivistic narratives the identity seems to be displayed by the complication clauses, that is the clauses that constitute the series of events ordered chronologically.
La presente tesi di laurea magistrale consiste in uno studio sulle strategie pronominali impiegate all’interno delle narrazioni di esperienze personali raccontate da immigrati rumeni residenti principalmente nella provincia di Lodi. L’assunto su cui si basa questa ricerca è che l’identità è il risultato di un processo di costruzione continuo e che questa possa essere veicolata e negoziata attraverso le strategie linguistiche del parlante, in virtù del fatto che è la stessa lingua a costruire e veicolare all’appartenenza a determinati gruppi sociali. Tra tutti gli elementi linguistici, i pronomi personali si prestano bene ad un’analisi dell’identità poiché essendo gli elementi indessicali per eccellenza hanno la capacità di creare un legame diretto tra il testo e il contesto. La ricerca è stata condotta attraverso la somministrazione di questionari, aventi come obiettivo delineare i profili socioculturali dei soggetti, ed interviste semi-strutturate, con lo scopo di elicitare le narrazioni di esperienze personali. Una volta ottenuti i dati, questi sono stati analizzati seguendo la metodologia proposta da Labov e Waletzky (Labov & Waletzky: 1967) nel loro studio sulle narrazioni orali di esperienze personali e quella adottata da De Fina (De Fina: 2003) per l’analisi dei racconti di immigrati irregolari messicani negli USA. Le narrazioni sono state suddivise in tre tipologie a seconda della social orientation manifestata dai pronomi: racconti individualistici presentati attraverso il pronome di prima persona singolare, racconti collettivistici, riportati mediante il pronome di prima persona plurale, ed infine racconti narrati in seconda persona singolare. Da questa prima classificazione emerge la tendenza degli immigrati rumeni a prediligere i racconti di tipo individualistico, in linea con il sistema di valori promosso dalla cultura occidentale, mentre i racconti collettivistici e in seconda persona ricoprono un ruolo marginale all’interno del corpus. Successivamente si è analizzata la distribuzione dei pronomi e dei cambi pronominali all’interno delle narrazioni, in modo da individuare quali sono le parti costitutive della narrazione in cui si veicolano e si negoziano le identità. Da questa analisi emerge che nei racconti individualistici e in quelli in seconda persona, le identità vengono veicolate principalmente in quelle che Labov e Waletzky definiscono evaluation clauses, ossia quelle frasi che hanno lo scopo di esprimere il punto di vista del narratore nei confronti degli eventi narrati. Nei racconti collettivistici, invece, l’identità invece viene manifestata attraverso le complication clauses, ossia le frasi che costituiscono la serie di eventi ordinati cronologicamente.
Pronomi e identità: strategie linguistiche nelle narrazioni di immigrati rumeni
The present research deals with the pronominal strategies in the narratives of personal experiences by Romanian immigrants in Italy. The assumption of this work is that identity is not a monolithic and taken-for-granted concept, but the result of a continuous process that involves also language and its use. In this regard, personal pronouns play a special role: by being indexical elements, they can make a direct connection between text and context. As for the method, in this research were used both questionnaires and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Questionnaires aimed at taking information about sociocultural and linguistics aspects of the subjects, whereas semi-structured interviews were used for collecting the corpus of narrations of personal experiences. After the data’s collection, I employed the research protocol designed by Labov and Waletzky (Labov & Waletzky: 1967) for the analysis of oral stories, and I also used the strategies employed by De Fina (De Fina: 2003) in her study on the narratives of undocumented Mexican immigrants in the USA. For this analysis I have classified the collected narratives in three types depending on the social orientation: (1) individualistic narratives, which mainly present the first person singular pronoun, (2) collectivistic narratives, which present the first person plural pronoun, and (3) second person narrative, which present the second person singular pronoun. This classification showed that Romanian immigrants systematically prefer to employ individualistic strategies in their narratives of personal experience, adopting the cultural system of the Western culture. I’ve also focused my attention on the distribution of pronouns and pronominal switches inside the narratives, in order to find where the identity is displayed and negotiated. Indeed, in the individualistic and second person narratives the identity is mainly vehiculated through evaluation clauses (i.e., the clauses that show the narrator’s point of view), whereas in the collectivistic narratives the identity seems to be displayed by the complication clauses, that is the clauses that constitute the series of events ordered chronologically.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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